Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1597: Howling Wind and Nether Shard

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Chapter 1597 The Wind and Void Shards

"Two, do you know where the Chihiro plane is?"

Cheng Feng asked: "It is best to know a route that can quickly reach the Chihiro plane."

"Because the second elder of the blood gods and the king of the Promise have already gone to the Chihiro plane one step."

"We have to find a way to get ahead of them."

"I know a secret path to get to the Chihiro plane quickly."

Eight-faced ghost spider said: "It was a plane crack I stumbled upon in my early years, which can shorten the distance by at least half."

"Oh? Then please show your way."

Cheng Feng urged: "Let's walk and say, so as not to miss the time to kill the iron slaves."

"Good!" Eight-faced ghost spider nodded.

Immediately a spit of silk was spit out into the void dozens of miles away.

When the spider silk was stuck in that void, he pulled it with a violent pull, 咻 ~~~

The eight-faced ghost spider rushed forward.

The emperor clam and Cheng Feng met each other, and each of them used their means to keep up, and rushed to the Chihiro plane fragment.

The eight-faced ghost spider and the emperor clam are the scars and beasts born in the sky.

So the complex terrain of the marks of the sky is clear.

Under the guidance of the Eight-faced Ghost Spider, their speed was fast.

It didn't take long to have left the upside-down lake and drove thousands of miles south.

"Cheng Feng, in front of me is the crack in the plane."

At this time, the speed of the eight-faced ghost spider slowed down and introduced: "This plane crack, spanning seven or eight plane fragments, walking along this crack will be able to reach the Chihiro plane."

"But this road is not smooth, not only howling winds, but also void fragments."

"When I was on my way not long ago, I was almost hanged by a void fragment!"

"Can I hang the Void Shard of the Seventh-ranked Giant Demon?"

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng's expression was clear: "According to this, this shortcut is not easy to go!"

Despite saying so, Cheng Feng's footsteps kept on.

After flying a hundred miles forward, a large crack running across the void suddenly caught sight.

This big crack is extremely wide and unpredictable.

It's like a super dragon, and it lies in the middle of two mountains. I don't know where to go.

The hurricane howled inside, and occasionally a house-sized stone fell into it, and it was instantly twisted into powder.

These paths are, for ordinary people, simply the gates of hell.

Don't say you're on your way, I'm afraid you can't come out once you get in.

"Cheng Feng, how dare you walk through this crack?"

Standing at the entrance of the big crack, the eight-faced ghost spider glanced at Cheng Feng and asked with a smile.

"What dare you?"

Facing the inquiries of the eight-faced ghost spider, Cheng Feng responded slightly.

The next moment, without any fear, stepped into the crack.

Buzzing ~~~

As it entered the crack, a gust of wind blew overwhelmingly.

Falling on Cheng Feng's body is like a giant knife chopping.

Let the golden light of the armor of war flash and emit a sound of metal impact.

But that's all. It can't hurt Cheng Feng at all. He can't even shake Cheng Feng's body.

"Cheng Feng, have courage!"

Seeing this, the eight-faced ghost spider and the emperor clam also entered the crack, saying: "But here is only the entrance to the plane crack, and the fierce wind is limited."

"It's really dangerous when you go deep into the crack."

"Oh? I want to experience one or two!"

Cheng Feng said lightly and rushed to the crack.

The eight-faced ghost spider and the emperor clam followed, and began to fly towards the Chihiro plane.

The cracks in the plane are indeed like the eight-faced ghost spider. The deeper it goes, the fiercer the wind.

Cheng Feng and they flew for about seven or eight thousand miles, and the squall wind almost doubled.

Even if Cheng Feng wore the armor of war, there was a slight wind that penetrated into his body, which made his body hurt.

Cheng Fengshi exhibited the Tianlong Golden Body before the discomfort disappeared.

Not only that, Cheng Feng occasionally encountered void fragments in a large crack.

This shard of void is a turbulent stream of space piled up by terrorist forces. Once it falls in, the sixth strongest person in the sky must be hanged alive.

When encountering void fragments, Cheng Feng usually detours.

The trouble is, some void fragments are not noticeable.

Cheng Feng and they were in a hurry and ran into each other accidentally, which was extremely dangerous.

Although Cheng Feng opened the eyes of the God of Fortune, he almost strayed into the void fragments twice in a row.

The armor of Mars was struck by the turbulent flow of space, and the sound of rubbing iron fragments made the scalp numb.

Fortunately, Cheng Feng responded quickly and noticed something wrong at the edge of the void fragment.

Longli broke out and retreated in time!

As for the eight-faced ghost spider and the emperor clam, in order to resist the invasion of the wind, the huge body was directly reduced to the size of a slap.

The load area is reduced, which is much easier than Cheng Feng.

In the end, he even hid behind Cheng Feng, not only weakening the howling wind bombardment from the front, but also avoiding entering the void fragments by mistake.

Of course, the two emperor clams are not useless.

They walk through cracks in the plane more than once and are experienced.

Hiding behind Cheng Feng and showing the way, Cheng Feng bypassed many hidden void fragments.

In this way, Cheng Feng and the two emperor clams cooperated with each other, and the speed of the road was greatly improved.

Then it took about half an hour, and a mountainous land came into view.

"Cheng Feng, Chihiro has arrived."

Looking at the mountainous land, the emperor toad yelled, "The Chihiro plane is rumored to be a large plane with mountainous terrain and dangerous terrain."

"Although this fragment of the plane is only squeezed by a small fault that fell from the Chihiro plane, it is also very unusual."

"A lot of Tier monsters were trapped inside, couldn't get out at all, and were trapped alive."

"Well, the old toad is not bad."

Eight-faced ghost spider said: "The Chihiro plane fragment is just a giant maze."

"I've walked around the edge before, and I almost lost my eyes."

"I estimate that the human named Iron Slave should have accidentally fallen into it, lost its way, and couldn't get out!"

"Will the Chihiro Plane get lost?"

Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "In this case, we will be quite troublesome if we want to kill the iron slaves."

"Slightly inadvertently, not only failed to kill the iron slaves, even we will fall into it."

"Cheng Feng, do you know where the iron slave is on the Chihiro plane?"

Eight-faced ghost said: "If you are not afraid in the peripheral area, I can use the silk to lead the way."

"If it's in the inner area, it's really not easy!"

"I don't know the exact location of Iron Slave."

Cheng Feng shook his head and said, "I only heard that Iron Slave was trapped in the Chihiro Plane Fragment. The other elders didn't talk about it."

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