Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1591: Son of the continent

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Chapter 1591 The Son of the Continent

"Damn man, **** man!"

Seeing the disappearing second elder, the emperor clam growled angrily: "Dare to hurt my king so badly, and he fled!"

"Old toad, they can't escape!"

The eight-faced ghost spider had eight black faces, and chilly: "I have left spider silk powder on them, and even if they fled thousands of miles, I could track them."

"Eight-faced, this black shaki sea is silent in the desert of the Canghan plane fragment."

The emperor clam frowned. "Once I leave this desert, I cannot borrow the power of the Hexaqi Sea."

"In this case, even if we catch up with those two **** humans, I am afraid they are not opponents!"

"The two humans are indeed overbearing, but we are not completely without a chance."

The Eight-faced Ghost Spider said: "The two humans seem to be chasing and killing the man with a knife named Cheng Feng."

"That Cheng Feng is very strong and very cunning. If we can join them, it will not be difficult to kill these two people!"

"Cheng Feng?"

The emperor frowned, hesitating, "Cheng Feng's strength is good, but we can't deal with him."

"You know, not long ago, we were trying to stab the back and kill people."

"Now run to team up with each other again, how will they agree?"

"I definitely thought we wanted to do the trick again.

"It's a bit tricky, but it can be explained well."

Eight-faced ghost spider's brow wrinkled, eight pairs of eyes turned, and suddenly said: "Big deal, let's make a vow of God's soul, in all likelihood we can succeed."

"Well, then try it."

The emperor clam agreed: "The two humans with the big ears are so hateful that it would be hard to die without killing them."

"Further, the human body in white can still be in the hands of humans with big ears. Without killing each other, the earth soul fruit will pass us by."

"This kind of thing must not be allowed to happen!"

During the talk, the two emperor clams reached a consensus.

Then quickly disappeared and went to find Cheng Feng Alliance!

At the same time, thousands of miles away.

One eye was deep in the youth walking.

This young man seems to have a means to shrink into inches, and in a single step it is dozens or hundreds of miles, which is the Promise King.

"The second elder, Cheng Feng, must be eradicated as soon as possible."

The Promise King said as he walked: "This son now has the ability to kill the Sky Judge. If he does not rush to kill it again, I am afraid that you and I will be threatened.

"As a result, it will be very troublesome to pick the 'fruits' in the near future!"

"Well, indeed."

Beside the Promise King, the second elder followed and nodded: "The growth speed of Cheng Feng, a small beast, is really abnormal."

"And now it has become a climate. If you want to solve it, you and I, as well as iron slaves and pretty wide canals will be siege together."

"Where is Iron Slave?"

Wuji King said: "If you can contact him, let him join us as soon as possible, and then siege on Cheng Feng."

"Iron slaves are trapped inside a canyon that is more than 20,000 miles away."

The second elder said: "We need to take the time to go over and rescue them."

"However, this matter can be temporarily put aside. By means of iron slaves, plus the help of four blood gods and beasts, there should be no danger to life."

"It's pretty wide, it seems to have been hit hard."

"His head was cut off by Cheng Feng. With the help of the brutal god, he was lucky to escape."

"If Cheng Feng pursues it, it will be very dangerous."

"Oh? If that's the case, then let's go to Guangguangqu first."

The Promise King asked, "Yes, do you know where Guanguangqu is now?"

"Since Guang Guangqu was injured, he has no news directly."

The second elder said: "So I don't know the exact position, only an approximate position can be estimated."

"Let's go and see, but Chi changes."

"I continued to contact Quik Guangqu on the way to determine his precise location."

"OK." The Promise King nodded.

Immediately the two stepped forward and headed southwest.

Just as the Second Elder and others started.

Cheng Feng has eaten the second earth soul fruit, so that his spirit is rejuvenated and energetic.

In particular, Cheng Feng's soul tree has grown to five meters in height, with luxuriant foliage and developed root systems.

Not only that, but not far from the spirit tree, there is actually a small tree bag jacking up.

This small tree bag is only the size of a finger, but it gives a taste that can hold the world.

It seems that once this tree package grows and emerges, it will be able to prop up the whole world!

"Soul Sapling! This seems to be Soul Soul Sapling!"

Cheng Feng looked inside his head. When he saw the little tree bag, he couldn't help yelling in surprise.

According to rumors, there are three souls: human soul, earth soul, and heaven soul.

But the earth soul and the heaven soul are hidden in the body and cannot be awakened at all.

Many people have only human souls in their lives, and only a few martial arts strong people can awaken the souls and thus have a second life.

And the small tree bag growing out of Cheng Feng's mind at this moment is a clear omen for the soul to wake up.

Once the tree wraps its shell and grows into a tree of souls and souls, it indicates that Cheng Feng has awakened the earth soul. No wonder Cheng Feng will be so excited.

"This soul fruit is truly a heaven and earth spirit dedicated to nurturing the soul!"

Cheng Feng exhaled, and said excitedly, "I actually gave birth to my soul, and gave birth to the soul tree package."

"Next, I just need to train more, and even eat the third earth soul fruit, I am afraid that the earth soul tree can break through the earth and completely awaken the earth soul."

"By then, I will have two lives."

"If you want to kill me completely, you must destroy the human soul with the earth soul!"

"Cheng Feng, in fact, the reason your earth soul has changed so much is one of the reasons."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "The main reason is that you are born full of three souls, and it is easier to wake up the three souls than ordinary people."

"Born with three souls?" Cheng Feng raised a brow.

"The three souls are born full, but it is their own talent."

Nalan Changsheng said: "This is an innate advantage and should be related to the power of your bloodline."

"Your mother is the spirit of the earth. In fact, you can barely be regarded as the son of the earth dome. The soul of the earth is eager to come out."

"Now you even eat two earth soul fruits, it is difficult for earth souls not to wake up!"

"Uh ... okay!"

Cheng Feng smiled lightly: "Anyway, this is a good thing. The more things that appear, the better."

During his speech, Cheng Feng reminded him slightly.


The five-meter-tall soul tree immediately flared.

After tumbling in shock and rushing out of my mind, it turned into a river of souls.

When it falls on the big rock in front of you, boom!

It turned out to be that big stone, suddenly turned into powder!

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