Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1462: Battle of the Dead

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Chapter 146 Fighting the Underworld

At this time, everyone was still in the shock of being cut by the president of the Tiansha Society.

Cheng Feng's gaze swept away, and he saw a pair of shocked and fearful eyes.

In particular, the corpse guardian who was fighting Pei Feng was full of anger.

It never occurred to him that Cheng Feng was so strong.

Killing the fifth strongest man on the sky is like killing a chicken!

It caused a huge wave in his heart, and his emotions were greatly impacted.

The protection of the corpse, Xiu Wei is the fifth top of the sky.

He was not originally an opponent of Pei Feng, the master of the Black Water Palace. At this time, his emotions were frustrated, and the response suddenly slowed.

Launched a crazy attack and was beaten by Pei Feng.

Maybe it won't be long before they will be defeated by Pei Feng and then killed.

As for the yin and yang rudder masters and fish extension rudder masters fighting with the dragon dragon lice and small gold, the impact was greater.

Because Cheng Feng can easily kill the fifth strongest man in the sky, if it is against them, would it be no different from crushing the two ants?

Therefore, in the moment of Cheng Feng killed the President of the Tiansha Club.

The two masters of the yin and yang cast off Xiao Jin at once, each performed their martial arts skills and fled to the horizon.

"Want to escape?"

In the sky, when Cheng Feng saw the two escaped yin and yang helm masters, his eyes shot deadly.

Ready to catch up and kill them.

"Cheng Feng, these two are entrusted to Ben Shao."

Just then, Long Aotian suddenly sang.

The golden dragon's body fluttered, and it was so loud ~~~

They chased towards the fleeing Yin Canghe.

"Leave these two to you ... Alright!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng stopped his pursuit: "Anyway, with your current strength, there is no problem in killing the two Yin Canghe."

"I happened to be free to help Brother Pei solve the mess of the corpse."

The yin and yang rudder master and Yu Tuo rudder master, the only way to reach the sky is to repair the capital.

And Long Aotian, the worst combat ability is comparable to Dengtian fourth.

Just now, I had been holding on to the president of the Heavenly Heaven Society for a while, and it was no longer Wuxia Amon.

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng's eyes looked west of the horizon.

I saw the corpse guarding method under Pei Feng's mad attack, has been defeated, and quite embarrassed.

In particular, when Cheng Feng's eyes looked at the past, the corpse guardian was frightened, and his combat effectiveness diminished.

Pei Feng seized the opportunity to storm and put several wounds on his body.

"Cheng Feng, this little beast, is really too strong."

"And it seemed as if I had been prepared for the attack of mine and so many people were trapped in a purple banner."

"And beheaded Yumo and Tiansha on the spot!"

"No, I must leave before Cheng Feng does not come."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid I will die here!"

At the end of the battle, the secret protection of the corpse came to an end, and there was an immediate decision.

I saw his two dry claws lifted up and grabbed Pei Feng vigorously.

Buzzing ~~~

All the horrible ghost claws suddenly appeared, grabbing at Pei Feng.

After finishing this wave of attacks, the corpse protector stabbed into the void with both hands and pulled hard.


The void was ripped through a large crack by him.

As soon as the cold eyes swept Cheng Feng, he intended to plunge into the void and fled away!

"If you want to come, go, if you want to go, are you a display for Pei Feng?"

Seeing this, Pei Feng shook the black water flag in his hand.


The black water flag rose in the wind and turned into a black ocean.

When he rushed out, he immediately shattered the heavy ghost claws from the corpse protection method, and the impact was fragmented.

Then the demise of the black wangyang continued, crushing the void, and headed straight for the corpse protection.

"Dead Mountain, stop this protection!"

At this moment, the corpse guardian spirit thought to communicate with his old nest.

Om ~~~

A corpse mountain was moved out of the old nest stiffly, and ran across the raging black ocean.

Corpse mountain is a mountain piled with corpses.

The corpse was overwhelmed and pervaded, giving a ghostly feeling.

When it was moved out by the corpse protection method, it barely blocked the impact of the black water flag of the semi-holy artifact of the Black Water Palace, and secured the corpse protection time.

One step into the torn void, ready to walk away.

"Undead, you don't want to escape!"

However, at this critical juncture, Cheng Feng's killing voice came.

Immediately afterwards, seven brilliant stars lit up in the north of the sky.

When the big star shines to the extreme, bang bang bang bang ~~~

Each cold starlight burst like a sky knife.

The void where the corpse guardian was about to escape was chopped and forced out.

"Cheng Feng, you are looking for death!"

A good escape plan was destroyed by Cheng Feng when he was about to succeed.

This made the corpse protector angry and mad, anxious to swallow Cheng Fengsheng.

However, these thoughts can only be considered in my heart.

The most important thing is to escape from here as soon as possible.

Therefore, the corpse guardian clamored very madly, but the actual action was nothing.

One ripped the void back, ready to escape again.

However, the inconvenience of the invisible corpse's troubles in finding Cheng Feng has caused Cheng Feng to kill him.

At this moment, I have the opportunity to completely kill the other party.

After waiting for the invisible corpse to drill into the torn void crack, Cheng Feng was another Emperor Cangdao cut off.

Run away the way to protect the corpse, cut off stiffly.

After three times like this, Bang ~~~

Pei Feng has submerged the corpse mountain where the corpse protection method has been moved with the help of the semi-sacred weapon black water flag.

A pair of transpirational gazes stared at the corpse guardian.

Then no nonsense, Hei Shui Gong Zhen Gong Jue Hei Shui Bu Tian Gong was displayed by Pei Feng, and he launched a lore to protect the corpse!

This time, Pei Feng's firepower was full, and his combat power was horrible.

In addition to Cheng Feng's cooperation with the Emperor's Cang Sword technique, all the retreats of the Inner Corps' protection were immediately cut off.

Can only bite the bullet and fight with Cheng Feng.

In just a minute or two, the corpse guarding could not stand up and was badly wounded.

But he couldn't escape, and death seemed to have become his only way out!

"The corpse, you sneak into my Qianlong Academy and roll away the painting of the reincarnation body of the King of the Yin and Yang."

"The curtain that the blood gods invaded my feathered gods opened."

Cheng Feng, while attacking the protection of the corpse, said: "It can be said that this battle of righteousness and evil was initiated by you."

"You ... sin should die!"

"Now, the time has come for you to pay!"

Cheng Feng's words are true.

The corpse protection method can be called the fuse of the blood gods invading the feathered gods.

However, the protection of the corpse is only a horse pawn. Even if there is no protection of the corpse, there are other evil warriors leading this.

This disaster of blood gods is already doomed!

"Cheng Feng, you want me to die, you are not qualified!"

Facing Cheng Feng's words, the corpse guardian shouted: "Wait, wait for the moment when my corpse returns."

"It must make you Qianlong College blood flow into the river, and Cheng Feng **** his head to become a slave of this seat!"

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