Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1552: Shocking

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Chapter 1552

However, as soon as Cheng Feng turned his head, the grimace had disappeared.

Cheng Feng opened the eyes of the God of Fortune and looked closely, only to see a faint figure holding a wooden frame full of rag dolls, walking towards Tianshui City North City.

In a blink of an eye, it was thousands of kilometers away.

"This face is truly a man of justice."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng whispered: "The assassination of evil warriors is not for the sake of fame, but it can be called a hermit."

Cheng Feng looked at the grimace and went away, but did not catch up to talk.

Because the grimace obviously didn't want to communicate with people, since the other party didn't want to, Cheng Feng didn't force it.

After all, everyone has their own style.

Perhaps leaving silently, licking the wound by himself, is better for the grimace.

After watching the grimace leave, the Devil Sword also swallowed up the diamond-shaped sharp knife.

Cheng Feng discarded the abandoned diamond-shaped sharp knife and grabbed the demon sword.

Then a pair of eyes stared at a loft several kilometers away.

That loft was ordinary, in a large loft, nothing unusual.

However, with Cheng Feng's eyes fixed on this loft.

The attic immediately changed, and a large piece of dirt suddenly fell under the eaves behind it.

When it landed on the ground, the dirt instantly blended with the ground.

In the breath, there was no trace.

He is a certain lurker. After being caught by Cheng Feng, he fled away.

"It seems that there are many killers lurking in Tianshui City."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "And these killers are stronger and more terrifying!"

Cheng Feng, the lurker who was integrated into the ground just now, didn't really notice it.

Just vaguely felt that the attic was a bit wrong.

He deliberately bluffed it out.

Originally Cheng Feng was going to pursue the kill, but the man's means of escape were very clever.

Melting into the ground at once, like a drop of water into the sea.

Even Cheng Feng's eyes were not captured, and he could only give up pursuit.

"Forget it, go and meet with Hua Tianxiong first."

Cheng Feng looked back and groaned, "I have killed too many evil strong men and top killers this time, and it will definitely cause uproar."

"Once the news spreads, the entire evil faction and the killer world will set their sights on it."

"By then, the biggest crisis of my life will come."

"So before that, I need to arrange Brother Jiang and Wang Yuyan."

Thinking of it, Cheng Feng flew to Tiandu Square as soon as his thoughts were collected.

At the same time, the entire Yuhua **** dynasty has been fried because of Cheng Feng!

The seven counties of Sanzhou and the territory of hundreds of millions of miles all boiled.

All kinds of shocking sounds kept ringing everywhere.


Inside Blackwater Palace, Blackwater Palace, Blackwater County.


"Cheng Feng killed seventeen ascendants in the sky in half a day, three top assassins?"

When the master of the Blackwater Palace received the news, the heart almost jumped out of the chest.

I thought he heard the rumors, but when he flew out of the Black Whale Hall, he saw the tumbling black clouds in the sky, the rolling lightning, the violent sky crying, and the pouring snow.

The suspicion in my heart disappeared in an instant, leaving only a full horror.


"Twenty killing the top ten powerhouses in a row, four of them are the top six powerhouses?"

"Cheng Feng, is he still human?"

Longyuan County, Longyuan County.

The owner of the Longyuan Pavilion looked at a briefing in his hand, but could not calm down.

After a long time, he sighed, "No wonder the blue-and-white girl looked at Cheng Feng differently."

"This son, really is a peerless wizard."

"If you don't die, I'm afraid it will be a peerless man comparable to the Heavenly Burial Emperor!"


Nakasu, Destiny Division.

Tian Zhao Dai Ming shook his body and said with excitement: "This boy Cheng Feng really wants to break the sky this time, when he shot, he even cut 20 ascendants of heaven."

"Under this, it will definitely attract the evil fighters on the front line of the battlefield to the past."

"It gave me the right path to fight back and created a great opportunity."

"But at the same time, it brought him an unprecedented crisis."

"If you don't respond well, you will die on the spot!"

Thinking of this, Tianzhao Da Ming clenched his hands tightly, and said in a deep voice, "Cheng Feng, you must stand up, you must be fine!"


"Has Cheng Feng already started?"

Qianlong County, Qianlong College.

Mr. Shu looked at the sky, his face was moving: "Since this is the case, it is time to end the Qianlong plan of my college."

"Once the peerless powerhouse of the evil faction is led away by Cheng Feng, it will break the game with" Qilong "."

"Take this blood **** disaster that lasted for more than a year, and put an end to it!"


Not only the upright camp, but also the evil camp and the killer world.

For example, in the Temple of Killing God, a clay statue suddenly spoke.

Just said one word --- kill!

The gate of hell, Yan Jun's eyes opened, killing like waves.

The next moment, several orders came out to kill Cheng Feng.

As for the Blood God Church headquarters, the Blood God Mountain is shining in blood.

Then, a middle-aged man with big ears flew out of the mountain.

The total number of these middle-aged people reached seven.

There is an ancient script on each forehead.

The words horse, foe, fear, and fear are impressively listed.

Obviously the condensed clones of the second elder of the Blood Gods, all of them are sixth in the sky.

After flying out of the Blood God Mountain, they immediately flew away from the Blood God Church headquarters.

And at the same time, roar roar ~~~

A violent beast roared.

Immediately, there was a gigantic beast with red blood all over his body, covered with fine and sharp scale armor, and came out from the bottom of the Blood God Mountain.

This blood-red pirate beast is full of fierce vitality, and his mouth is as big as a hill.

The teeth inside were upside down like a sword, crooked, and there was a large piece of blood flesh hanging on it.

It is the killing machine blood **** beast specially raised by the blood gods. Although the rank is the sixth rank of the rank, the sixth strongest person who has reached the sky must also change his color.

At this moment, from the bottom of the Blood God Mountain, there were actually four blood **** beasts.

Under the command of a dark-skinned man wearing a short skirt with animal skin, he got into a cloth bag.

Then the dark-skinned man put away the cloth bag, glanced at the Blood God Mountain, and turned away.

Just when the world is changing.

Heishui County, Tianshui City.

Cheng Feng performed his moves and quickly returned to Tiandu Square.

I saw the Tiandu Square at this time, looking a bit run-down.

Even with the protection of mysterious forces, the huge square was collapsed by Cheng Feng's aftermath of battle, with potholes and cracks on the ground.

Fortunately, Zhuo Tiantian is rampant and overbearing, and all people dare not come to the square.

It did not cause much casualties, which is a blessing in misfortune.

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