Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1489: Complete the walk

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Chapter 148: The Complete Walk of God

"This Chen Yue should be an incredible peerless powerhouse."

Watching Cheng Feng disappear, Lin Xuan's eyes were full of fear: "I hope that the presence of this person will not affect the auction tomorrow night."

During the conversation, Lin Xuan picked up the small porcelain jar that Cheng Feng had thrown at him.

He looked up, and his eyes suddenly became wider than Tong Ling.

"Water of life? Actually water of life?"

Lin Xuan exclaimed: "Also, there are still a hundred drops !!"

"This Mr. Chen Yue is really rich!"

Water of life, this is a very rare thing.

Many of the strongest men who have reached the top four or five have few drops on their hands.

Cheng Feng gave it away, but it was a whole hundred drops, no wonder Lin Xuan would lose his way.

As a result, Lin Xuan became more awed by Cheng Feng, and he was even more afraid to spread the news of Cheng Feng's visit.

Fear of angering Cheng Feng, let Mingxuanfang disappear from the earth dome in minutes!

Just when Lin Xuan moved.

Cheng Feng and Long Aotian have already been named Xuanfang and returned to the previous restaurant.

After ordering the shop's second child, he opened two rooms.

The two entered the room to rest.

"Cheng Feng, that night owl is really cunning."

In the guest room, Long Aotian held an altar of drunkenness, sipped, and said, "I don't actually come forward to trade with Lin Xuan myself, but control a middleman and trade for him."

"When the transaction is completed and the middleman is killed, all clues are broken."

"It's really cunning and cautious."

Cheng Feng nodded: "But no matter how cunning, he cannot escape this time."

"Unless he is not interested in the Seven Killing Stone Tablets and loses the funds from the Bishuixuan shield auction, he will not show up tomorrow night."

"Yehuan must be interested in the Seven Kill Stones."

Long Aotian said: "Otherwise, he would not auction off the Bishuixuan shield to prepare for the auction of the Seven Kill Stones."

"But I'm afraid, Ye Ye will control a middleman when he bids for the Seven Killing Stones tomorrow night."

"So things will be tricky."

"Don't be afraid, as long as he participates in the auction of the Seven Kill Stones, there will be flaws."

Cheng Feng smiled slightly and was very confident: "At that time, he will definitely not escape!"

"I hope so."

Long Aotian pouted, not so optimistic.

With a word in my mouth, I was drunk for a hundred days.

As for Cheng Feng, he didn't waste time on appetite.

Sitting on the bed cross-legged, closing my eyes and combing through the action plan for tomorrow night, began to practice.

Cheng Feng's repair is still the pinnacle of broken territory.

However, after this period of long battles, the length of the dragon force has increased a lot.

Now the ten dragon powers have all reached 110,000 meters.

And Cheng Feng felt that the length of the dragon force could be increased.

Perhaps polishing it for another period of time can impact the record set by the Emperor Tianfu.

Secondly, Cheng Feng's spirit has become extraordinarily overbearing.

The depth of the soul is stronger than the ten peaked warriors together.

Now there is nothing to rise, only to wait for Cheng Fengdu to ascend to the sky, the spirit will change and become a god!

As for martial arts skills, Cheng Feng's current practice focus.

The last step is complete, and the same is true of Emperor Cangshu.

After training to a satisfactory level, the combat power will definitely skyrocket!

In addition, Wu Hsin is a major shortcoming of Cheng Feng.

Because Cheng Feng's combat power is increasing too fast, Wu Hun needs to be cultivated for a long time, which can no longer keep up with Cheng Feng's rhythm.

However, this issue will be resolved shortly.

Because Cheng Feng's several martial spirits have completed the awakening period and entered the metamorphosis period.

Once the metamorphosis is successful, Wuhun will be able to produce earth-shaking changes.

At that time, Cheng Feng will definitely bring great help!

"Long Li, martial arts, spirits, martial spirits!"

Cheng Feng whispered: "In these four directions, Long Lixiu is more urgent, and he needs to increase his energy to cultivate, and strive to accumulate enough firepower at an early date to impact the heaven."

"Second is martial arts skills, and it takes time to practice. As for the spirits and martial arts, let them go for the time being."

After sorting out the cultivation ideas, Cheng Feng didn't hesitate.

Take a few drops of the water of life and throw it into your mouth, then start to improve the dragon power repair.

time flies.

In an instant, the night passed quietly.

After this night's practice, Cheng Feng's Long Li Xiu steadily improved.

Ten dragons all reached 112,000 kilometers.

The historical record set by the Emperor Tianfu is getting closer.

However, at this time, Cheng Feng's body saturation reached its limit again.

Continue to absorb the water of life to cultivate, although Dragon Force can continue to improve, but the speed and efficiency are low to a terrible level.

"Reached the limit again?"

Cheng Feng whispered: "Since this is the case, then practice the sixth step of God walking."

"After training, you can catch the fleeing night owl!"

The sixth step of the walking step is extremely difficult to practice.

However, the effect after training is very amazing, it can increase the speed of the practitioners to 24 times.

Even if Ye Di's escape speed is superb, Cheng Feng can easily take it down.

Cheng Feng is a hard worker, and he does it when he thinks about it.

Take out the auxiliary material ‘Wind Heart Stone’ on the sixth floor of the practice step, take a deep breath, and start the practice.

And this practice is a full day.

When the sun on the sky was sinking to the west, Cheng Feng's closed eyes narrowed open.

"The martial arts marching step is considered to be a perfect one."

Obviously, after a full day of practice, Cheng Feng practiced the sixth step of walking.

I saw Cheng Feng stood up and slightly evoked the sixth step of walking. Om ~~~

There was a sudden breeze in the room.

And Cheng Feng moved with the wind, as if integrated into the wind, the speed reached a scary point.

Originally Long Aotian was drinking, but a flower bloomed in front of him, and the wine jar in his hand had disappeared.

But before he reacted, the disappeared altar returned to his hands.

This made Long Aotian stunned, thinking that he had hallucinations.

However, when he raised the jar to prepare to drink, he discovered that he had just opened the jar without drinking a few sips, and it was already empty.

Until this moment, Long Aotian suddenly came over.

Someone did take the jar of wine in his hand just now, and also drank the wine from the jar.

But because he was too fast, he thought he had hallucinations!

"Wow, Cheng Feng, how fast did you get so fast?"

After reacting, Long Aotian looked to Cheng Feng with a look of surprise.

Because he and Cheng Feng are the only two people in the guest room. The person who just took away the wine jar in his hand and drank the wine from the wine jar must be Cheng Feng.

Sure enough, Cheng Feng smiled slightly when he heard Long Aotian's inquiry.

"Just practiced a martial arts skill and gained a little speed!"

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