Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1625: Two halves

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Chapter Sixteen Twenty-Five Chapters One and Two Half

After the decision was made, Cheng Feng immediately launched an operation.

Seeing nothing, Cheng Feng disappeared without a trace.

The next moment, a ripple rippled in the void in front of the Promise King.

Even though there was a black knife hole penetrating the void, he darted to the eyebrow of the Promise God like lightning.

This black knife is very sharp. Once hit, dozens of meters of Wuwu Xuangang can be easily broken.

Although the Promise King is a seventh-ranked peerless powerhouse, he is also a powerful imitation, and he must die on the spot.

"Cheng Feng, it really is you!"

However, at the moment when Black Sword appeared out of thin air, the king of Promise God suddenly opened his eyes.

Obviously, this wave of assaults prepared in advance.

They even guessed the identity of the attacker and drank it with his right hand.

An iron ruler appeared inexplicably, a little bit towards the thorn blade.

Huh! The black knife collided with an iron ruler, and the force of terror exploded.

The tip of the knife actually penetrated the iron ruler, and exploded all the way, holding the hand of the king.

It seems like to cut the Promise King into two pieces on the spot!

"Retreat, retreat!"

The crisis of death struck, and King Wuji's face changed dramatically.

Quickly release the hand holding the iron ruler, and the other hand also extended, pushing forward strongly.

Om ~~~

As the Promise King moves, the void in front of him expands rapidly.

Stretched hundreds of times in the blink of an eye, making the black knife's tip slow like a snail crawling, extremely slow.

At the same time, the Promise King stepped back, one step forward, and the void was greatly compressed.

One step is dozens of miles, and the whole person shoots back like lightning!

But at this moment, the black knife was shining brightly, oh ~~~

The void stretched by the Promise King was stabbed stiffly.

Then a person wearing a gold armor, with the black sword out of the void, was Cheng Feng.

"Still found!"

After getting out of the void, Cheng Feng frowned and whispered: "Since this is the case, let's attack directly!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng held up the demon sword.

Om ~~ Om ~~~

Then, the stars above the sky shone.

In a blink of an eye, the number of big stars reached 142.

Wait until you can shoot the next starlight, forming a swordless cut.

Stabbing ~~~

The void was cut through and went straight to the Promise King.

"Damn, Cheng Feng, the little beast, has become stronger again!"

In his backward retreat, King Wuji's face changed dramatically.

His hands were twirling with divine power, and he actually had two extra iron rulers out of thin air.

Then the two rulers were stacked together and lay in front of him, blocking the bladeless slash.

However, the cutting power of that blade of light was too strong.

The two iron rulers were stacked together and couldn't stop it.

As the knife light fell, 嗤 ~~~

The iron ruler was cut open, and the remaining knife light was submerged into the body of the Promise King.


A scream sounded.

The next moment, the little half of the Promise King flew up with the scream.

Was cut off directly, silver blood splashed!

However, the Promise King was very fierce and suffered such a heavy blow, but he flew without stopping.

One hand grabbed the small half of the body that had been chopped off, and a purple earthworm appeared on the other.

Do not want to, throw it to Cheng Feng.

It was the clods that were contaminated with a few extinct purple thunder.

"Will there be such a thing in the hand of the Promiscuous King?"

For the purple soil salamander, Cheng Feng is no stranger.

He had been bombarded by this object before, and the Emperor Cang Sword was exploded to resolve the crisis.

At this moment when he encountered this object again, Cheng Feng's complexion was frozen, but he did not retreat.

When the purple earth moth exploded, Cheng Fengti's sword in his hand slashed down.

Bang ~~~

The violent earthworm that exploded in the terrible sword light.

It was a circle of purple brilliance that swept the purple soil, and cut open a small gap.

Huh! Cheng Feng grabbed the Demon Sword in his hand, went straight through the small gap, and continued to pursue the Promise King.

Across kilometers away, hum ~~~

Another record of Emperor Cangdao's magic with the stars and exploding to the Promise King.

"This little beast ... can even shatter the extinct purple thunder?"

The fugitive King of Promise saw this, and his face was pale: "Who else can suppress such a perverted strength?"

"Is God going to fall into this little beast's hand?"

"No, you must not let this happen!"

In the roar, the Promise King flashed fiercely in his eyes, took out the last two pieces of soil contaminated with the extinct purple thunder, and threw it to Cheng Feng.

These two clods are larger than the previous two.

The purple color on it was also more intense, apparently stained with more extinct purple thunder.

When the Promise King threw out these two purple earth urns, Cheng Feng's face calmed and he finally stopped.

He felt a deep threat, and if he stormed, he might lose his life!

So after the footsteps paused, he stepped on the void and stepped back.

Watching the broken Promise King, his body disappeared in his vision.

What's more troublesome is that after Cheng Feng resolved the explosion of the two purple soil crickets, he took out the dragon dragon lice Xiaojin for tracking, and Xiaojin couldn't actually sense the breath of Acacia.

This shows that the Promise King has realized the source of Wanxiangcai and cleaned it up!

"It must be that I just cut off the body of the Promise King and made him perceive all the Acacia infiltrated into the body."

Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "But without Wanxiangcai, there is still the power of annihilation."

"The body of the Promise King was cut into two pieces by the sword light cut by the demon."

"There is a lot of annihilation in that knife light, and it must be covered with the wounds of Promise King."

"Unless the Promise King digs up all the flesh and bones from the wound."

"Otherwise, don't want to escape my pursuit!"

During the groaning, Cheng Feng displayed a walking step, and the whole person rushed forward.


"Cheng Feng, **** Cheng Feng!"

At the same time, thousands of miles away, the body of the Promise King closed and fled madly.

I saw the Promise King at this moment, which was a bit scary.

The entire body splits in half from the right shoulder to the crotch.

Although they are together now, the method of regenerating the broken limb is repaired, but the effect is not great.

Because on the wound, there is a powerful force preventing the wound from repairing, which is the force of annihilation.

This force of annihilation is the special ability of the demon demon soldier, which is very vicious.

And very stubborn, the Promise King wants to dispel all the power of annihilation.

But there was a sense of crisis in my heart, but it flew like a raging wave.

"Cheng Feng's little beast is still chasing me."

The Promise King Wang was terrified: "Its means of positioning me have just been removed, but the vicious power attached to my wound is still there."

"Cheng Feng is very likely to follow me through this vicious force."

"I will not be able to dispel this vicious force for a short while. If it is caught by Cheng Feng, in my current state, there will be no death!"

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