Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1539: Insurance

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Chapter 1539 Risk Insurance

"What? Dead?"

On the third shot, Qi Ming originally thought he was in danger.

Even ready for death.

However, at this moment, he saw Zhuo Tiantian's sword qi toward his throat, and it disappeared inexplicably.

After waiting, he looked up to Zhuo Potian, just to see a black knife flashing.

Immediately afterwards, Zhuo Tiantian's head flew up.

This caused Qi Ming to scoop up a layer of goosebumps, and the scalp exploded instantly, feeling like he was dreaming.

At this moment, not only Qi Ming has this feeling of dreaming.

Jiang Tao, Feng Baifeng, Qilu ... and so on, all seemed to be dreaming.

Boss with dull eyes and open mouth.

Even the lady Wang Yuyan is no exception.

Not far away, Cheng Feng who killed Zhuo Tiantian with one stroke did not react much to this.

I saw him kill Zhuo Potian with one stroke without stopping.

Carry the magic knife in the hand, and threw it in the direction of the thirteen shot flag.

咻咻 咻 ~~~

Thirteen knives shot in anger, rubbing across the rope that bound Qi Ming and others.

Immediately, the thirteen people of Qi Ming were rescued and fell off the flagpole.

At this time, Cheng Feng's body flickered, just under the body of the thirteen people of Qi Ming, and the Void Pot had been opened.

When Qi Ming they fell, they just fell into the void pot.

Then, Cheng Feng put away the empty pot, and was ready to leave.

But at this time, hum ~~~

The huge Tiandu Square suddenly lit up a heavy light curtain.

This heavy light curtain is huge, covering the whole square, and Cheng Feng is just inside it.

Apparently a means of the evil faction, a large formation was set up in Tiandu Square in advance.

Once Cheng Feng appears, immediately open the big array and seal Cheng Feng's way out!

"It really fell into the ambush ..."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng frowned.

He had been lurking for a long time before, giving a fatal blow to Zhuo Po Angel.

I just want to win time and avoid the possible ambush of the evil camp.

Unfortunately, it is still a step slower.

"This formation is not high grade."

Cheng Feng observed the huge light curtain and whispered, "I want to rush out, it should be very easy."

"As long as the seventh-best peerless powerhouse in the sky is killed, no one wants to stop me!"

In thinking, Cheng Feng's footsteps kept beating, beckoning Zhuo Potian's hands to break the heavenly sword, and threw it into a soul ring.

The next moment, the whole person was like a humanoid lightning flashing out of Tiandu Square.

At the same time, outside Tiandu Square.

Om ~~ Om ~~ Om ~~

Dozens of powerful martial arts spirits have risen in a row, like a stout Optimus Pillar of Light, piercing the depths of the sky, the scene is particularly scary.

Amazingly, the evil faction has arrived, and there are 16 of them.

Especially when the first three, the six haloes shine behind their heads, all of them are the sixth most powerful top performers.

In the next five, the five halo flickers in the back of the head are the fifth strongest person in the sky.

Although the remaining people are not so horrible, they are not weak, and they have reached the third highest point in the worst.

As soon as these evil factions emerged, all their divine powers stirred up, and they rose into the sky.

When they stayed together, they formed a huge shield of divine power, and surrounded the entire Tiandu Square again along the array light curtain.

Obviously want to kill Cheng Feng, not to give Cheng Feng any chance to escape!

"Three ascended the sixth strongest, five ascended the fifth strongest, and eight masters ascended to the third or higher."

Flying towards the outside of Tiandu Square, Cheng Feng saw the divine shield on the light screen of the formation law, his face could not help but condense.

Whispering: "So many ascents to heaven have condensed into a shield of divine power, and its defense will reach terror."

"I can't break it with my strength!"

"It's a bit dangerous now!"

There are a total of sixteen ascendants in the sky, which is a scary number.

Drain two first-class gates, I'm afraid they won't be enough.

In order to kill Cheng Feng, the evil faction sent so many masters, which can be called crazy.

"Cheng Feng, fled to the north side of the square."

At this moment, Long Aotian's voice sounded in Cheng Feng's ear: "I left the backhand there, I can reverse the power of the array."

"Once activated, the formation will not only stop you, but will also turn the spear and attack the shield of divine power."

"At that time, if you open the pinch, you may be able to break the divine shield and get out of trouble!"

"North side of the square? OK!"

Wen Yan, Cheng Feng nodded.

Then the direction of the flying shot turned and went straight to the north side of Tiandu Square.

Cheng Feng's speed is very fast, in the blink of an eye, he has reached the north side of Tiandu Square.

And Cheng Feng just arrived, hum ~~~

The matrix light curtain covering Tiandu Square trembled suddenly.

Immediately, all the lights lost control and suddenly condensed directly in front of Cheng Feng.

After waiting for more than 90% of the light curtains to be screwed together, a large light gun was suddenly formed.

The large gun was tens of meters long, and the strength of the gun was turbulent.

The next moment, the big gun fired like an arrow.

Severely poked on the magic shield formed by the sixteen ascendants of heaven.

Poke the indestructible divine shield hard to bulge outward.

At this time, Cheng Feng cut the magic sword with his hand and used the third type of instant kill of the magic sword.

Immediately, Cheng Feng turned into a human blade.

Wait to be blasted forward, oh ~~~

The human blade immediately cut off the convex divine shield, and emerged instantly!

"Not good. The Liumang defensive array is out of control and is actually attacking the divine shield."

"Damn it, the divine shield was bulged by the force of the formation."

Outside the Tiandu Square, the sixteen Dengtianjing who had been killed just thought that Cheng Feng was in danger.

Suddenly, Feng Feng's defensive array was out of control.

Turned his spear and attacked his divine shield instead.

This made the sixteen ascendants of the heavens face change suddenly, hissing and roaring.

However, wait for them to roar.

噗嗤 ~~~

The indestructible divine shield shattered open.

A figure rushed out arrogantly, knowing not to use it, it must be Cheng Feng!

"Escaped, Cheng Feng rushed out of the divine shield!"

"Damn it, **** it!"

Seeing this scene, the sixteen ascendants of the heavens were blackened and angry.

In the fury, the power of the body exploded.

When exhibiting their strongest martial arts, they blasted towards Cheng Feng's rushing position.

However, after flying out of the divine shield, Cheng Feng immediately exhibited the Shadow Kill of Seven Kills.

The whole person turned into a shadow, flying towards the direction away from Tiandu Square.

Sixteen ascendants from the ascension to the sky came to attack, Cheng Feng stepped on the sixth floor to dodge.

In the thrill, more than 90% escaped.

The remaining 10% of the attack hit him. Cheng Feng relied on the defense of the God of War armor and Tianlong Jinshen to block it easily and unscathed.

After more than a dozen arrows struck, we had to get out of the attack range of the ascendants.

But at this moment.

An attack, like eyes, hit Cheng Feng exactly.

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