Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1460: Wan Jian Gui Zong

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Chapter 1460 Wanjian Return

Bang ~~ Bang ~~

Thunder thunders in the sky.

Then the clouds rolled, the sky was dark, and then snow began to fall.

But the snow is red.

It is astonishing that the blood freezes and freezes.

Not only that, but also a whining sound, which sounded when the snow was falling.

It seems that God is crying, and is sad for the death of the rain monster leader!

"What? The sky is thundering, the sky is snowing ... and the sky is crying?"

"Is there a strong man who fell into the sky, four or five, who fell? Who is that man?"

Everyone was surprised when they saw the vision of heaven and earth.

Afterwards, they all stared at the source of the birth of the heaven and earth vision.

Immediately, Cheng Feng was standing with a knife in the sky, but the divine rain demon priest was on the spot.

All of a sudden, everyone's head was covered!

"The rain demon lord is actually the rain demon lord!"

"The Rain Demon Lord, who was rebuilt for the fifth time, was actually chopped by Cheng Feng?"

At this moment, not only Qiandingfeng was shocked.

The entire Blackwater County, and even Qianlong County, Longyuan County, Nakasu, etc., around Heishui County are also moving.

Gaze up one by one, looking at the source of the snow and snow.

However, Heishui County, Qianding Peak.

Cheng Feng did not move much.

Because he knew deeply that under the blessing of the new emperor fire.

It is natural to kill the rain demon lord himself.

"Water defeats fire, but if the fire is strong enough, it can counterattack water."

Cheng Feng looked at the Newborn Emperor Fire wrapped around the Devil Sword, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and whispered, "Although the Newborn Emperor Fire has reached a super different fire level."

"But as long as you don't run into the rumors of" True Water ", the water in the world can be overcome!"

True water is an alien species in water.

Like a different fire in a flame, it was terrifying.

In fact, the "Magic Rain" cultivated by the Lord of the Rain Demon is also a kind of real water.

Unfortunately, the level is too weak, and it was burned into **** by the new emperor every minute!

"Resolved the leader of the rain demon. Next, it is the turn of President Tiansha."

Cheng Feng rushed, and picked up the corpse of the rain monster leader.

Then his eyes turned, staring at the president of Tiansha who was trapped by Long Aotian.

That day, the president of Shakai was equivalent to the leader of the rain demon, and it was also the fifth most important thing.

Since being trapped by Long Aotian in the formation method, he urged his full strength and bombarded wildly.

At this moment, the formation that besieged him was about to be crushed.

"Damn reptile, when this president gets out of trouble, he will peel and cramp you and stew it into a pot of soup!"

While the president of Tiansha attacked the formation, he looked at Long Aotian with cold eyes, showing a greedy look.

However, before he took action, two blade-like eyes, Huo Ran shot on his back.

Suddenly tightened his body and raised a layer of goosebumps!

I had to turn around and see Cheng Feng, who was transcending murderous intentions.

All of a sudden, my heart became cold!

"Damn it, **** it!"

President Tiansha's face was iron-blue, and the feeling of death was around him: "Cheng Feng actually eyed me!"

"What do I do?"

"Just now, Yufeng was killed by Cheng Feng!"

"If Cheng Feng moves me, then ..."

President Tiansha thought so.

Suddenly, Cheng Feng moved.

I saw it suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, it was already on the side of Long Aotian.

"Cheng Feng, you are such a pervert!"

At this time, Long Aotian was still in the shock of Cheng Feng's stabbing of the leader of the rain demon.

When I saw Cheng Feng, I couldn't help it.

"But beheaded and killed an evil clutter. Don't be so surprised."

Cheng Feng waved his hand, and went straight to the topic: "Okay, don't hold back, speed up with me and cook this day's president!"

"You guy, Ben Ben is really convinced."

Long Aotian shook his head and smiled at Cheng Feng, who had beheaded and killed the fifth strongest man who climbed to the sky, but did not change his face.

Then without ink, he said directly, "Cheng Feng, don't rush into it."

"I'll get some appetizers for this day's president!"

While talking, Long Aotian took out a long, small, compact stone.

Taking a quick look at the president of Tiansha, he crushed the stone.

嘭 ~ 嘭 嘭 嘭 ~~

The moment when the long stone was crushed by Long Aotian.

The siege of the siege of Tiansha will suddenly burst open.

Because it was too sudden, it was the chairman of that day that was fried, and it was quite embarrassed.

"Abominable reptiles, the President killed you!"

The president of the Tiansha Society has never been more embarrassed than today.

After the siege of his siege was broken, he did not run away in the first place, but instead grabbed a thin sword in his hand and stabbed Long Aotian.

However, not waiting for Tiansha will hit Long Aotian.

Hum! A blade of light with a red flame burst at him!

When Daoguang hits Tiansha, the sword in the hand of the president will suddenly bend.

At the same time, there was a wave of burning fire, rushing along the sword to the president of Tiansha.

This fire wave is a bit hot.

The blink of an eye actually made the whole sword red and perm soft, and it seemed to be melted away and burned into molten iron.

The most terrifying thing is that the temperature on the hilt has soared to a scary level.

Even if the President of the Tiansha Society is a fifth-strength strongman, he can't bear it.

The sword-making hand made a gurgling noise, and the smell of scorching smell filled!

Almost out of an instinct, Tiansha would loosen his sword.

The thin sword in his hand fell, and his hand was burnt with flesh.

However, just as President Tiansha threw away his sword, Cheng Feng stepped forward and cut out the sword.

"Not good, fooled!"

In the face of the red sword light cut by Cheng Feng, Tiansha will have a sudden change of face.

Instantly came to understand, Cheng Feng's knife just now was mainly to force him to discard the sword in his hand.

And he was not bad for a while, but he was taken aback and discarded the top Taoist sword.

In this case, he suddenly did not have the weapon to block Cheng Feng's sword.

Carrying it hard with flesh and blood is simply death!

"Tiansha swordsmanship, Wanjian return to the ancestors!"

However, President Tiansha is a super master with rich experience in fighting.

After losing the weapon, my heart was only a moment of chaos, and then calmed down.

Do not dare to neglect, show the Emperor-level martial arts Tiansha swordsmanship.

Suddenly, 咻咻 咻咻 ~~~

Swords of gas suddenly burst out of the president of the Tiansha Society.

Not only that, with the President of the Tiansha Society as the center, within a few hundred miles, every sword was full of vitality.

Then he took in all the rivers and flew in the direction where President Tiansha was.

Then, Cheng Feng Cheng Feng!

"Wanjian returning to Zong? Interesting!"

This kind of sword qi from all directions is mixed.

There are slender qi, sturdy qi, feminine jian qi, and tricky jian qi ... all kinds of qi qi are included.

Cheng Feng's mind gave birth to the illusion that one person attacked 10,000 kendo masters alone.

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