Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1628: The world is shaking

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Chapter 1628: The World Shocks

In the state of mind, flying speed is very fast.

When Cheng Feng saw the thoughts of the Promise King, the other party was already seven or eight hundred miles away.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng said nothing, holding up the devil sword in his hand.

Buzzing ~~~

As the stars in the sky shine.

The next moment, a matchless blade of light fell from the sky, cutting to the fleeing Promise God.

"Stop it, stop it for your god!"

Facing the slashing of Wuping Daoguang, the Promise King roared.

At the same time, the power of divine thoughts rushed to the bladed sword light.

Actually, he held the dreaded sword light temporarily, and he shot forward.

However, the sword light cut by Cheng Feng is really too strong, and the Promise King can hardly be blocked in the heyday state.

So when Daoguang shattered the power of divine thought, he flashed on the transparent villain.

The goddess villain of the Promise King was immediately cut in half by Dao Guang.

However, the ability of God to withstand physical attacks is extremely strong.

Although the goddess villain was cut in half by Daoguang, he was not fatally wounded.

Instead, they split into two paths and fled madly.

Feng Feng does not give him a chance, at this time Cheng Feng has been separated from the marks of heaven, and the suppression of him by the void has disappeared.

So directly use the shadow-shaped method for thousands of miles, 唰 ~~~

Instantly appeared in front of a God of Promise God.

"Big Soul Seal, boom me!"

After intercepting this divine thought, Cheng Feng was very straightforward and directly hit the soul seal.

In just one click, the **** of the Promise King was blown away and broken into dregs.

Cheng Feng then turned his gaze and stared at another escaped Promise God.

"Damn, **** it!"

The Promise of the Promise Divine King felt that his other half of the divine thought was broken into powder.

When Cheng Feng's gaze seemed, he was suddenly cold.

Screaming in his mouth, he fled desperately.

However, nothing worked.

As Cheng Feng exhibited the Shadow Puppet Method, 唰 ~~~

Instantly appeared in front of that divine thought.

Then follow the same method to make the soul seal, and the **** of the Promise of the Promise is also blasted into powder!

"No, the soul lamp of the Promise King is out!"

The moment of the Promise of the Promise God was smashed by Cheng Feng.

Blood gods headquarters, soul lamp storage room.

The soul lamp on behalf of the Promise King went out violently, which made the guard of the soul lamp watch a cold air from his feet, shaking him with shock.

"Is the holy religion really defeated?"

Soullight caretakers fluttered their thoughts: "In the recent short period of time, several peerless existences have fallen."

"Maybe, it's time to think of a way out!"

Thinking about this, the news of the soul lamp guardian immediately passed the news of the Promise King to the Blood Demon Elder.

In fact, it wasn't necessary to send a message from the Soul Lamp Watcher, and the Elder Blood Demon and others knew the specific situation.

Because the seventh-best peerless powerhouse in the sky has fallen, the movement is too great.

Above the sky, red dragon-like lightning interweaves, and the thunder rolls.

Then the blood-red hail of the size of a fist began to splatter, and at the same time he burst into tears.

Suddenly, everyone in the feathered dynasty knew that another great power in the world fell.

Waiting for everyone to explore around, I learned that the fallen person is the blood **** religion Promise King, the whole world has fried the pot!

Because countless people know that the Promise King entered the sky mark to kill Cheng Feng.

Now that the Promise King has fallen, nine out of ten is what Cheng Feng did!

Especially those who knew the inside, shuddered and shocked to the extreme.


"Oh my god, Cheng Feng came out of the scar of the sky unscathed."

Nakasu, Destiny Division.

Tian Zhao Dai Ming quickly learned the news of Cheng Feng's departure from the mark of the sky and killed the Promise King.

For a while, he was stunned, and murmured in his mouth, "This boy is really unexpected."

"Being chased and killed by five peerless powerhouses, not only did not die, but killed the five powerhouses."

"Pervert, what a big pervert!"


"Kill five peerless powerhouses in a row!"

"Did Cheng Feng grow up to such a short time?"

At Qianlong College, Mr. Brow raised his eyebrows: "Shushan World, Shusheng once predicted that there will be a peerless rise in the earth dome continent."

"I thought it was Surin, but now it seems that it must be Cheng Feng!"


"Cheng Feng, Cheng Feng!"

"It's a good chess piece, and it is worth the effort."

Jade Capital, Feather Palace.

A noble and overbearing voice whispered, "Perhaps soon, I should see this in person."

"Give it a baby, draw one or two!"

Not only the supreme existence of the Feathered Palace, but also interest in Cheng Feng.

Digu jungle, there are ancient beasts open their eyes and look.

The northern dragon family has dragons turning the dragon's body.

Heavenly burial mountains, the heavenly burial cemetery sinking into the restricted area exudes colorful glow.

In the West Desert Buddha Country, rough laughter sounded under Qianfo Temple.


At the same time, the blood gods headquarters.

The blood of the God of Blood Mountain rushes into the sky, and the roar of the Second Elder of the Blood God Church roars.

"Cheng Feng, Cheng Feng again!"

"This chopped up eaten our five peerless strong men in one breath, which has disrupted the layout of the Holy Religion."

"If the next rages continue, the Holy Spirit's initiative will be lost."

"No, no matter what the price is, this little beast must be born ..."

However, the threat of the second elder has not yet finished.

Rumbling ~~~

The thunderous thunder rolled outside, and the reddish lightning transpired.

Stronger than when the Promise King fell.

At the same time, the sound of weeping is even more sad, deeply rooted in people's hearts, making people involuntarily sad.

Obviously another peerless powerhouse fell, and went hand in hand with the Promise King.

"Another peerless powerhouse? Will it be a powerhouse in the righteous camp?"

The second elder was full of hope, and passed down God's thoughts to inquire about the situation.

However, when the real news came, the second elder was struck by lightning.

A huge blood-sounding mountain made a loud noise and almost collapsed.

Because the news he received was: Chiyan God King imitates the body and falls!

The Chiyan **** king had long been against Cheng Feng, and was trapped in a large array by Cheng Feng.

Before the blood gods wanted to kill Cheng Feng, he rescued the trapped King Chiyan.

However, now the news of the other party's fall, no doubt, Cheng Feng must have done it!

"Cheng Feng, **** Cheng Feng!"

In the Blood God Mountain, the voice of the second elder was roaring: "This little beast is definitely a root cause. If it is not eliminated, it will shake the foundation of the Holy Ghost."

"Later, I will make nine avatars. When the nine avatars are integrated, the combat power will reach the seventh limit of the sky."

"Killing Cheng Feng should be no problem!"

However, at the time of the Second Elder's plan.

Om ~~~

Suddenly, a blood-red curtain appeared on the sky.

This big curtain is very big, covering the sky and covering the sky, reflecting the entire feathered **** dynasty into blood red.

And in the middle of the curtain, there is a silver hook with an iron hook, which reads two big characters-truce!

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