Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1527: Beginning of death

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Chapter 1527 The Beginning of Death

Standing outside the No. 3 Yajian Room, Cheng Feng roused his soul, and went inside.

However, it was found that Yajian had set up a matrix method to isolate the soul and soul detection, which actually blocked Cheng Feng's soul.

However, this formation is not advanced. Cheng Feng exerted a little force, bypassing the formation, and entered the elegant room.

I saw that the room was small and the decoration was exquisite.

There was no one in it, only a tea table with a sheet of paper.

"No one?" Cheng Feng frowned.

He also thought that the famous Fujing boss had high authority and would wait for himself in Yajian.

It now appears that that high authority is a very cautious person.

Only the information needed by Cheng Feng was released, but he did not show up.

"It doesn't matter if you don't show up."

Cheng Feng groaned: "This will also reduce the chance of some exposure."

Thinking so, Cheng Feng's spirit swept across that piece of paper.

Keep the message on the paper in mind, and then recover the spirit.

It was like a passerby, passing by with No. 3 Yazi.

Waited down the second floor and sat back in the seat before.

"This power is a capable person, and the intelligence collected is very detailed."

Cheng Feng whispered: "All the killers who have been jumping very happily recently have a detailed introduction."

"It even marked out a few killers lurking in Tianshui City."

"The killer‘ Blood Poison ’which killed Wang Bowen, and the killer‘ No Trace ’, which pierced the heart of Ice Iron, was in Tianshui City.

"That being the case, I will take you to the operation and announce the news that I am Cheng Feng killing Tianshui City!"

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng stood up and walked slowly to leave Mingfujing.

But just after the famous Fujing gate, Cheng Feng directly melted into the shadows and disappeared.

On the top floor of Mingfujing, a pair of eyes stared at Cheng Feng, but he disappeared inexplicably.

Those eyes contracted and disappeared.

Beside Mingfujing, under the shadow of a small building, Cheng Feng stood upright.

He didn't leave immediately, he just cast a shadow trick and hid.

At this time, his eyes swept away from the top floor of Mingfujing. Seeing that his peeping eyes had disappeared, he turned to the west of Tianshui City.

Tianshui City Xicheng is a very prosperous area of ​​Tianshui City.

There are a variety of entertainment venues here, including green deals, casinos, colosseum ... and so on.

A casino called Tianhui is located in Tianshui Xicheng.

Tianhui Casino is not small and small. It is quite satisfactory in Tianshui Xicheng and has no sense of presence.

Xie Tianhui, his boss, was sitting on a large chair on the second floor of the casino, overlooking the audience, while swallowing the clouds.

In the pose of a market businessman.

Just then, a young man in black walked into Tianhui Casino.

This young man in black is very ordinary.

It was so common that no one wanted to see him, even Xie Tianhui who overlooked the audience.

Xie Tianhui didn't move until the ordinary young man came to him.

"This friend seems to have come from purpose."

Xie Tianhui took the pipe from his mouth and looked at the young man in black: "Dare to ask, are you here to find Xie? Why?"

"Well, I came to see you."

The young man in black nodded: "As for what you are looking for, you can recall what you did at Qi Fengshan last night."

"Last night, Qi Fengshan?"

Hearing the words of young men in black, Xie Tianhui's face changed dramatically.

"I remembered?"

The young man in black said: "Since it comes to mind, then prepare to go to **** to report!"

While talking, the young man in black stretched out a hand and grabbed Xie Tianhui.

"Who are you? Is it wrong?"

Seeing the young man in black reaching out and grabbing, Xie Tianhui hurriedly said, "Xie Mou has been in the casino last night. Many people have seen it, there is no step in the casino at all."

"At this point, still want to quibble?"

The young man in black was unmoved: "Thank you Tianhui for being the owner of Tianhui Casino in Tianshui City, but in the killer world, it is the well-known killer 'Blood Poison'."

"The poison of one hand is unpredictable and can kill people over a dozen miles."

"Last night at Qi Fengshan, you killed Wang Bowen, a student of Qianlong Academy's knife tower peak, with your own poison."

"The purpose is to force me to come to Tianshui City."

"Now that I am Cheng Feng, you should pay the price of blood!"

"What? Are you Cheng Feng?"

Hearing the words of the young man in black, Xie Tianhui's complexion turned pale.

His body shivered, and the pipes almost fell to the ground.

The smoke in the pipe melted into the air and diffused silently towards Cheng Feng.

"Want to use poison?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng smiled indifferently: "I once wanted to poison me, but I was turned into a poison ball."

"Your poison is worthless."

Obviously, Xie Tianhui is the killer blood poison.

He was just shocked when he learned that the young man in black was Cheng Feng, and immediately poisoned with the pipe in his hand.

The intention is to kill Cheng Feng with poison, but with Dragon Ball, Cheng Feng is most afraid of poison.

I saw Cheng Feng's outstretched hand shake, humming ~~~

A force of terror suddenly emerged from the sky, and it actually forced the poisonous smoke everywhere to shrink back, and integrated into Xie Tianhui's body.


The poisonous smoke entered the body, Xie Tianhui's skin was immediately corroded, and blood vesicles appeared from the whole body.

When the blood bubble burst, it turned out to be rotting and purulent.

However, Cheng Feng condensed a dragon power shield, and Xie Tianhui's voice could not be transmitted at all.

A short while later, Xie Tianhui's whole body was melted and his bones melted.

In the end, the poisonous smoke released by himself turned into a smelly blood.

"Do not live by yourself!"

Cheng Feng watched Xie Tianhui turn into blood and blood, and he couldn't bear it.

Using his hand instead of a knife, Xie Tianhui, who turned into blood, wrote a line of text.

The killer's blood poison, the sin should be dead — the killer, Cheng Feng!

When the text was finished, Cheng Feng turned and went downstairs.

Walking and walking, the whole person disappeared and disappeared.


North of Tianshui City is a commercial zone.

There are a lot of shops here selling all kinds of things.

One of them, Yu Tie's weapon shop, is located on a remote street in the north of the city.

The Yu Tie Weapon Shop is very strange. Only one weapon is sold in the shop, that is, the sword.

All business is bad, there is only one business in three or five days.

Even with bad luck, it didn't open for half a month.

Today, Yu Tie Weapon Shop was transferred, and a young guest in black came.

"I heard that Yu Tie, the boss of Tie Weapons Shop, is a man who knows swords."

In the iron weapon shop, the young man in black looked at the dazzling iron swords and said lightly, "Each sword forged by him has soul."

"You're awesome. Yu is nothing more than an ironsmith."

The voice of the young man in black fell, and a rough voice sounded.

The voice came from a middle-aged man with a naked upper body and muscular build.

The man had dark skin. At a glance, he knew that he had stayed by the fire all year round.

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