Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1586: Outright kill

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Chapter 158 Complete Kill

The person who just cut off the head of the Sky Judge just now is indeed Cheng Feng.

Not long ago, under the flicker of the Heaven Judge, the two emperor clams rushed into battle and attempted to encircle Cheng Feng, forcing Cheng Feng to escape.

However, after flying hundreds of miles, Cheng Feng was unwilling.

After all, it was a rare opportunity to kill Tian Jue.

Lost in this way, very unhappy.

So he gritted his teeth, cast a shadow kill of Dacheng Realm, and returned back.

Dormantly, waiting for the opportunity to assassinate.

Cheng Feng didn't wait long before the second elder arrived and killed him together with the emperor clam.

The judge thought that there was no threat, and began to repair the injury, thus reducing the alertness.

At this time, Cheng Feng quietly sneaked in the shadow kill.

Actually allowed him to sneak into the side of Tian Jue within 500 meters.

Then suddenly attacked, and immediately cut off the judge's neck.

However, the Sky Judge is a peerless powerhouse that ranks seventh in the sky.

Just like His Holiness, his head was cut off and he is still alive.

If he were given a chance, he would reconnect his head to his neck, and maybe he would come back to life.

Therefore, after Cheng Feng cut off Tian Jie's neck in one stab, the second knife immediately followed, and he wanted to directly slay Tian Jie's head.

"Little beast, how dare you!"

Not far away, the second elder of the Blood Gods saw this, and yelled away.

Immediately afterwards, a half-day martial arts Jizo **** came out, trying to stop Cheng Feng's attack.

"Big-eared humans, your opponent is King!"

However, the second elder's palm strength had not yet appeared, and the emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spider jumped out.

He lay in front of the second elder and intercepted his attack.

Obviously, it is necessary to fall into the hole and give Cheng Feng time to completely kill the judge.

"Two beasts, look for death!"

Intercepted by the emperor clam, the second elder burst into anger.

The Jizo **** opened his fire and launched a terror attack on the second demon.

However, the effect was not great, and the Emperor Clam Two Demon could not be repelled instantly, and he could only watch a black knife blast the head of the judge.

Meanwhile, the other side.

"Little beasts, let's die together!"

Sky Judge's head was chopped off, and he still had combat power.

The headless corpse clutching the judge's sword turned out to be the back of Cheng Feng's stabbing, and it was all with Cheng Feng.

However, Cheng Feng did not take it to heart.

I saw that his action of beating the judge was unchanged, and at the same time he evoked the armor of war, the dragon's golden body, the mad sword and power, and even called the magic sword.

Use these four defenses to block the assassination of the judge sword.

Huh! The judge's sword stabbed Cheng Feng's back heart.

Under the protection of the quadruple defense, Cheng Feng suffered only a distress and was not badly hit.

On the contrary, the head of Tian Jietian, under the slash of Cheng Feng's second sword, 嘭 ~~~

It exploded directly.

Then a divine thought flew from the broken head, with the intention of fleeing.

Cheng Feng had long been prepared, and the soul-steal was used.

Boom ~ ~ Blast that god.

A peerless powerhouse who reached the seventh weight in the sky suddenly fell into the hands of Cheng Feng!

"Do not!!"

Seeing that Tian Jue was beaten by Cheng Feng to death, the second elder of the Blood Gods was furious.

The divine power in the body was blasting and poured between his hands, and the monarch clam and the eight-faced ghost spider temporarily retreated.

Immediately step forward, we will launch a fatal attack on Cheng Feng.

"It's not a good time to stay here!"

Not far away, Cheng Feng saw this, forcibly suppressing the excitement of killing the judge.

Looking at the headless corpse of the Sky Judge, I saw that the body had been broken with the thought of the Sky Judge and lost his ability to act, just like an ordinary corpse.

So he picked it up, took the half-holy artifact judge sword, and threw it to the second elder.

At the same time, he shouted to the two emperor clams: "The earth soul tree is in the exclusive storage space of the Sky Judge. If two people want it, work **** the body of the Sky Judge!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng displayed a sacred walking ladder and immediately burst into the distance!

"Judge's body?"

Hearing the words of Cheng Feng, the eyes of the two emperor clams suddenly flashed.

Without saying a word, rushed to the second elder of the blood gods again.

Because of the deceased's body, Cheng Feng was thrown to the second elder and just caught by the other.

"Two beasts, get rid of this elder!"

Seeing this, the second elder took away the corpse of the judge.

Half-day martial arts ground possession of the palm of the god, they blasted over to the emperor clam two demon.

Even in order to repulse the emperor clam two monsters, Cheng Feng was intercepted, and the killing trick of the Jizang **** palm was used, ‘Wan Lian Kai Kai’.

But it's too late!

When he repelled the emperor clams and prepared to chase Cheng Feng, Cheng Feng had no trace of him.

Suddenly fled!

"Jack, junk!"

Seeing this, the second elder's hair flew upright.

The seven-star power in the body exploded like a magma to the four sides, making the world eclipsed and the sun and the moon dark.

Immediately afterwards, a pair of blood-red eyes stared at the emperor clam, and the terrible lore martial arts was released.

The anger that escaped Cheng Feng was scattered on the emperor clam and the eight-faced ghost spider.

Not only that, but a thousand miles away from here, a young man with deep eyes appeared.

This young man was scary and fast, and he was thousands of miles away when he appeared.

After I stepped up, I took two or three steps, and actually came close.

As if to have a means to shrink into the inch, it is the imitation of the blood **** religion Promise King!

"Second elder, how is the judge? Where is Cheng Feng?"

The Promise King is unlucky.

He entered the Mark of the Sky one minute earlier than the second elder.

But it was swept to the other side by the squall wind at the entrance of the mark of heaven.

After receiving the call for help from the Judge of the Heavens, the space martial arts came immediately, but it was still a step slower.

"God King, Sky Judge fell and died in Cheng Feng's hands!"

The second elder gritted his teeth: "As for Cheng Feng ... escape!"

"Actually, they are both blamed for the beast obstruction of these seven grades, otherwise such things would not have happened."

"What? Sky Judge fell into the hands of Cheng Feng?"

The Promise King was frightened with emotion: "The judge on that day, it seems that Xiu Xiu had reached the seventh ascent to the sky, but was also killed by Cheng Feng?

The news of the fall of Sky Judge has caused great shock to the Promise King.

After the shock, a pair of deep eyes shot deadly and looked at the emperor clam two demon.

"Balian, the situation is not right, withdraw first!"

The second elder of the Blood Gods is very powerful, and one person is enough to fight with the two emperor clams.

Now there is a tyrannical presence similar to the strength of the second elder, and the emperor clam suddenly felt a strong threat.

Although the body of the Judge Tian was in mind, he finally prepared to withdraw his teeth as soon as he bit his teeth.

After all, although the land soul fruit is good, it is far less important than life.

The second elder + King Promise is fully capable of killing them.

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