Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1636: Respect

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Chapter Sixteenth Sixty-six

Long Aotian is very bold this time.

Cheng Feng greeted him, and took out all the good wine in his hand to make Cheng Feng admire him.

"Long Aotian, that's good."

Cheng Feng praised: "I have changed my nature and hope to continue."

"What is your nature? Ben was never a shy person."

Long Aotian replied with a grin, and then his eyes turned: "It's you, but don't hide it."

"While your master and friends are there, speed up the Jiuyu Qiongfang presented by Hua Tianxiong and let everyone share it!"

"Fuck, this guy is for Jiuyu Qiongfang."

Hearing that, Cheng Feng suddenly realized: "No wonder it suddenly became so heroic ..."

"Cheng Feng, what is Jiuyu Qiongfang?"

Hearing the conversation between Cheng Feng and Long Aotian, Tailong couldn't help asking.

"Jiuyu Qiongfang is a fine wine."

At this time, the knife's only eye lit up and explained actively: "This wine is said to have been brewed with great pains by the wine master Ye Yinniang."

"On the day when the wine is made, the wine will taste hundreds of miles."

"Even the Sages of the Reincarnation stopped by and asked for wine tasting."

"What? A wine that even the saints of good fortune covet?"

Tailong is also a good wine drinker. When he heard that Jiuyu Qiongfang was so delicious, his eyes suddenly opened.

The depression that had just been reprimanded by the knife was swept away, and the bull's eyes stared at Cheng Feng, yelling: "Cheng Feng, what kind of Jiuyu Qiongfang do you have?"

"If there is speed, take it out. I'll try to see why it stops the saints."

Not only Tailong, but even Jian Wu dust and Bai Ze's interest was ignited, one by one.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng gave a long glare to Long Aotian.

Immediately shook his head and smiled bitterly, took out Jiuyu Qiongfang.

I saw Jiuyu Qiongfang presented by Hua Tianxiong in a special clay pot.

The pot was small, and Jomo could fill one or two pounds of wine, and the lid was sealed with red mud.

Even so, after the pot was taken out, there was still a scent of fragrant wine spreading to the four sides.

When Cheng Feng smelled, they were all intoxicated.

In particular, when Tailong and Long Aotian put the pot on the table at Cheng Feng, they reached out and grabbed them.

However, they all got rid of it.

Two hands, one large and one small, collided above the table, making a clash of iron stones.

The two looked at each other, and then looked away at where the pot disappeared.

I saw that the pot was held by one hand, which was Cheng Feng.

"Cheng Feng, what are you doing?"

Seeing Cheng Feng, Long Aotian yelled, "Don't you want to take the altar of Jiuyu Qiongfang again?

"You think everyone is just like you!"

Cheng Feng glanced at Long Aotian: "This wine is shared by everyone. If it falls into your hands, other people still have a share?"

"So it's better for me to keep it temporarily."

"Everyone drinks in rounds, it is fair."

Then, Cheng Feng took out several small cups from the soul ring, then opened Jiuyu Qiongfang, and filled one of them.

"Master, it seems that the disciples have never toasted you before."

Cheng Feng handed the wine glass to the only knife, and he said, "Today, my disciples will use the flowers to offer the Buddha.

"Cheng Feng, actually speaking in detail, although I am your master, I haven't taught you anything."

The only knife Dao catches the wine glass and sighs, "The reason why you can have today is the result of your own hard work."

"Master, I don't agree with you."

Cheng Feng shook his head and said, "The disciples have encountered a life-and-death crisis several times. Wouldn't there be me today if they were saved by the Master?"

"And you taught me the Emperor Cangshu, but my main reliance is to settle down."

"If you haven't taught me, no one can teach me!"

"With your words, my only life is enough!"

The only one who was deeply moved by the knife, said nothing, drank the wine in the cup in one sip.

Cheng Feng was full immediately, and the only knife was dry.

Drink three full cups before stopping.

Then Cheng Feng took another wine glass and filled it with a sword after dusting.

"Brother Sword, I won't say much between our brothers."

"Done, then I'll fill you up."

Jian Wuchen was taciturn, Cheng Feng toasted, he just glanced at Cheng Feng.

Without saying a word, I took the wine glass and drank three glasses.

Then it was Bai Ze's turn, and Cheng Feng had an old relationship with Bai Ze. He didn't talk much, and even drank three glasses.

Followed by Tailong, Tailong's eyes fell on Jiuyu Qiongfang for a long time.

As soon as Cheng Feng filled him, he impatiently caught the wine glass, and then poured it into his mouth.

Waiting for the wine in the glass, the intoxicated look on his face became extremely cool.

"You guy ..."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng shook his head and poured another two cups for Tai Long.

"Haha, it's finally Ben's turn."

After Tailong finished drinking, Long Aotian immediately gathered up, his eyes brightened.

"You still forget it? Anyway, Jiuyu Qiongfang, you haven't drunk."

Seeing the monkey-ridden Long Aotian, Cheng Feng joked.

"That won't work."

Long Aotian hurriedly said: "Ben Shao gave away at least a few hundred altars and century-old wines in order to drink this wine."

"If you don't drink it for me, I ..."

"Well, look at your bear."

Cheng Feng glanced at Long Aotian with contempt, and passed a wine glass over.

Seeing this, Long Aotian immediately smiled, and Yahuazi was exposed.

Catch the wine glass and taste it carefully.

When pouring a glass of wine for Long Aotian, Cheng Feng didn't forget himself. He filled a glass and drunk.

After Cheng Feng and Long Aotian each had three glasses of wine, half of the wine in the clay pot was left.

So Cheng Feng simply took out a large number of wine glasses, poured out all the nine jade Qiongfang in the clay pot, and filled more than thirty glasses.

Cheng Feng then divided the more than thirty glasses of wine into six portions, one for each person, so as to avoid Long Ao's nature.

Jiuyu Qiongfang is too few, and drinking this wine alone is obviously not enough.

Therefore, Cheng Feng and their mixed drinks, a small mouthful of Jiuyu Qiongfang, a mouthful of hundred-year-old wine, do not have a flavor.

During the drinking, Cheng Feng briefly described their recent experiences.

Knife's only experience is more ordinary, and generally calm.

Tai Long, Jian Wuchen and Bai Ze are slightly more dangerous.

During the fight with the evil faction, he encountered several times of life crisis, but fortunately, he finally carried it down.

At the same time, the repairs also have their own growth, and the only one that has reached the fifth limit of the sky.

Maybe it won't be long before he can be promoted to the sixth position.

The three Tailongs all reached the pinnacle of broken territory.

Now they are gaining momentum. Once the momentum is over, they can cross the sky and enter the realm of ascension.

As for Cheng Feng's experience, Dao Yiwei and others were all very curious.

After they were introduced, they turned to Cheng Feng and waited for his remarks.

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