Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1473: Siege Sixth Guard

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Chapter 147 The Sixth Law of Siege

"All poisonous **** fist, poison all over the world!"

At the critical moment, Wan Du Men master fight.

The poison that has accumulated in my body for many years is directly urged.

Then he performed the strongest move of Wandu Shenquan and hit Cheng Feng a dozen miles away.

Amazingly, he has to fight for his life, forcing Cheng Feng to take the initiative to withdraw his attack.

So that the current crisis can't be broken!

But a scary scene appeared.

In the face of the horrific poisoning attack of Wandumen master, Cheng Feng didn't mean to withdraw his sword and defend himself.

It seems that if you give up your life, you also want to kill the masters of all drugs!

"What's going on? Is Cheng Feng's little animal dead?"

Seeing this, Wan Duanmen was startled.

In his opinion, Cheng Feng has a great future and he will definitely not fight with himself.

When his poison comes, he will definitely withdraw his attack to protect himself.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng went crazy and wanted to fight with him.

What a hell!

"Cheng Feng is cheating me, it must be."

The tyrannical sword cuts and makes the scalp numb.

But Wandumen's eyes were red, and he yelled, "He is the first genius in the righteous camp, and his achievements are limitless, and he certainly won't end up with me."

"A fearless look at the moment is just a bluff."

"The intention is to scare me away, so that he can kill me without blood!"

"But I'm so scared, am I scared?"

Thinking of this, the master of Wandumen became fierce and stopped paying attention to the sword light that was cut off.

A pair of eyes stared at Cheng Feng, urging Wandushenquan to become more and more turbulent.

He was convinced that Cheng Feng would withdraw Daoguang at the last moment and defend himself from the Wandu Shenquan.

However, when the last moment came, the lords of Wandumen were disappointed.

Cheng Feng didn't remove Daoguang, but chopped Daoguang fiercely on Wandu.

Suddenly, the master of Wandumen was killed by several swords.

With a face full of unwillingness and incomprehensibility, the whole body exploded into fly ash.

Did not understand until death, why is Cheng Feng so persistent?

Even if he died, he would be put to death!

But in fact, Cheng Feng didn't want to end up with him at all.

The so-called end-to-end is just the suspicion of the lord of poison.

In the eyes of the Wandumen master, Cheng Feng was beaten by his own Wandushen, and he would definitely die, and he would defend.

However, the fact is that Cheng Feng is not afraid of his Wandu Shenquan at all.

Because in Cheng Feng's hands, there is a `` Sky Dragon Ball '' that can resolve all kinds of poisons.

Just before Wandumen ’s Wandu Shenquan was about to hit Cheng Feng, Cheng Feng took out the Dragon Ball and put it in his mouth.

He then added poisonous body, Cheng Feng was not affected by Dragon Ball under the protection of Dragon Ball.

Instead, take out the fire bottle and open the bottle cap.


A strong horizontal suction suddenly appeared.

Put all the horror and poison surrounding you into the fire bottle.

When the new emperor in the bottle burned fiercely, all the poison was burnt into a ball, forming a fist-sized green poison ball.

"Poison Ball?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng raised a brow: "This is a great weapon for killing people, so it is better to put it in this fire bottle."

"In the future, I will encounter miscellaneous evils, just to let them taste the taste of being poisoned by poison!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng put away the sealed fire bottle.

Then he did not look at the main poisonous man who exploded into fly ash, and turned his eyes to the sixth guardian of the blood gods.

At this time, Qian Cang was extremely distracted.

The whole person was trembling slightly, obviously frightened by the picture of Cheng Feng beheading Wandumen.

You know, Wandumen is a fifth-ranked top powerhouse.

But in Cheng Feng's hands, he did not make two moves.

Cheng Feng, how strong must be! ?

At this moment, not only is Qian Cang frightened.

Yu Wushen and Chen Taicang had the same scalp.

Even Pei Feng's eyes widened and his face was incredible.

"Sinister, what a sinister!"

As Pei Feng attacked Qian Cang, he sighed, "I thought that Cheng Feng had a glimmer of hope to chase the Emperor of Heaven."

"It seems that it is not catching up at all. I am afraid that at the same age and stage, Cheng Feng has surpassed the Heavenly Burial Emperor!"

"Perhaps in the near future, this world will be turbulent because of Cheng Feng. It is wonderful!"

Thinking of this, Pei Feng's attack on Qian Cang was even more fierce.

Let Qian Cang back again and again, can't stop it.

What's more chilling to Qian Cang is that Cheng Feng has already stepped towards him, holding the sword.

While walking, the Devil Sword was thrown fiercely.

唰 唰 唰 ~~~

The dazzling light of the sword, like a pouring rain, burst out!

"Damn it, **** it!"

Seeing Cheng Feng's killing, Qian Cang was utterly guilty.

Hurriedly urged full strength, blocking Cheng Feng's sword.

Qian Cang was good at a gun technique. He took a three-meter long gun in his hand and stabbed it.

A gun dragon burst out, resisting the knife light cut by Cheng Feng.

However, Qian Cang's heart was frustrated, and he was born with a natural fear of Cheng Feng.

When he was stabbed in the sword by Cheng Feng, the knife light was actually cut into two sections by one knife.

The remaining Daoguang killed fiercely, Qian Cang turned pale.

Confidence collapsed and hurried backwards.

However, before he quit too far, Pei Feng grabbed the black water flag, stirred a black ocean, and sealed Qian Cang's retreat directly.

Under this condition, Qian Cang could only be forced to fight hard.

The current situation, Qian Cang has only two ways to go, one is to fight against Cheng Feng.

Kill a blood path from the front and escape the danger.

The second is to forcefully break through the black ocean formed by Pei Feng with the black water flag.

Taking these two roads into consideration, it is easiest to go from Cheng Feng's side.

After all, Cheng Feng only broke the peak of the realm. Even though Xiu Wei is now ascended to the third limit of ascent to the sky, it cannot be compared with Pei Feng who holds the black water flag.

However, Qian Cang was frightened by Cheng Feng's successive feats.

Losing accurate judgment, he felt that Cheng Feng was far stronger than Pei Feng.

So for a moment of groaning, the gun shot out like a dragon and rushed towards the vast Black Sea behind.

Actually want to break through Pei Feng's interception and kill a way of life!

"Don't underestimate my husband!"

Seeing Qian Cang finally chose to attack from his side, Pei Feng's face sank: "Since this, the old man will let you see the power of Heishui Palace!"

While speaking, Pei Feng exerted Hei Shui Bu Tian Gong to the extreme.


Then, the vast Black Sea turned into a black water flag, the waves suddenly turned.

The black giant waves rolled up for several kilometers, as if to drown the entire world!

And at this moment, all the giant waves are all aimed at one goal.

That is the sixth guardian of the blood gods, Qian Cang!

Not only that, Cheng Feng subsequently arrived without extra crap.

Lifting the Devil Sword in his hand, the Emperor Cang Sword slams out!

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