Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1519: Tranquility before the storm

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Chapter 1519 The Quiet Before The Storm

Just when the storm broke out.

Inside Black Whale Hall, Blackwater County.

Cheng Feng, while drinking, was watching Tian Mo He.

"Cheng Feng, this so-called Sky Magic Box is quite interesting."

Long Aotian gathered over and said with curiosity: "When you took out the magic blood, this box reacted obviously, as if to open it automatically."

"But as soon as you take away the demonic blood, this thing becomes the same again."

"I can't find even a trace of it, just like a solid iron ingot, even my dragon claws can't be broken!"

"Of course, a box that can trap a ray of demon spirit is unusual."

Pei Feng interjected, "The average box, I am afraid, will be eroded by magic gas and turned into fly ash!"

"Brother Pei, do you say that the magic of the heavens is really sealed in this heavenly box?"

After groaning for a while, Cheng Feng asked: "It is rumored that the demon is a peerless demon from the demon world. It is super scary."

"Even if the realm of existence exists, you have to fear it."

"How could the night owl get such a breath of existence? Obviously unreasonable."

"That's true."

Pei Feng groaned: "The demons are too powerful, and they are in a sealed state."

"It's really unlikely that the magic of the demon is sealed in this box."

Devil is a general concept.

Many people call the killer warrior a demon, but in reality, it is not.

At most, it is only humans whose minds have been confused by demons.

But the sky demon is different. It is said that it is a true demon, and it lies dormant in the heavens and earth.

I didn't know how many thousands of years ago, the world of cholera broke up the countless planes, and was finally suppressed by several peerless human beings before stopping the turmoil.

But the demons are so powerful that they can't even kill them.

Only with the help of years, they can slowly pass away, with the intention of dying alive.

But to this day, the demon has not fallen.

Instead, the activities became more frequent, and countless warriors were deceived by the demon and became disciples of the demon.

Even outside the dome continent, there is a super power called the magic gate.

The leader of the magic gate is the disciple of the heir.

Always planning to rescue the demons from the trap!

"Well, I think so."

After listening to Pei Feng's words, Cheng Feng nodded in agreement: "Perhaps the evil spirit of the night devil is not the evil spirit of the demon."

"It's the breath of a superpower who has been demonized by the demon."

"Cheng Feng, you have to be cautious if you have sealed the magic of the gods in this magic box."

Pei Feng cautioned: "Because the demon does not distinguish between me and the enemy, once you are released, I am afraid that you will even erode and become a demon."

"It's very possible."

Cheng Feng nodded: "I guess the reason why Ye Xiu simply opened the Sky Magic Box and told me that it was this thought."

"Revenge indirectly with the help of the magical hand!"

At this point, Cheng Feng no longer thought about it, and he rushed into the spirit box and put it into a soul ring.

"Uh, is this stowed away?"

Seeing this, Long Aotian wrinkled his face and said, "I was still thinking about it, it's really boring to see what the so-called heavenly spirit is!"

Said, Long Aotian grabbed an altar of wine and took a sigh.

For Long Aotian who had nothing to do, Cheng Feng didn't bother to care.

After packing up the magic box, he chatted with Pei Feng while drinking.

After drinking almost, Cheng Feng suddenly remembered something.

"Brother Pei, when I tracked Ye Di, I destroyed a newcomer training base in Hell Gate."

Cheng Feng said: "In that base, the gate of **** plundered the innocent children and conducted brutal killer training."

"The youngest are only five or six."

"The fighting was urgent at the time, and I saved about two hundred children in the rush."

"Most of these children have just been snatched by the gates of hell, and have not been brainwashed and saved."

"I don't know if you can help me, brother, arrange them?"

"Help them forget the past and start a new life."

"This **** gate is almost impersonal, pigs and dogs are worse!"

Hearing that, Pei Feng scolded angrily, and then said, "Brother, you can give those children to your brother."

"Brother promised to arrange them properly and to get rid of that dark memory."

"Brother, I salute you the wine on behalf of those children."

Pei Feng agreed to help, Cheng Feng raised an altar wine and drank in one breath.

"Brother Cheng, I should respect you."

Pei Feng raised an altar and said, "In the battle, you can still care about innocent people. This responsibility is worth learning for all of us who are right way martial arts!"

After all, Pei Feng drank the wine in his hands.

After talking about the killer child, a stone fell in Cheng Feng's heart.

Then continued drinking, when the dozens of altar wines were all drunk by Cheng Feng, the wine was only temporarily suspended.

"Brother, I have recently killed a large number of evil masters, as well as masters of **** gates, and must have become the nail of the opponent's desire.

Cheng Feng's body was so drunk, but his eyes were very clear, and he analyzed, "Next, there will be all kinds of actions in Blood God and Hell Gate."

"So this wine, let's drink here!"

"After we have completely defeated the miscellaneous blood gods, we will have a good drink again and again!"

"Well, it matters."

Pei Feng also knew about Cheng Feng's current situation and nodded: "Recently these days, you have fought a lot and haven't taken a good rest yet."

"While the next storm has not yet arrived, go and adjust the state first, and practice one or two."

"When the storm comes, you can have enough energy to carry it!"

"I listen to my brother's arrangement." Cheng Feng did not quit.

After the killer child in the void pot completes the delivery with Pei Feng.

They went to rest in a large hall next to the Black Whale Hall.

As for Long Aotian, it was heard that Pei Fengzhen had a century-old wine in her possession, and immediately became entangled with Pei Feng.

He will never leave before drinking the old wine in his mouth.


The Black Whale Hall, in the side hall.

Cheng Feng's strength erupted, and during the breathing, all the wine in the body was forced out.

The whole person immediately became refreshed and clear-headed.

"After the last few killings, Blood God and Hellgate must have hated me."

After being forced to drink, Cheng Feng sat cross-legged in the temple and meditated, "Nine times, he will use the seventh-highest peerless power in heaven to launch a fatal lore."

"Although in my hand, there are several cards that can threaten the seventh strongest man in the sky."

"But the hole cards are hole cards, not real strength."

"Secondly, at this level, all of them have lived for at least a hundred years and have rich experience in fighting."

"If it's specifically targeted, it could kill you if you're not careful."

"Therefore, it is necessary to prepare in advance to kill all threats in the cradle as much as possible."

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