Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1529: Second wave of killings

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Chapter 1529 The Second Wave of Killing

Cheng Feng is fast.

It took less than two hours to remove more than thirty killers hidden all over Tianshui City.

At this time, the sky was not bright, and on the street, 90% of the shops were closed.

But Mingfujing Tea House is still open, with bright lights inside.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng stepped in directly.

As soon as he sat down, a fellow came and bowed to Cheng Feng: "This boy, you have already ordered tea in Jiazi No.3 Yajian."

"Yajian No. 3?" Cheng Feng raised a brow.

He hadn't been in Mingfujing at all and had booked any elegant rooms.

But thinking for a moment, I immediately understood.

It must be that the boss of Mingfujing already knew his intention.

Therefore, the tedious connection code is omitted, and he is directly invited to the second floor elegant room.

"Well, I know."

After thinking about this, Cheng Feng nodded.

I gave the guy a piece of broken silver as a reward, then went to the second floor of the tea house.

No. 3 Jiazi, Cheng Feng has been here before.

This time I was familiar with the road, and soon arrived.

When he was outside Yajian, his eyes glanced out, and he found a middle-aged man sitting in Yajian.

"Is this man the boss of Mingfujing?"

Cheng Feng raised an eyebrow and walked without stopping, walking towards No. 3 Yajian.

"My name is Gao Quan. I am the owner of this tea house."

As soon as Cheng Feng entered Yajian, the middle-aged man stood up and introduced himself.

Then the tone turned and asked, "Are you Mr. Cheng from Qianlong County?"

This high-powered experience is hot and eloquent.

It is not the point of breaking Cheng Feng's identity, but Mr Cheng's name.

In this case, even if someone overhears, Cheng Feng's true identity cannot be determined.

Cheng Feng closed the door of Yajian and nodded and answered, "Yes, my name is Cheng."

"I'm here to see Boss Gao. I want to ask Boss Gao to give me another piece of information."

Cheng Feng Long Li urged, after covering the whole elegant room, went straight to the topic.

"Mr. Cheng, I think you should take it easy."

The high-powered face was dignified, suggesting: "Nearly thirty killings have just occurred in the whole Tianshui City, and all the dead were killed."

"This kind of thunder means is really appalling, it has shocked the whole world!"

"If you start a new action right away, I am afraid that someone will calculate it."

"Don't worry about this."

Cheng Feng said: "As long as boss Gao's information is not wrong, no one can count me."

"Mr. Cheng, don't be careless."

Gao Quansu said: "Since the news of your appearance in Tianshui City spreads, the whole world's killers, undercovers, solo travellers, and evil strong men ... all have heard the wind and are coming to Tianshui City.

"In addition, there are peerless killers and ascendants of the seventh devil in the sky, and they are also peeping."

"Once you are exposed, the consequences are unimaginable!"

"It's good that so many people come to Tianshui City."

However, Cheng Feng said with a smile: "It just happened to kill me and kill all the miscellaneous things that have been cruel to my friends.

"Mr. Cheng, you dare to think!"

After a moment of groaning, Gao Quan shook his head and said, "Well, since Mr. Cheng is so confident, I won't say more."

"Next, I will try my best to cooperate with Mr. Cheng, and send the latest information of the undercover and killer in Tianshui City to Mr. Cheng in time."

"Well, thank you, Mr. Gao."

Cheng Feng nodded and groaned: "But in future intelligence gathering, I hope Boss Gao will take those killers who have assassinated my friends first."

"Murder kills, those miscellaneous pieces must pay the price of blood!"

"Please rest assured, I know the primary and secondary information."

Gao Quan took out a piece of paper and pushed it in front of Cheng Feng: "This is an intelligence I just sorted out. There are five people in total, three young elite killers and two older killers. They have stabbed your friends."

"And these five are currently in Tianshui City."

"Very good." Cheng Feng nodded.

Gaze swept across that piece of paper, and the contents of the paper were all in mind.

"Mr. Cheng, for the sake of confidentiality, I will temporarily leave Mingfujing."

Gao Quandao: "In the future, I will send information to this elegant room every three days."

"If you have any needs, you can either leave a message in Yajian or send a message through Mr. Bai."

The name of Tianzhao Dasi Ming is Bai, and Mr. Bai said by Gao Quan should refer to the name of Tianzhao Dasi Ming.

"fair enough."

Cheng Feng nodded: "The probability of exposure can be minimized."

At this point, Cheng Feng got up and left.

But before I left, I suddenly asked, "Boss Gao, the first time I came here, I found someone secretly peeping."

"That person ... is he?"

"That man is me."

Gao Quan is a little embarrassed: "Professional habits, suspicion is heavy, please ask Mr. Cheng not to blame."

"Comprehensively." Cheng Feng smiled with relief.

Then he nodded to Gao Quan and turned out of Yajian.

When he had to leave Mingfujing Tea House, the whole man was absorbed into the darkness and disappeared.


Due to the appearance of Cheng Feng, the atmosphere of Tianshui City suddenly became tense.

Especially the evil masters, all flexing their muscles, want to find Cheng Feng and put it to death.

Unfortunately, although Cheng Feng killed more than 30 people in Tianshui City, he left no trace.

Even the experienced followers were obscured by their eyes and could not start.

I can only hold my emotions and wait for Cheng Feng to appear.

They didn't wait too long.

About half an hour after the last wave of killings, another killer was killed.

The death situation was the same as that of more than thirty people in front, and he died in one hit.

Next to the corpse, five words lingered.

——— Cheng Feng, the killer!

Not only that, but a few minutes after the killer died.

Another killer was killed. The Shuicheng Guards arrived at the scene that day, and the blood of the killer was still warm.

"Cheng Feng kills people so fast."

"Everyone killed was fatal in one hit, without any trace of struggle."

"And the identity checks of these people were error-free, and no one was killed by mistake."

"This shows that Cheng Feng had done a lot of preparations before he started, and knew the killers lurking in the city."

Next to the body of the second killer, the captain of the Tianshui City Guards condensed and analyzed: "Under this, the killer in the city for Cheng Feng is just like a chicken and duck to be slaughtered."

"As long as Cheng Feng finds the door, there will be no doubt!"

The reason why the killer is terrible is its hidden ability.

The reason why those killers dare to attack Cheng Feng's friends, forced Cheng Feng to come to Tianshui City.

The intention is to kill Cheng Feng by means of assassination.

But unexpectedly, Cheng Feng suddenly killed, and also learned the hiding place of all the killers.

All of a sudden, all the killers and evil factions lurking in Tianshui City underwent surprises and began to panic.

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