Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1631: Emperor reward

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Chapter Sixteenth God Reward

"Huacheng master, Brother Pei, senior Gao."

Several of Hua Tianxiong's repairs were advanced, and they rushed to the front first.

After seeing Cheng Feng, he smiled and said, "You are really well-informed. As soon as I get out of the sky, you will come over."

"Haha ~~~"

Pei Feng took the lead, and Haha laughed: "Cheng Feng, it's not that we are well-informed. It's because you have made too much movement. We don't know if it is difficult."

"Brother Feng's words are extremely true."

Hua Tianxiong followed closely, and said, "Cheng Gongzi, you have killed and killed five peerless powerhouses in a row, which is more than the peerless powerhouses killed by my entire Zhengdao camp."

"This time, my reasoning camp can achieve the ultimate victory, your credit is the greatest!"

"Both brothers are amazing."

Upon hearing that, Cheng Feng shook his head and smiled: "In fact, it was a bit of luck to kill the Promise King and others this time."

"I can't do it alone!"

"Cheng Feng, you are too modest."

Hua Tianxiong said: "There are thousands of warriors in the world, and I have never seen anyone who can kill a peerless power by luck."

Hua Tianxiong recognized Cheng Feng's strength.

Darkly in his heart, Cheng Feng's current combat strength can at least be on par with the seventh-strength early-stage powerhouse.

Can be said to have stood on the top of the earth dome continent, must not be underestimated.

"Cheng Feng, how did you kill the five Promise Kings?"

Pei Feng has a good relationship with Cheng Feng, so there is nothing to worry about, and the question is straightforward: "Also, it is rumored that it is difficult to enter the sky mark to enter, is this true?"

"Brother Pei, this is a long story."

Cheng Feng's gaze swept across the crowd and suggested: "Why not, let's go sit down with Brother Hua in Tianshui City?"

"I still have some good wine. Let's drink and talk."

The news of Cheng Feng leaving the mark of the sky will soon spread.

At that time, more and more people will come to watch. Cheng Feng doesn't like to be watched.

"Haha, there are dozens of altars and centuries-old wines hidden in our house."

After hearing Cheng Feng's proposal, Hua Tianxiong smiled and said, "After Cheng Feng went, I immediately took it out and shared it with you!"

"A century-old wine? How is that wine compared to Jiuyu Qiongfang?"

At this time, a handsome brother in golden clothes came together and asked with a mouthful look.

You do n’t need to know, it ’s Long Aotian!

"Jiuyu Qiongfang? I'm afraid this is incomparable."

Hua Tianxiong's voice immediately said, "But in my wine cellar, there is also a collection of Jiuyu Qiongfang."

"I was going to use it to live a hundred years old, so I simply took it out today to entertain Cheng Feng and everyone!"

"Hahaha, that would be nice!"

Hearing that, Long Aotian grinned, and drool was almost coming out, urging: "Let's go, let's hurry to the main city.

"Long Aotian, can you hold on?"

Cheng Feng's cheeks twitched and he was silent for Long Aotian.

But Long Aotian didn't converge at all, and drooled at Jiuyu Qiongfang.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng was too lazy to talk about it again.

With Hua Tianxiong, Pei Feng, Gao Quan and others flew to the main city of Tianshui City.

During the flight, Cheng Feng asked Pei Feng's injuries.

Previously, Pei Feng was attacked by the killer Ye Xie, the wound was particularly scary.

But looking at Pei Feng's current state of mind, the injury should have recovered.

Sure enough, Pei Feng replied with a smile: "Brother Cheng, my injury is not only better, but also repaired further."

"If you work hard in the future, there is even a lot of hope that you will be promoted to the seventh place."

"Really, then I wish my brother to become a peerless powerhouse as soon as possible."

Cheng Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and a knot in his heart opened.

Because Pei Feng was hit badly, it was all to save him.

If something unexpected happens, Cheng Feng will probably feel guilty for life.

After knowing that Pei Feng had healed, Cheng Feng opened the topic and asked: "Bye brother, are the evils of the evil factions cleared up now?"

Cheng Feng knows nothing about the situation of the Feathered God.

Just know that the whole battle of righteousness and evil has ended with the will of the **** of blood gods and the emperor Yuhua.

However, the peak strongmen stopped, and the middle-level and grass-roots evil fighters still existed.

In case of continuing to poison the people, a large number of innocent people will be killed every moment.

"Cheng Feng, you can rest assured."

Pei Feng knew what Cheng Feng was thinking, and said with a smile: "Even before the culmination of the top of the evil faction, the middle-level and grass-roots warriors of the evil faction had been crushed by us."

"The grass-roots warriors of all evil factions scattered and fled, and we were chased wildly."

"At this moment, even if there are survivors, they dare not jump out and jump around."

"Otherwise, you will be killed!"

"Oh, that's fine."

Hearing this, Cheng Feng was completely relieved.

Whispering secretly in his heart, his efforts over the past year have not been in vain.

Although the overall situation cannot be changed, at least the innocent people have suffered a lot of slaughter!

Just this, everything is worth it!

In the chat, Tianshui City is already looking.

Cheng Feng lifted his eyes and found that the defensive water curtain covering Tianshui City had been removed.

The lanterns and lanterns in the city celebrated the end of the blood **** disaster.

There is even a sculpture erected in the center of the city, which is a statue of the Emperor Feather, countless people worship in Voldemort.

On the side of the statue of the Emperor Yuhua, there is a small one.

This statue is wearing a gold armor, carrying a black knife, his face is unyielding, it is Cheng Feng!

"Uh? What's the situation?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng froze slightly.

He never expected that a statue of him would be erected in Tianshui City.

Moreover, the statue also stood side by side with the Emperor Yuhua, which was quite unexpected.

"Cheng Feng, molding your statue in Tianshui City is what His Majesty God meant."

Hua Tianxiong laughed: "It's mainly to recognize your contribution to the whole world."

"What does His Majesty God mean?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow: "Your Majesty is really too high, I am not qualified to stand with Her Majesty."

"Cheng Feng, don't be arrogant."

Hua Tianxiong said: "His Majesty the Emperor can value you very much, and not only has your statue built in Tianshui City."

"It is also ordered that in each of the big cities of Sanzhou and Qijun in the entire Han Dynasty, you will shape your statue."

"You know, Your Majesty can never treat yourself!"

However, listening to Hua Tianxiong's remarks, Cheng Feng felt a little wrong.

I feel that the move of the Emperor Fei involves a strong pull and good show.

And at this moment, the purpose of the ‘reward’ given by the Emperor Yuhua is self-evident.

Amazingly, Cheng Feng is to be tied to his chariot. Fortunately, when the fruits of the earth dome are ripe, let Cheng Feng sell his life for him and pick the fruits!

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