Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1482: Gold youth

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Chapter 1482 Young Man in Gold

"Let's go to Mingxuan City."

Cheng Feng groaned a little and whispered: "Yu Fang entered this city because he wanted to cover his eyes with the help of the crowds in the city."

"This move is very effective and directly disperses the breath of Wancai."

"Xiao Jin has to work hard to find each other."

During the conversation, Cheng Feng cast a shadow trick and entered the city silently.

The Ming Xuan City was not very large. Due to the war, the city was more cluttered.

Many outsiders flooded into the city, overwhelming the entire city.

After all, there are masters of martial arts in Mingxuan City, which are much safer than small towns.

After Cheng Feng entered the city, his gaze swept away, and all around were ragged victims.

For such a tragedy, Cheng Feng had no choice.

I can only sigh secretly in my heart, strive to defeat the blood **** religion as soon as possible, and end the whole blood **** disaster.

Only in this way can the people of the world regain a stable life.

"Cheng Feng, this city is full of people. Where can we find Yu Fang?"

Compared to Cheng Feng's compassion, Long Aotian didn't respond.

He stretched his head and looked at the Quartet with a stern face.

"Yu Fang doesn't need us to find it, Xiao Jin can do it alone."

Cheng Feng converged the complicated thoughts in his heart and looked to Xiaojin: "Go, find out where Wanxiangcai is."

"But take care to hide yourself, not to be noticed by outsiders."


After being instructed, Xiao Jin yelled at Cheng Feng twice.

The next moment, the golden body slowly faded, and eventually disappeared.

Obviously, a certain stealth talent technique was applied, and even a warrior who refined pupil technique could not find it without careful observation.

After Xiao Jin left, Long Aotian flew from Cheng Feng's arm.

She turned into a handsome young man in gold.

"Uh, what do you do as a human?"

Seeing the young man in golden clothes transformed by Long Aotian, Cheng Feng frowned.

"Ben Shao is to cooperate with you."

Long Aotian stretched out his hand, and actually had an extra folding fan out of thin air.

Fanning, he said, "If Ben rarely revealed the prototype, wouldn't the people in this city be scared to death?"

"At that time, Yu Fang will definitely receive the wind and escape."

"It's okay, but can you stop showing off like that?"

Cheng Feng frowned: "Fan in winter, everyone else thinks you are sick!"

"Blindly, there are more fans in the street, and I haven't seen them sick."

Long Aotian disagreed, but found it very interesting.

"Yes, it's up to you."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng didn't bother to say anything, raised a finger and said a restaurant in front of him: "Let's go to that restaurant for a while, and it should take some time for Xiaojin to follow the breath of Wanxiangsi."

"That's a good idea. It just happens to be a few drinks!"

Long Aotian closed the folding fan at once, patted it in his hand, and smiled coquettishly.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng was speechless for a while.

Drop Ao Tian directly and walk towards the restaurant.

The restaurant is not large, perhaps because of fighting, there are many warriors.

Cheng Feng entered the restaurant, glanced, and found that all were soldiers holding swords.

However, the repair is generally not high, and Broken Realm is already a master.

"Long Aotian, let's sit over there."

Cheng Feng walked to a corner table and greeted Long Aotian to sit down.

Just sat down, the shop's second child came with a smile on his face.

"Two boys, what would you like to eat?"

"Just serve a few dishes from your shop."

Cheng Feng said: "In addition, go to two altar wines."

"Okay, I'll send the menu to the chef."

The shopkeeper nodded and was ready to leave.

"Wait, how about two altars? At least two hundred altars!"

At this moment, Long Aotian slammed a folding fan and shouted.

"What? Two hundred altars?"

Wen Yan said, Xiaodian Er's eyes widened and he thought he had heard it wrong: "You son, aren't you kidding me?"

"Two hundred altar wines, how can you finish drinking them?"

"It's just two hundred altars. What can't you drink?"

Long Aotian proudly said: "With less wine, even two thousand altars can be drunk!"

Long Aotian is not bragging. It is a few hundred meters long and drinking 2,000 bottles of wine is as easy as drinking a bowl of water.

But for ordinary people, drinking 2,000 bottles of wine can be a bit scary.

So when Long Aotian's voice fell, the noisy restaurant quieted down.

More than 90% of the guests set their sights on Long Aotian, as if looking at a pretense.

"Fuck, what eyes?"

Seeing this, Long Aotian unhappyly said, "Is it not bragging to be brave?"

In fact, everyone really thinks so.

It's scary to drink two thousand altars by yourself.

However, after Xiu has reached above the broken realm, it is not necessarily impossible to use Xiu to push the wine.

However, everyone swept Long Aotian and saw that Long Aotian's thin skin and tender meat did not look like a master of martial arts at all.

Immediately determined that Long Aotian was pretending to be cold, one by one, and no longer paid much attention.

Even shop Xiao Er thinks so.

"Grass, even bragging about it!"

This time, directly made Long Aotian's face black, and shouted, "Since this is the case, I will let you ignorant people see the huge amount of money!"

With that said, Long Aotian was going to order the shop junior to bring wine.

"Long Aotian, almost done."

At this moment, Cheng Feng's voice sounded: "You young and old, what kind of strength do you call these ordinary people?"

"Even if I ended up drinking two thousand altars and hit these people's faces, what sense of accomplishment?"

"Uh, this is also true."

After being resolved by Cheng Feng, Long Aotian's anger was greatly reduced: "Forget it, Ben is too lazy to have general knowledge of these little feet."

"Excuse me, are those two thousand altar wines ... still available?"

At this time, the shop junior asked.

"no need."

Cheng Feng waved his hand: "Take five altars for each of your restaurants' best wines."

"Hello, wait a minute."

After being instructed, the shop's Xiaoyi went away.

"Cheng Feng, where do you think Yu Fang will hide?"

After the shop's second child left, Long Aotian came over to ask.

"do not know."

Cheng Feng shook his head: "There are too many places for Tibetans in the city, maybe not even in this restaurant."

"In the restaurant?" Long Aotian frowned.

"Okay, stop guessing."

Cheng Feng said: "Yu Fang owns Xiaojin to look for, let's still taste the wine here, and by the way, listen to the recent events of the Yuhua Dynasty."

The reason why Cheng Feng chooses to stop at the restaurant is mainly because there are many people talking about it. Through other people's discussions, he can detect the current situation.

Soon, the shop seconder brought thirty altar wines.

"Two sons, there are six kinds of good wine in our restaurant."

Xiaodian Er put the wine jar on the table and introduced: "As you ordered, each of the five altars can be used slowly."

"As for the appetizers, bring them right away."

"Tough work." Cheng Feng handed the shop a small piece of silver.

Xiao Er suddenly left with a smile.

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