Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1467: Situation reversal

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Chapter 146 The Situation Reverses

"Well, Yu Yu is right."

Xiao Jinyu said: "The seven of us are pieced together and are not very familiar."

"About half an hour ago, I chased down an evil master and chased all the way from Nakasu to Heishui County."

"When I was about to kill the man, Gao Fei appeared and helped me kill the evil master completely."

"That's why I met Goofy."

"It seems that the two met with Gao Fei.

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng raised a brow: "What about the other three people? What is their relationship with Gao Fei and Yu Qianfan?"

"Gao Fei is very treacherous and has a good relationship with almost everyone."

Xiao Jinyu said: "Yu Qianfan's words are very close to Jinquan. It seems to be an old relationship."

"Jinquan? Who is Jinquan?"

"It's over there."

Xiao Jinyu raised his hand.

Cheng Feng looked along the direction of Xiao Jinyu's fingers and suddenly saw a bearded man.

This bearded man is obviously not very emotional.

Seeing Cheng Feng looking at him, he immediately said, "This matter has nothing to do with me, and I don't know that Yu Qianfan will be an undercover cult."

"Senior Jinquan, don't get excited."

Cheng Feng landed from the sky and came to Jinquan. "I know this matter has nothing to do with you.

During the conversation, Cheng Feng opened the eyes of the God of Fortune and made a careful observation of Jinquan.

It was found that Jinquan was not abnormal except for nervousness.

Of course, this may also be the deliberate disguise of Jinquan.

Hide all the abnormal situations.

"You ask." Jin Quan cooperated.

Take a deep breath and look straight into Cheng Feng's eyes.

"Are you familiar with Yu Qianfan? When did you walk together and have you noticed anything unusual during that period?"

Cheng Feng did not talk nonsense, straight to the topic.

"I know Yu Qianfan very well, and have been dating for more than ten years."

Jin Quan said: "Since the blood gods invaded, after Yu Qianfan's family was destroyed, he came to me and stayed together."

"At that time, Qian Fan was very wrong. He talked upside down and many things were forgotten."

"I thought it was caused by the blow after the Qianfan family was destroyed."

"Now it seems that the real Yu Qianfan is dead. The one who was just Yu Qianfan just now is disguised by the evil faction."

At this point, Jin Quan's mood became a little excited: "I'm really a jerk, but I didn't find any clues."

"Or, although I found that Yu Qianfan wasn't right, I didn't think much."

"This directly led to the destruction of my family and the killing of several good friends ..."

"My Jinquan, it's really a jerk, a big **** !!!"

Jinquan was a little out of control and hissed and growled.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng couldn't help sighing.

Everything is already obvious, the real Yu Qianfan has already died.

As for Yu Qianfan, who was killed by Cheng Feng, he was disguised as an evil master who is proficient in Yirong.

Jin Quan is a man with a lot of affection and righteousness, but he is too heavy.

The result was used by him, not only the family was destroyed, but also many friends were killed.

"Senior Jinquan, mourn it!"

Cheng Feng at this time did not know what to say.

I can only comfort Jinquan and turn his eyes, ready to ask the other two righteous warriors.

See if you can ask something from his mouth.

However, without waiting for Cheng Feng to put it into action, bang ~~~

A hundred miles away, the sound of the Zijin banner suddenly sounded a deafening sound.

Immediately afterwards, the earth shook violently.

A layer of sand and dust condensed into a wave, and torrential floods generally opened up.

"Damn it, some of the top evil fighters have exploded."

In the rolling dust, Cheng Feng raised his eyes and watched.

Suddenly seeing a hundred miles away, the formation of the three men who sealed the sixth guardian of the Blood Gods was destroyed by a terrorist force.

The Zijin banner jumped from the ground with a shock.

Fortunately, Pei Feng and Long Aotian were protected by the Black Water Banner before the explosion and were not injured.

As for Hell's melanoma, it was unscathed.

Only with this explosion, the sixth guardian of the Blood Gods, and the fifth ascendant from the sky, immediately emerged from the trap.

Turned into two electric lights, flew straight to the sky.

"Qian Cang, you can't escape!"

The blood god's sixth guardian just fled, and an angry drink sounded.

Then, a black ocean suddenly appeared in the sky.

Rolling up the surging waves, they rushed towards the sixth protection law.

At the same time, wow ~

A black-and-white robe rose to the wind, turned into a curtain covering the sky, and rolled to another fugitive evil strong.

It is the Chiyan Robe controlled by Hell's Black Flame!

But just then, boom!

A super giant appeared from the sky.

I saw this super giant, burning fierce flames all over the body.

As soon as he appeared, he punched fiercely at Pei Feng, who was pursuing the sixth guardian of the Blood Gods.

This fist was so violent that he actually stopped Pei Feng's black sea from being stunned and stopped in the air.

So that Qian Qiang, escaped a disaster.

At the same time, on the other side, a middle-aged man with large ears appeared.

The body's divine power erupted and a huge palm was punched into Chiyanpao.

Beating Chiyan Robe slightly, the evil faction ascends to the fifth strongest man, and immediately escapes the envelope of Chiyan Robe.

In addition, just above the Zijin banner, there was a wave in the void.

A middle-aged man in a runic robe appeared, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the purple banner.

He wanted to **** the Zijin banner and rescue the imitation body of the God of Red Flame.

But at this time, Cheng Feng had already reacted.

Yaoyao beckoned to the Zijin banner, 咻 ~~~

The Zijin banner immediately turned into a purple light, blasting towards Cheng Feng.

By the time Cheng Feng arrived, he had become a thick child.

No one could take it away by Cheng Feng holding it in his hand.

"It deserves me Cheng Feng!"

After folding up the Zijin banner, Cheng Feng said solemnly: "The fifth guardian of the Blood Gods teaches against God, the fourth guardian of Chen Taicang, and the second elder's clone is second to none.

"Do you want to leave me Cheng Feng forever at Qian Dingfeng?"

The three masters who just struck were the fifth guardian, the fourth guardian, and the second elder's second match.

All three of them, but the existence of blood gods.

Each deity can level a first-class gate.

The arrival of these three people immediately changed the battle situation.

Originally, Cheng Feng and others had the absolute upper hand, but now, it's hard to say.

What's more troublesome is that the evil fighters who came this time were not just Chen Taicang.

Behind him, there are a large number of people.

Although the repair is not very high, the quantity can be quite large.

Joining forces to attack and kill is also a big trouble!

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