Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1497: Hell legend

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Chapter 147 The Legend of Hell

Cheng Feng's offense was overbearing.

A slash in the knife not only cut the top Taoist clear water mysterious shield, but also stunned the night owl.

Let an iron box in his hand fall directly

"This thing is dangerous."

Cheng Feng saw the iron box, his eyes could not help shrinking.

Because when Ye Di took it out, his body was numb on the spot, and a strong sense of danger leaped like a raging wave.

Even though he was stunned by the night owl, the sense of danger still lingered.

"Cheng Feng, this thing should be some kind of killing weapon carefully crafted by Hell's Gate."

At this moment, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "Ye Xi originally wanted to use this object to make a final counterattack against you."

"It's a pity you're too fast. This thing hasn't been used yet. It has been knocked out by you."

"A killing weapon created by Hellgate?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow: "What would it be?"

With curiosity, Cheng Feng carefully took the iron box in front of him, and was preparing to look into it.

咻咻 咻 ~~~

Actually another elite killer from Hell Gates came.

"Forget it, clear the stronghold of this **** gate first."

Cheng Feng frowned and closed the iron box.

Then the Devil Sword slammed, 铿铿 铿铿 ~~~

The weapons that were stabbed were chopped instantly.

Waiting for the knife to open, the killer of a famous **** gate killer, died on the spot.

After killing the assassin's killer, Cheng Feng took out the Nether Pot and threw it into the night stunned.

Then he turned around and killed other killers in the village.

This village is a stronghold of Hell's Gate.

The villagers inside are all killers of the **** gate, so Cheng Feng started to work without any psychological obstacles.

Where the sword is, kill it!

In a short period of time, the remaining killers in the village lost their hearts, and their confidence collapsed.

Not afraid to continue to die, one by one began to flee.

"I want to run now, it's late!"

However, Cheng Feng did not want to let anyone go.

These hellgate killers were all covered with blood.

In particular, after the local Hellgate reached an alliance with the Blood Gods, a large number of Hellgate killers swarmed into the feathered dynasty and launched assassinations on the right way warriors.

I don't know how many righteous warriors died in the **** gate killer.

Therefore, Cheng Feng directly displayed the sixth floor of the walking step which has just been practiced for a short time.

Huh! The whole person turned into a humanoid lightning, passing by the escaped **** gate killers.

Then those hellgate killers exploded and died all at the scene.

After a minute, all the killers in the village have died under Cheng Feng's sword!

"Cheng Feng, you are so killing."

After solving all the killers, Long Aotian's two dragon claws changed back to human hands.

Cheng Feng killed the **** gate killer just now, which is cruel.

Even the child-like killers are all killed, without blinking, just like a **** of killing.

"The people I killed were the **** ones."

Cheng Feng's intention to kill was unabated, and Shen said, "These hell-gate killers have killed humanity and killed countless people. Don't look at children.

"In fact, it's worse than many adult killers."

"If you let it go, you will only lead the wolf into the room, and you will be killed!"

Cheng Feng's words are true.

Many killers deliberately disguise themselves as children and old people to numb their targets and make them feel compassion.

Once the target's vigilance is relaxed, it will be immediately fatal.

Cheng Feng knows that the cats are nasty and will not be fooled.

"Cheng Feng, the killers here are dead."

Long Aotian nodded, and then said, "You still let go of the killing, put away the knife."

"No, not yet."

However, Cheng Feng said: "Under the village, there is still a living breath."

"Under the village?"

Long Aotian raised a brow: "Or ... Let's see?"

With that said, he was the first to fly to the bottom of the village, and there was also Xiao Jin.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng beckoned.


The Chiyan robe flew from the sky, and turned into a black and white robe again, and covered it on Cheng Feng's body.

Then Cheng Feng held the magic sword and flew to the village floor.

The village at this time has been completely leveled.

After Long Aotian landed, he searched for a long time but did not find the shadow of half a living person.

"Cheng Feng, where is the living person you are talking about?"

"follow me."

At this time, Cheng Feng just landed, leading the way to the west edge of the village.

There was a dry well.

The wellhead was blocked by a large rock, as if it had been abandoned.

After Cheng Feng arrived, he slapped off the large stone that sealed the wellhead, and a sloping downward step caught his eyes.

"Stairs? This well is hidden inside?"

Seeing this, Long Aotian's eyes stared: "Cheng Feng, shall we go in and see?"

"Well, go in and see."

Cheng Feng nodded: "I feel there are a lot of living people in the well. Maybe this is a real stronghold in Hell's Gate."

Between speaking, Cheng Feng was ready to enter the well.

"Wait, there are a lot of arrays in this well."

Long Aotian stopped Cheng Feng: "I'll break these formations!"

"No, the people in the well should already know our arrival."

Cheng Feng said, "Let's rush in, so we save time!"

The words stopped, Cheng Feng took out the armor of war.

When you're done wearing it, hum ~~~

The rolling force evoked, and the whole person was like a human-shaped tyrannosaurus, rushing into it.

Inside the well, many formations blocked the way, but were forcibly knocked down by Cheng Feng.

Blinking into the depths of the well.


After a rampage, an underground world came into view.

It turned out that the bottom of the village was actually hollowed out by people in Hell's Gate, and a small underground city was built.

The dry well at the entrance to the village is the entrance.

If Cheng Feng left after leveling the entire village, he would pass by.

"A large underground city seems to be divided into several layers in an orderly manner."

Looking at the underground city in front, Long Aotian's eyes glared, a little surprised.

"This dungeon is divided into eighteen floors."

Cheng Feng carefully observed for a moment, and suddenly said: "Each floor is different from the previous floor, and echoes the‘ eighteen floors of **** ’at Hell Gate.”

"Eighteen floors of hell?"

Long Aotian's brow froze, "I seem to have heard of it somewhere, it seems to be a taboo topic."

"Forbidden topics? Do you think too much!"

Cheng Feng said: "The eighteen floors of **** should come from the hand of **** gate."

"For example, Hell Gate Supreme Treasure‘ Hell ’has eighteen floors, which is not a taboo topic!”

"No, eighteen floors of **** have been around for a long time, much earlier than the gates of hell."

Long Aotian shook his head, "In fact, the Hell Gate was established based on the rumors of 'Hell'."

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