Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1471: Then cut the second match

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Chapter 147: Another Cut, Second Unmatched

"Haha, no, Cheng Feng can't!"

"His strongest knife attack was also restrained by the second elder."

"This time, see how he lives!"

All around, seeing the scene where Dao Guang fell into the lotus bush, all the evil warriors were overjoyed.

He had great confidence in killing Cheng Feng.

But the second one is not so optimistic.

Because he found that although the knife light cut out by Cheng Feng was entangled by 'Wan Lian Kai Kai', he could not quickly crush it.

On the contrary, he was constantly pounding and ramming, consuming his life.

If it goes on for a long time, wouldn't he consume him alive?

The second unmatched eyes stared, which directly evoked more sources of life.

Intensive to kill Cheng Feng.

In this way, we can never suffer future troubles.

However, the second incomparable action, Cheng Feng also began to exert force.

I saw that his firepower was full, and **** black inflammation was poured into the source of fire in his body, and no money was urged.

Let that dazzling blade of light become increasingly arrogant.

The speed of advancement in the lotus bush is getting faster and faster.

The palms of the blossoming lotus were cut open, and the lotus bush was cut into a long and narrow knife mark.

"Abominable little beast!"

Seeing this, the second one was mad.

Increase the perfusion of the origin of life again.

However, as soon as he started, Cheng Feng immediately followed.

Anyway, there are still many sources of fire that Hell's black flames pour into Cheng Feng's body.

Compared to consumption, Cheng Feng is not afraid at all, even so happy.

Under this situation, the second match is a bit difficult for some riders. With the passage of life in large numbers, his face became extremely pale.

After a few more minutes of stalemate, the second match was instantly unbearable, timid and ready to withdraw.

Because if you continue to do so, you will have to explain here before you kill Cheng Feng.

However, the second matchless wants to withdraw, but Cheng Feng doesn't want to.

He even threw out the Nether Pot directly.


When the Nether Pot reached the thick lotus, a red flame burst out.

Suddenly, the lotus bush lit a fire.

In an instant, I don't know how many lotus flowers were lit and burned into fly ash!

This made the second matchless face pale, and a feeling of death rose in his heart.

If you dare not neglect and cut off the infusion of the source of life directly, you will flee.

But it's late!

At this time, Cheng Feng had exhibited the fourth style of Emperor Cang Sword, cut out a horrible sword, and beheaded him.

"Jizang Shenzhang, the town demon!"

At a critical moment, the second matchless hurriedly rushed out of Jizo to resist.

However, his palm blocked Cheng Feng's sword.

Behind him, a crimson flame struck.

Burn the lotus bush out of a passage and roll it over him.

That red flame, super scary.

Just one roll on the body of the second innocent, but the second innocent skin was burned, and the fire was poisoned.

At this time, Cheng Feng's second sword light fell from the sky.

Stabbing ~~~

Cut off the second unmatched body.

The second matchless body suddenly broke open and split into two pieces!

"What? Be chopped?"

"A clone of the second elder of Dangxue Xueshen was actually killed by Cheng Feng?"

Not far away, when Yu Fang and others saw the scene, their heads buzzed and they were completely stunned.

You know, not long ago, they were still worried about Cheng Feng.

Unexpectedly, after a few minutes, Cheng Feng counterattacked the Jedi, beheading the second matchless.

It's just incredible and creepy.

"Oh my god, the second elder was killed by Cheng Feng?"

Compared with Yu Fang and others, the evil warriors were more shocked.

Some were shivering and their hearts almost exploded.

Even the people of Wushen, Chen Taicang, Qian Cang, and Wandumen are no exception.

Even under the shock of his heart, Pei Feng and Hei Hei Yan seized the opportunity and was almost hit.

In the sky, Cheng Feng did not respond.

After slashing the second matchless body in one fell swoop, he quickly displayed the Soul Mark.

Bang ~~~

He bombarded several times towards the second ruptured body before he relaxed.

Because after reaching the level of second matchless, Xiuwei is very difficult to kill.

Once the divine mind escapes, it won't take long before it will be resurrected with blood.

Although there is a blood elder second elder, the second match is immortal and can be quickly rebuilt.

But the destruction of divine thoughts can make the blood elder second elder consume one more divine thoughts.

"Whew, dead, second matchless was killed by me!"

After the second matchless match was destroyed, Cheng Feng Changsong sighed: "This feeling ... it's really cool!"

Speaking of which, the second matchless has been killed once by Cheng Feng.

This time, it's just a repeat of the old thing.

The feeling of no process peak, but more excited than the last time.

Because last time, Cheng Feng relied on the power of Qianlong's formation, which can be called crushing.

Before the reaction, the four elders of the second elder were all crushed on the spot.

Participation is really too weak.

This time, it was different. Although Cheng Feng still used external forces, he personally participated in the battle, and he was second to none.

Involuntarily in my heart, a kind of hearty feeling was produced, and she was transparent!

"With the inferno of Hell's black flames, I can already kill ordinary sixth ascendants."

Cheng Feng whispered: "However, you can't be proud of it."

"Because the second incomparable is an exception. It is a clone created by the second elder of the blood gods. There are omissions."

"If you are up against other sixth ascendants in the sky, I am afraid that it may not be so easy to kill!"

"And, after all, this is using external forces."

"I also need to work harder to strive to promote the ten dragon powers to the extreme as soon as possible, survive the calamity, and enter the heaven!"

"Climbing to heaven is the real big stage!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng's thoughts converged.

Take out the Nether Pot and put away the second corpse broken into two pieces.

Then he slashed the demon sword with his hand and looked at the evil martial arts men who attacked Yu Fang and others.

"It's time to close!"

Cheng Feng put away the Void Pot and said coldly, "First, kill these weaker evil clutter, and then concentrate on solving Chen Taicang's four!"

Saying, Cheng Feng's sword in the hands of the sword was thrown, 唰 ~~~

A dazzling blade of light shone out.

噗噗 噗噗 ~~~

On the spot, dozens of evil warriors were cut into fly ash.

"Oh, Cheng Feng is here!"

"Escape, run away."

"Otherwise, no doubt!"

After seeing Cheng Feng with just one stab, he killed a large number of evil warriors.

The remaining evil fighters lost their heart.

There was no courage to fight Cheng Feng at all.

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