Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1602: Blow through the sky

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Chapter 1620 Blasting Through The Sky

Bang ~~

The square box palm collapsed.

Cheng Feng strode forward and immediately flew from the broken palm.

The crisis of no process peak has not ended, but has just begun.

"Little beast, the meal that Elder Ben has prepared for you is here!"

When Cheng Feng just flew out of the broken square box, the vicious voice of the second elder sounded loudly.

Cheng Feng looked up and saw that the second elder's hands were pressed down.

Following this, ten silver-white stones suspended on Cheng Feng's head suddenly fell quickly.

"What it is?"

Seeing the silver-white stone, Cheng Feng frowned, and didn't know what it was.

However, a sense of crisis rising from his heart let him know deeply that the silver-white stone was definitely not simple enough to kill him.

"Cheng Feng, hurry up!"

As Cheng Feng's heart burst into danger, the voice of the emperor clam came: "The silver-white stones are the silver moon thunderstones, each of which is enough to kill the sixth strongest man in the sky."

"Before, I and Balian were blown up by several wounds by a silver moon thunderstone ... and fled!"

"Silver Moon Thunderstone, one of them hurt the emperor clam?"

Heard that Cheng Feng's scalp was numb.

Dare not to hesitate a little bit, showing the sacred step ladder clouds, and then flying wildly in the distance.

At the same time, ten Dragon Forces all evoked, condensing into a dragon shield that was several meters thick, covering them.

Secondly, she shook the Chiyan robe, rolled her body, and at the same time triggered the defense of the Warlord armor to the extreme.

In addition, he will also use his knives to dominate the body, purple thunder to practice the body, and the dragon dragon body will also come out.

Even just in case, the chapter of the magic sword decisive method was slightly triggered.

Once this heavy defense can't be carried, immediately run the fourth layer of the Gongfa chapter to demonize the entire body.

Boom boom boom boom ~~~

Cheng Feng just finished these defense measures.

The ten Silvermoon Thunderstones falling above his head exploded.

A horrible explosion swept the sky and blasted the sky into a huge cave.

The rush of nothingness directly connected the marks of the sky to the sea of ​​void.

On the ground, the rolling mountains of the Chihiro plane turned into flying ash in an instant.

At a glance, the ground became a flat river, and all the peaks were swept away.

The world is like this. Cheng Feng, who was taken care of by the terrorist bombing, was blown out on the spot.

The entire person penetrated the barriers of space and shot into the vast void sea.

In the process of shooting backwards, Chiyanpao was lifted up by the terrorist explosion, and one by one it was covered with scars.

As for the armor of war god, it has undergone drastic deformation and collapsed inward.

The dragon force shield condensed by ten dragon forces was instantly broken, and the knife shield condensed by the ninth-level knife intention was the same.

Fortunately, after this heavy defense, the terrorist explosive force that fell on Cheng Feng has been weakened by more than 90%.

The remaining 10% of the force penetrated the armor of War God and blasted on Cheng Feng's body.

However, there are three martial arts protections of Tianlong Golden Body, Purple Thunder Refining Formula, and Demonized Body.

Under this condition, only the five internal organs were severely shaken, and his mouth was sweet and spit out some blood.

Counting it, he was only slightly injured and not badly hit.

"Khekeke ~~~"

Flying across the vast void sea, Cheng Feng coughed violently: "It's dangerous, it was really dangerous just now, almost killed by ten Silver Moon Thunderstones!"

"It seems that the Second Elder has such existence, and it cannot be underestimated."

"I don't know how many years he has survived. Each of them is old and sly, and has accumulated a lot of terrorist killings."

"I may barely be able to compete with the second elder now, but the desperate fight will definitely be me!"

Cheng Feng whispered: "So, in the future, I must try my best to avoid face-to-face confrontation with the Second Elder."

"It's best to get it done by trick, killing danger in the cradle!"

In meditation, Cheng Feng evoked the dragon force, and stopped his flying slowly.

When he stopped completely, he didn't know how many miles he had flown in the void sea.

However, even in this remote place, there are still rolling emptiness being impacted by tyrannical forces, coming from the direction where Cheng Feng is located.

Obviously, the power from the explosion of the ten Silver Moon Thunderstones has not yet dissipated and continues to spill.

"The second elder didn't follow up."

Cheng Feng glanced down in the direction of nothingness, and found no chasing people, he groaned, "Maybe he was afraid of falling into the void sea, lost his way, and he could never return to the mark of heaven."

"At the same time, I may also think that his ten Silver Moon Thunderstones have blown me up into fly ash, and it doesn't matter if you chase or chase!"

"It's okay, I can rest assured to treat the injury."

In groaning, Cheng Feng took a seven-turn Jindan from the Soul Ring and threw it into his mouth to swallow it.

Soon the effects of the medicine spread, rushing to Cheng Feng's internal organs, bones and limbs, flesh and blood veins ... nourished it greatly, and the fragmentation was quickly repaired.

In just a few minutes, Cheng Feng was completely healed by the explosion of ten Silver Moon Thunderstones.

"The explosion was just terrible. It actually exploded dozens of holes in Chiyanpao."

After healed the wound, Cheng Feng swept the Chiyan robe and found that there were dozens of lacerations on the robe, which were caused by being torn by force.

"What exactly is Silvermoon Thunderstone? The blasted mouth can't heal?"

Chiyan Robe, as a pseudo-holy artifact, although its forming material is far less than the authentic holy artifact, has similar flavor.

It is usually slightly damaged and can be repaired quickly by itself.

However, the breach blasted by Silvermoon Thunderstone showed no signs of repair.

It seems that there is a strong force that is preventing Chiyanpao from repairing himself.

"Cheng Feng, the Silver Moon Thunderstone is a rock formed in the void sea."

At this time, the sound of Hell's Heiyan sounded: "This stone draws the power of Yuehua and Thunder."

"The two forces were originally in an extremely stable state, and once the balance was broken, they would produce terrible lethality."

"The reason why the breach on Chiyanpao cannot be repaired is because a lot of Yuehua and Thunder forces were accumulated at the breach."

After hearing the words, Cheng Feng opened the eyes of the God of Fortune and looked closely. Sure enough, around the breach of Chiyanpao, there was a strong light and lightning surge.

It will be difficult to repair the self-repairing power of Chiyan Robe.

"It turned out that some external force was doing damage!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "Since this is the case, I will remove this external force!"

Cheng Feng was straightforward in his work. After thinking clearly, he immediately put it into action.

I saw that he urged the ten dragons in his body, condensing into a powerful dragon, and rushed to the opening of Chiyanpao.

Extinguish the Yuehua and Thunder forces around the breach.

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