Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1562: Mid-office

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Chapter 1562 The Innings

"The Promise King is proficient in the way of the void, and is indeed a great candidate to intercept Cheng Feng."

Judge Tian nodded: "This time, Cheng Feng is in danger!"

While speaking, the judge in heaven held his sword and flew towards the edge of the mark of heaven.

The second elder of the Blood Gods is not willing to fall behind, but also flew to the sky.

Afterwards, the Lord likely bypassed the explosion zone, glanced, and rushed to the mark of the sky.

There is also a dark-skinned man with a dark-skinned sack in his hand.

For a moment, Cheng Feng fell into the siege of five peerless powerhouses.

The crisis has reached an unprecedented level!

At the edge of the sky, Cheng Feng deeply felt the crisis coming from all directions.

Apart from that, ten Longli wells squirted out of the body.

Summon the magic knife to fold the waves to kill, and once again cut the big hand grabbed overhead.

This time, the Devil Sword cut into a few meters of the large hand, although it was also hindered by the stretching of the void.

However, when the heavy blades accumulated on the blade edge burst out continuously.

But it stretched to the extreme void and chopped, stabbing ~~~

Wait until the blade was cut in that big hand, and the little finger of the big hand was cut down directly.

Cheng Feng then took a marvelous step, escaping from the fracture of the little finger.

The first wave of Promise King's attack on Cheng Feng was forcibly resolved.

However, the Promise King has a lot of methods. Cheng Feng just flew away from the grasp of the big hand.

Obviously, the technique of void compression is applied, which is almost impossible to prevent!

"Void, break me!"

However, Cheng Feng was not surprised.

Carrying the magic knife, he ignored the big hand that was grabbed in all directions.

Instead, he performed the Emperor Cang Sword Technique, and severely cut the sword towards the open area under his feet.

Cheng Feng's knife is amazing. Even if the void near the mark of the sky is very solid, Cheng Feng cut a long and narrow knife mark with one stroke.

The moment the knife marks appeared, Cheng Feng didn't hesitate.

One step out, actually jumped into the vast void.

The void is immense, filled with billions of planes and the world, known as the sea of ​​void.

The Nether Sea is so terrifying that no one can surrender.

Even the mighty creatures of the realm are afraid of it.

Cheng Feng jumped into the sea of ​​void, and the vastness of the sky came under pressure. He suddenly drowned all the attacks of the Promise God and disappeared.

"Actually entered the sea of ​​void?"

At the edge of the sky mark, a young man with deep eyes appeared.

He saw Cheng Feng hid in the void sea, and said coldly, "It is really stupid, do you think that with the power of the void sea, you can resolve the god's space martial arts?"

"This time God will let you die in your own stupidity!"

After saying nothing, the Promise King grabbed the void with both hands and gently pulled to the sides.

Tearing ~ The void in front of him was torn apart, and then he entered the void.

Not only the Promise King, but the Heaven Judge, the Second Elder, and His Majesty the Lord, who were pursuing it, saw this without any hesitation.

One ripped open the void and got into the void sea to intercept Cheng Feng.

Only the dark-skinned brawny man walked slowly, still on his way.

At the same time, the void was at home.

Cheng Feng just stabilized his body and was about to identify his position.

Without knowing how far ahead, the barriers to space were torn apart with both hands.

Then, the Promise King stepped forward, and when he saw Cheng Feng, he grabbed his hands sharply towards Cheng Feng.


The palms of the vast and imaginary king of directionlessness are concentrated.

Immediately, Cheng Feng flew to the Promise God somehow.

But in fact, Cheng Feng didn't move at all.

The reason why he flew to the Promise King is obviously the result of the opponent's space martial arts.

"The space martial arts of the Promise King's imitation body have such power in the sea of ​​void?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's face changed slightly.

Because to his knowledge, the void sea has a strong suppressive effect on space martial arts.

Many space martial arts in the sea of ​​void will greatly reduce their power and even directly lose their effectiveness.

But Wuji King's space martial arts are still very strong.

Despite the suppression of the Promise King by the Void Sea, the impact is not great, and it can still pose a threat to Cheng Feng.

"Di Cang sword, cut!"

His body flew to the Promise King, and Cheng Feng's face was frozen.

The dragon power erupted in the body, and a piece of Emperor Cangdao was cut out.

The space martial art of the Promise King was cut off stiffly, stopping the flight of the body.

"Cheng Feng, can you finish it?"

However, Cheng Feng just cut off this type of space martial arts.

Another type of space martial arts has been used by the Promise King, and continues to drag Cheng Feng to fly in his direction.

Moreover, the Promise King also stepped forward and approached Cheng Feng.

One step is not knowing how many miles, quickly closing the distance between him and Cheng Feng.

Not only that, not far behind Cheng Feng, the Judge of Hell's Gate, the Second Elder of the Blood Gods, and the Savage Lord have also entered the sea of ​​void.

Seeing Cheng Feng, immediately performed martial arts killing.

For a time, Cheng Feng seemed to be in a state of despair, and the breath of death was extremely strong!

But at this moment, Cheng Feng's face flashed a bit of rudeness.

Then the spirits urged and took out the remaining eight black water overcast thunders.

Throw it towards the Promise King.

"Blackwater and overcast thunder?"

Seeing this scene, the face of the Promise King changed slightly.

But he was not panicked and stepped towards Cheng Feng's footsteps.

With both hands open arrogantly, wow ~~~

The void between him and Cheng Feng was greatly stretched, and the number of times increased.

The black water overcast thunder thrown by Cheng Feng was flying at high speed towards the Promise King.

But all of a sudden, the flight stopped suddenly.

It looks like it's standing still in the air!

"Explode me!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng was expressionless and coldly spit out a burst of words.

And as the words burst out, Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang ~ ~ ~

The eight black-water overcast thunders fixed in nothingness exploded.

The terror was released and the space martial arts of the Promise King was instantly destroyed.

Then the explosive force swept across and went straight to the Promise King.

However, the Promise King is light and light.

"Cheng Feng, this attack of yours has no meaning to the gods."

The Promise King talked and laughed and stepped back: "You can't hurt your **** by any means!"

The Promise King did not boast that the eight black water overcast thunders could not hurt the other party.

I saw King Promise step back four or five steps and completely escaped the impact of the terrorist explosion.

"Hehe ~~~"

However, Cheng Feng was not in the least annoyed.

Instead, there was a smile on his solemn face: "You're right, the explosion of black water and overcast thunder cannot really hurt you for the slightest."

"But I didn't even want to kill you with black water overcast thunder."

"Don't want to kill me with black water overcast?"

The Promise King's expression was condensed, and he said inexplicably, "So why do you do useless work?"

At this point, the Promise King suddenly guessed a possibility, his face changed: "Did you ..."

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