Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1476: Natural stone

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Chapter 1476 Natural Stone

That super vortex, with the fusion of five vortexes, has reached an unprecedented level of tearing power.

When Qian Cang escaped from Cheng Feng's attack, Xiu Chong fell from the sixth to the fifth and fell to the fifth.

With the passing of each other, Qian Cang had almost no resistance.

In the blink of an eye, it was shredded into dregs by the horrible tearing power in the Super Vortex.

A sixth ascendant ascended to the sky, declared fall!

"It fell, another peerless powerhouse died in Cheng Feng's hands!"

"The whole world, I am afraid there will be drastic changes because of this!"

Two or three hundred miles away, a few Yu Fang saw this scene, and there was not much shock in his face.

Because they are numb, they are used to it.

However, compared with Yu Fang and others, the huge Heishui County, even more than half of the feathered dynasty, is almost fried.

In a short period of time, more than ten consecutive masters of Ascension fell.

Among them, there are two or three peerless and sixth-best peerless powerhouses, which can scare people.

Especially at this moment, when Qian Cang falls behind, the heaven and earth vision triggered by the storm is opened.

Everyone was horrified, and they felt that the decisive moment of the battle of righteousness and evil might soon come.

At the same time, the blood gods headquarters.

The blood demon elder looked at the Blood God Mountain, and saw the blood of the God Blood Mountain rushing to the sky, the blood cloud boiling.

After half a column of incense, blood light and blood cloud suddenly converged.

Then, a middle-aged man with big ears appeared on the top of the Blood God Mountain.

This middle-aged person has a 'pi' on his forehead.

He Ran is another clone made by the second elder of the Blood Gods, and it is also the third second match.

As for the previous two second match, all died in the hands of Cheng Feng.

"Blood demon, how many experts in the teaching have fallen?"

The second match went down from the top of the mountain, and the mood was calm.

He was not annoyed that he was killed again by Cheng Feng.

"There are five masters in the teaching profession."

The blood demon elder's cheeks twitched: "Including the corpse and Qian Cang, and Chen Tai Cang followed Wu Shen and said nothing."

"In addition, more than a dozen ascendant warriors who have turned to the religion have fallen."

"It has caused turmoil and civil unrest in seven or eight schools!"

"This loss is really huge."

The second unmatched cheek was also slightly twitched, Shen said, "If the plan fails, it will affect the entire layout of the Faith."


The blood elder elder was a little alarmed: "But once successful, not only will Cheng Feng be completely killed, but the morale of the righteous camp will be severely damaged."

"At that time, maybe we will be able to determine the situation in one fell swoop, defeat the righteous camp, and get the final say."

"I hope Chen Taicang's plan will not let us down!"

Just as the elder blood demon talked to the second matchless.

Heishui County, Qianding Peak.

Pei Feng, who killed Qian Cang, the sixth guardian of the Blood Gods, shook the black water flag in his hand.

Put away the vast Black Sea and kill Yu Wushen who was trapped in the Chiyan Robe.

As for Cheng Feng, he first started.

The man has not yet arrived, and the demon sword has been thrown away fiercely, beheading to the godless.

"The body of Yanshi, Yu!"

In the Chiyan robe, Wan Yu raised his arms thick without spirit.

The blade cut by Cheng Feng chopped his arm, but he only cut a few hundred meters long.

The defense is so scary!

"The defense is so strong?" Cheng Feng was somewhat surprised.

His stab was enough to chop the fifth strongest man in the sky to severe injuries.

It was incredible that it didn't hurt the godlessness!

"Cheng Feng, this is a natural stone for Wushen."

At this time, the voice of Hell's Heiyan sounded: "The body is much harder than the top Taoist soldiers."

"Although Xiuwei is the fifth top of Dengtian, the real strength has already surpassed the sixth master of Dengtian."

"Born stone?"

Hearing that, Cheng Feng raised a brow: "This is not godless, it is indeed the fifth law of blood gods."

"But today, doomed to die here."

At this point, Cheng Feng looked at Pei Feng who had arrived.

"Brother Pei, Hei Hei Yan, let's all three work together."

Cheng Feng said coldly: "With the attacking power of the three of us, I see how long he can persist with Wushen."

"Okay, attack together!"

Pei Feng nodded, and the black water flag in his hand fluttered toward the wind, and pressed against the godlessness.

Then Chiyanpao covered the sky and swelled the black and white fire waves, condensed into a black and white dragon, and slaughtered the godless.

At the same time, Cheng Feng raised the Devil Sword, and the fourth style of Emperor Cang Sword was used.

Not only that, the four Long Aotian and Yu Fang who watched the battle also came over.

Immediately, Jian Guang, Boxing Jin, Dragon Claw ... all greeted the godlessness.

In this case, not even a minute has passed.

The fifth guardianship of the dignified blood gods was beaten to the godless, and was blown into the void.

A large Yan Stone fell and was swept away again by Cheng Feng with the Soul Seal.

Let it completely disappear and die so much that it cannot die!

Bang ~~~

As the godlessness fell, the confined sky of thunder exploded.

Then the cry of the day swept across Heishui County, and the vast snow spread to the whole feathered dynasty.

For a moment, everyone was shocked.

Looking at Heishui County, they speculated what was going on there.

It turned out that within a few hours, so many peerless powerhouses had fallen.

As for the blood gods headquarters, the elder blood demon's face sank.

His blood was boiling, his emotions were extremely angry.

"Blood demon, what happened?"

Seeing this second, he asked, his face changed.

"Yu Wushen ... fall down!"

"What, Yu Wushen died?"

Secondly, she was shocked and said, "What about Chen Taicang, is Chen Taicang okay?"

"Thanks to the second elder for worrying, his subordinates are fine."

At this moment, Chen Taicang's figure suddenly emerged from the void.

"Hello, you're fine."

He breathed a sigh of relief, and asked, "This time my Holy Religion cost so much, and even put in the digital protection, but it was all because of the plan you proposed."

"Are you sure, your plan will succeed?"

"Back to the second elder, the plan under his control should be successful."

Chen Taicang said: "Take back 10,000 steps, even if my plan fails, **** gates will be pulled into the war completely."

"Finally, with the plan of the Blood Demon Elder, Cheng Feng will die, and the righteous camp will be opened up."

"In this case, the ultimate victory will belong to the Holy Ghost!"

"Ah, very good."

Second nodded: "The elder waits for good news."


Heishui County, Qianding Peak.

"Ha ha ha, dead, Ben Shao killed a top master who climbed to the fifth!"

After Wushen was killed, Long Aotian laughed wildly.

It was as if Wushen had been killed by him alone.

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