Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1544: Nakasu a little red

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Chapter 154 Nakasu A Little Red

The sword is white and the sword is black.

Both of these weapons are fine.

When the two weapons collided, a cold metal impact sounded.

The next moment, the force of terror exploded in the position where the swords struck.

Let the Devil Sword slam, a black halo appeared on the blade.

On the other hand, the thin white sword was hit by the blade, and a small gap appeared.

Wait until the sword continues to pierce forward, 噌 ~~~

The thin white sword was actually split from the middle and cut into it by the Devil Sword.

It was as if a bamboo sword met an iron knife, and the two weapons fell, instantly clear!

"Uh? Cheng Feng is all right?"

When flying, Long Aotian saw this, and his eyes widened sharply: "Not only that, he also slashed the thin white sword with a knife?"

It's incredible!

Long Aotian thought that Cheng Feng could not escape this time.

But the next moment, Cheng Feng counterattacked the Jedi, causing the assassin to retreat.

This made Long Aotian's tight nerves relax, and his footsteps in the swift flight slowed down.

Compared to Long Aotian, the eleven evil factions ascended to heaven, but they set off a huge wave in their hearts.

"Not dead? Cheng Feng wasn't dead?"

"Even the blind sword, one of the top ten killers in the killer world, failed to kill it !?"

"You know, the blind sword is among the top ten killing stars, but it is ranked fourth."

"One-handed sword, broke the huge name in the killer world, and was called 'Zhongzhou little red'!"

"Only one sword was used to kill. One sword hit the eyebrow and never missed it."

"But this time ..."

The killer blind sword is a rising star in the killer world.

This man used only one sword to kill, and the slain person saw the sword in his heart, only this place became popular.

This person is rumored to be from Nakasu, so he is called Nakasu a little red!

Unexpectedly, Zhongzhou was a little bit red against Cheng Chengfeng, but it lost its former style.

The eleven ascendants of the ascendant who came to slay Cheng Feng were dull, unable to calm down for a long time.

Meanwhile, on the battlefield.

"My Xuemei!"

The thin white sword was cut by the demon sword, and a husky voice sounded from a few meters away.

The sound was full of pain and surprise.

Immediately, a blurred figure's hand shook.

The thin white sword was immediately recovered, and the fuzzy figure burst back.

In all likelihood, it is a red-blind sword in Zhongzhou.

"How could Cheng Feng's knife be so sharp?"

At this time, the blind sword was full of surprise, and whispered in shock: "My Xuemei is a top Taoist soldier, even gestating Shengwei."

"Once Shengwei formed, he could be promoted to a semi-holy artifact, which was cut open by his black knife ..."

"Not only that, his gold armor is even more horrifying."

"It took me a long time to prepare a life-threatening sword, and it was unscathed. Is it a holy weapon?"

The big sword rolled in the blind sword's heart, and he had no hope for the assassination of Cheng Feng.

Because he had just made a sudden attack, Cheng Feng stabbed the pinnacle of the sword with no defense, and failed to kill Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng is now ready, and it looks like he hasn't suffered any serious injuries.

In this case, there is no chance of success.

So the blind sword was full of puzzlement and unwillingness, and the sword flew back, and then he flew away.

However, he wants to leave, but some people do not want him to leave.

I saw Cheng Feng stabilize his figure from the blow of the blind sword.

There were dozens of meters away from the blind sword, and he was slashed out.

Cheng Feng was still in dizziness at this time.

The sword of Blind Sword just now is too powerful. Despite the defense of War God armor and Tianlong Golden Body, Cheng Feng was also traumatized.

The whole head was stinging, and the spirit was shaken violently.

Even when Cheng Feng rushed into his mind with sword qi, he condensed the spirit into a big seal in time.

At least one thousandth of the spirits were also stabbed to death by sword gas.

It can be said that Cheng Feng was the closest to death in history.

Therefore, Cheng Feng was furious to the extreme, and he was so upset with the blind sword that he did not wait for his stinging head to alleviate, so he started to attack the blind sword.

Is about to kill the blind sword on the spot!

However, while Cheng Feng was pursuing the blind sword.

call out! A sharp knife suddenly appeared, blasting Cheng Feng like lightning.

The timing of this sharp knife was very coincident, when Cheng Feng was eager to get revenge because he was assassinated by a blind sword.

At this time, Cheng Feng's mind was bet on the blind sword, and his defense was greatly relaxed.

So he stabbed with a knife, almost without being blocked, and went straight to the key point of Cheng Feng.

When Cheng Feng reacted, the sharp knife was close to his eyes.

"Haha, that's one of the eight killers of the Temple."

"A thousand swords in one hand are out of nowhere, and once assassinated three ascendants of the fifth strongest, all with one sword.

"Cheng Feng has been assassinated by the knife. This is absolutely fierce!"

In all directions, the eleven evil factions who saw the heavenly powers saw this, their eyes brightened.

I feel that Cheng Feng is dead this time.

But just in case, eleven people flew together.

Prepare to make up the knife after the assassination of the knife and kill Cheng Feng completely!

"Kill the temple, the sword?"

In the void, Cheng Feng was assassinated again, his muscles suddenly tightened.

The painful head in the past became very clear at this moment: "It's a big idea, I really have a big idea!"

"I was almost killed by the assassination of the killer blind sword just now, and my mood was a little out of control. I was thinking of revenge, my alertness diminished, and I was assassinated.

"However, Juehou wants to kill me, and he has to pay the price of blood!"

When the crisis struck, Cheng Feng's thoughts turned sharply, and an instant decision was made.

I saw that he turned a blind eye to the sharp knife Hou stabbed to his neck, his eyes flashed fiercely, he directly lifted the demon sword, and blasted away in the direction of the lore.

This knife of Cheng Feng cut out a long and narrow flame of light, covering thousands of kilometers.

If Jue Hou wants to hit Cheng Feng firmly, he will be wiped by the flame knife light.

And this flame knife light, the power reached a terrifying level.

Although Xiuhou Houwei has reached the fourth ascent of the ascent, once he is cut by the flame knife, it is undoubtedly dead.

Under this condition, the critical strike of Juehou Hou suddenly turned into life.

His sword may cut Cheng Feng's neck, but he also has to pay the price of his life.

Apparently, he was not prepared for death.

I didn't want to push myself in to kill Cheng Feng.

So he gave up his hand flatly, and the whole person flew out of the enveloped area of ​​the flame knife light.

As for the sharp knife, it continued to pierce Cheng Feng's neck.

However, the sharp knife had no control, and its lethality suddenly decreased.

At this time, Cheng Feng pushed the armor of war to the extreme, and mentioned his shoulder, his left shoulder was just in front of the sharp knife.

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