Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1510: Resurrection

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Chapter 1510 Comes Back to Life

The aftermath of the explosion was so horrible.

As can be imagined, the ground that was directly exposed to the force of the explosion instantly exploded a pit of hundreds of miles.

The violent shock wave opened violently, leaving the mountain within a thousand miles to shake like the end of the world.

As for the first underground transfer array, it disappeared immediately.

In the teleportation array, the cold and middle-aged man who tore the void into the vast void was also chased by the aftermath of the explosion.

Fortunately, the cold and middle-aged man's cultivation is strong enough, when the aftermath of the explosion chased near, he suddenly stabbed a sword.

The sword light was so powerful that it stabbed the aftermath of the explosion.

But at the same time, the violent counter-shock force also pushed him instantly into nothingness.

Although by means of cold hard middle-aged people, I am not afraid of falling into nothingness.

But it will take a long time to return to the dome continent.

And this is the purpose of Cheng Feng.

With these times, Cheng Feng must have fled, and there is no need to worry about being hunted down by a cold, middle-aged person.

"Cheng Feng, you can't escape."

The body flew toward the vast void, and the cold and middle-aged man's eyes flickered: "In a long time, the judge can return to the dome continent within a long time."

"By then, it will be your death!"


The horrible explosion stirred up the huge Heishui County mountain.

Mingxuan City was about two thousand miles away from the explosion point, and there were more mountains blocking it. Hurricanes were still set off, and everyone in the city changed color.

Everyone was scared, afraid that they would be affected by the fierce battle of the super strong.

In the hearts of people, outside the city of Ming Xuan, there was a tremor in the void.

The next moment, two youths emerged from the void.

It is Cheng Feng and Long Aotian.

"Cheng Feng, what the **** is this?"

As soon as he got out of the void, Long Aotian was surprised and said, "Wouldn't it be that the peerless strongman of Hell's Gate was killed, but he didn't find us, and he gave birth to Thunder's Fury?"

"do not worry."

Cheng Feng was light and light, "I was in that underground space, and I left a gift to those in Hell Gate."

"The explosion should be caused by the gift being opened by the other party!"

"My gift is big."

Cheng Feng laughed: "People who came to Hell Gate this time, even the seventh strongest person in the sky, will be able to drink a pot of him, so there is no need to worry about being chased by him.

"So, let's go straight into the city and go to Mingxuanfang first to see the situation."

"A big gift?"

Hearing that, Long Aotian's eyes glared, "Wow, Cheng Feng, you are too bad."

"But ... Ben Shao didn't like it!"

Long Aotian was in a good mood to learn that he would not be hunted down by the hellgate peerless powerhouse.

A hand stretched out, and a folding fan appeared out of thin air.

Then fan fluttered and walked towards Ming Xuancheng.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng smiled silently toward the Mingxuan City.

Mingxuan City was chaotic at this time, and everyone in the city was in danger.

After Cheng Feng entered the city, I saw the soldiers on the street full of horror, looking to the south.

Obviously frightened by the horrible explosion.

Fortunately, the master of the Xuancheng City was very calm and sent masters to maintain order, but there was nothing wrong with it.

"Well? Among the warriors who maintain order, there are people from Mingxuanfang?"

Cheng Feng's gaze swept away, and he saw several warriors wearing Mingxuanfang uniforms, with a strange feeling in his heart.

Because the owner of Mingxuanfang was assassinated and died, Mingxuanfang must be heartbroken.

Under such circumstances, how can there be spare time to help the Ming Xuancheng Lord to maintain order in the city?


Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "Let's go, let's go to Ming Xuan Fang."

Cheng Feng greeted Long Aotian, took a direct step, and flew towards Mingxuanfang.

After a while, Mingxuanfang came into view.

But weirdly, Mingxuanfang is well-organized, and there is not only the atmosphere in which the owner died.

Even Feng Lingtang was not set up, which made Cheng Feng's mind even stranger.

Fearing that something went wrong with Mingxuanfang, he immediately exuded a forceful atmosphere that enveloped Mingxuanfang.

Then take a step into it.

咻咻 咻 ~~~

Cheng Feng and Long Aotian just entered Mingxuanfang.

More than a dozen people flew in and stopped around Cheng Feng.

Currently four people, Xiu Wei has reached the heaven.

It was Lin Xuan who invited him to help him guard the four masters of Treasure Court.

"Who is it?"

After more than a dozen soldiers surrounded Cheng Feng, one chuckled coldly.

"I'm a friend of the owner of Lin Fang."

Cheng Feng glanced at the crowd and said lightly, "I heard that the owner of Lin Fang was assassinated, and came to see him."

"If someone dares to take advantage of Lin Fang's murder and misbehave with Ming Xuanfang, I will let him fill it out."

"Boy, what are you talking about?"

However, after listening to Cheng Feng's words, the crowd sank and cursed: "Where is the owner of my family who is healthy and healthy, why should he be killed?"

"If you feel bad, I think you are!"

"What? Lin Fang isn't dead?"

Cheng Feng's eyes glared, and he was surprised: "This is impossible, I have checked the Lin Fang owner, my head has cracked, and the gods' thoughts have disappeared."

"How could it be alive in this case?"

Ascendants have vitality and can be reborn with severed limbs.

But his head was stabbed and the mind was destroyed.

Even the martial arts giants, who are arrogant and mighty, will not escape.

Lin Xuan was the third most important, and it was even more impossible to live.

But as Cheng Feng doubted it, a cough sounded.

Then, a middle-aged man whose entire head was wrapped in heavy gauze sat on a bench and was carried out by two soldiers.

Cheng Feng glanced and found out that it was Lin Xuan, the owner of Mingxuanfang.

"Lin Fang, are you really alive?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng asked in surprise.

It's so surprising that it goes against normal principles.

"Are you Mr. Chen Yue?"

Lin Xuan was lying on a bench with a sick face and an even lower voice: "Severe injuries to the lower body, please forgive me."

"Lin Fang, you're welcome."

During the conversation, Cheng Feng opened the eyes of the God of Fortune and observed Lin Xuan carefully.

It was found that this person was indeed Lin Xuan, the owner of Mingxuanfang.

The sword wound on his head was still there, wrapped in heavy gauze and slowly healing.

As for divine thought, it is a lot weaker.

I'm afraid it's less than one-tenth of the heyday.

At this moment, I am afraid that a Broken Warrior can easily kill him.

"Mr. Chen doesn't need to look. I'm Lin Xuan, and I haven't been taken away."

Lin Xuan felt Cheng Feng's investigation, and Qi Ruoyou said: "Not long ago, I was assassinated on the way to the Seven Stones Monument in Jumbo Pavilion."

"The killer's assassination skills are so good that I didn't have time to respond at all, so I hit the opponent with a sword."

"An average person's head is stabbed by one of his swords, and his mind will die, and he will die!"

"But I am proficient in a magical spirit technique. When Jian Guang was about to stab my divine thought, I split the divine thought by a tenth."

"In a thousand strokes, I hid in the soul cave."

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