Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1478: Cheng Feng is furious

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Chapter 1478 Chapter Cheng Feng's Fury

In the situation just now, almost everyone put down their vigilance.

But Cheng Feng didn't, his nerves were tight all the time.

This willpower, resilience, and grasp of the human heart are scary.

Stronger than many people who have experienced strong winds and waves!

"Stop talking, stop talking, let's continue drinking!"

After being shocked, Long Aotian yelled, "Don't be ruined by a rat feces."

"Brother Long said so well, let's continue drinking!"

Xiao Jinyu replied: "Anyway, the killer Jinquan is dead and there is no danger."

"I simply start, let's pay another respect to Cheng Feng, and celebrate Cheng Feng's brother's danger!"

"Well, it's time to pay another respect to Cheng Feng."

On hearing that, several others nodded.

Then each picked up an altar wine and held up to Cheng Feng.

For the kindness of everyone, Cheng Feng certainly would not refuse.

Shake his head, shake off the bad mood of being assassinated, and also grabbed an altar to burn a knife.

I touched the crowd a little bit, without much nonsense, and drank most of it in one breath.

The spicy taste dispelled the negative emotions, and Cheng Feng's face showed a smile.

At this time, Yuzong Yuzong took a step forward that day.

Holding a jar of wine in his hand, he laughed: "Cheng Feng, just now Jinquan toasted you alone, but he concealed mischief and attacked you."

"This time, Yu Fang also respected you alone for a drink. I wonder if you dare to drink?"

"Haha ~~"

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng smiled: "Sister Yu, you toast, what am I afraid to drink?"

Although Cheng Feng had not known Yu Fang for a long time, he was very impressed.

Her jealousy, enthusiasm for righteousness, and indulgence and arrogance made Cheng Feng have no doubt about it and completely trusted her.

Moreover, with the incident of Jin Quan killing Cheng Feng by toasting, even if Yu Fang was a killer and intended to kill Cheng Feng, he could not use the same trick again.

Moreover, Cheng Feng talked with the God of War while the iconic **** was facing the moon temple.

It is learned that the Feathered God Chaotian Sect is basically the sword department of one of the four war departments of the God of War.

As an elder of Tianjianzong, Yu Fang must be a core member of the sword department, and it is impossible to kill Cheng Feng.

So Cheng Feng laughed, raised the half-altar wine in his hand, and touched Fang Yu.

Then he raised the jar and poured it into his mouth.

Guru ~~ Guru ~~

Cheng Feng drank freely, and the throat knots were constantly moving, and the wine would be drunk immediately.

However, at this moment, 嗤 ~~~

A sword light emerged out of thin air, like a lightning, piercing Cheng Feng's open throat.

The stabbing of this sword light is extremely fast, sudden and extremely concealed!

Almost none of the people present were aware of it.

Until the moment when Jianguang first appeared, Pei Feng, located on the right side of Cheng Feng, swept across the scene of Jianguang stabbing Cheng Feng.

At that moment, Pei Feng didn't hesitate at all, and flew towards Cheng Feng.

Before that Jianguang was about to hit Cheng Feng, he knocked Cheng Feng out.

After Cheng Feng was hit by a fly, it was too late for Pei Feng to dodge again.

laugh! The sharp sword stabbed Pei Feng's right shoulder.

Even if Pei Feng evoked divine power to defend in advance, Jian Guang penetrated in at once.

Pierced Pei Feng's shirt and plunged into the flesh.

Huh! Then Jian Guang exploded inside Pei Feng's right shoulder.

Instant flesh and blood splashed!

Pei Feng's entire body on the right half was actually bombed by Jian Guang.

Through the **** ribs, you can even see the internal organs in Pei Feng's chest, which is simply unbearable!

"What, assassination again?"

Until this moment, Long Aotian did not respond.

When I looked up, I saw Pei Feng, who was miserable, and his eyes became red instantly!

"Yu Fang, the assassin turned out to be Yu Fang!"

"Damn it, **** it !!!"

Several of Long Aotian all had their heads covered, their faces shocked.

Because they never thought that there was a killer lurking in the field.

And this killer, Yu Fang!

In fact, even Cheng Feng did not expect that Yu Fang would be a killer.

This is completely illogical and contrary to common sense.

However, when he stabilized his body and saw Pei Feng, who was smashed by Jian Guang in half of his body, all the puzzles and shocks in his heart disappeared.

There was only one thought left in my heart, and that was the price of assassin's blood.

Even if the assassin is the leader of the blood gods, it is no exception!

咻 ~~~

As Cheng Feng was shocked.

Assassin Yu Fang didn't stay at all. After stabbing Jianguang, he almost didn't even look at the result.

The direct sword and man were united, and flew towards the sky.

The blink of an eye is already miles away!

"Yu Fang, you don't want to escape!"

Seeing Yu Fang fled away, Cheng Feng sighed angrily.

The Devil Sword was pulled out violently, and the fourth style of Emperor Cangshu burst to the ground.

However, Yu Fang was well prepared, and during the flight, he took out a bronze bronze forged shield from the soul ring and blocked it on his head.

This green bronze shield was extremely defensive, and the Emperor Cang sword that Cheng Feng had cut out blocked him stiffly.

At the same time, a pair of black wings appeared on the back of the spine.


Its flying speed has more than doubled.

In the breath, there was no trace.

"Yu Fang, you can't escape."

Looking at the fleeing Yu Fang, Cheng Feng did not use the shadow method to chase, and whispered: "If Brother Pei has three long and two short, even if there are nine days and ten places, I will make you blood and blood.

While speaking, Cheng Feng flew to Pei Feng.

"Brother Pei ..."

Pei Feng at this time was really terrible.

The right half of the body was directly blown up by Jian Guang, and his internal organs were clearly seen.

Fortunately, Pei Feng is a sixth ascendant who has the highest vitality.

If you change to ordinary people, I am afraid to die prematurely.

"Khekeke ~~~"

Pei Feng's face was so pale that he couldn't help coughing up blood: "Cheng Feng, don't worry, brother I can't die!"

At this time, Pei Feng has been using the method of "regeneration of broken limbs" to repair the broken body.

But the sword light that Yu Fang pierced was very special, and actually prevented Pei Feng's repair.

Even further destroy Pei Feng's body and consume him alive!

"Brother Pei, I blame me for all this. I blame me for blindly identifying the wrong person."

Looking at the miserable Pei Feng, Cheng Feng's eyes were red and he bit his teeth: "But don't worry, then Yu Fang can't run, I will make her pay the price of blood."

"Before that, it was mainly to heal your injuries!"

It turned out that Cheng Feng didn't chase Yu Fang just now because he couldn't catch up.

It was to stay and help Pei Feng treat his injuries.

In Cheng Feng's mind, save people first, and everything else comes behind.

"Cheng Feng, old Pei should be poisoned."

At this time, Long Aotian, Xiao Jinyu and Xiaojin gathered around.

When seeing Pei Feng's injury, Long Aotian said, "If Pei wants to recover from the injury, he must first remove the poison."

"Otherwise, the poison will stop the growth of flesh and blood, and it will consume people alive!"

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