Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1653: Domain **** iron

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Chapter 1653 The Domain God Iron

"Cheng Feng, when you do it during the ceremony, the Ximo Buddhist nation will indeed strengthen its vigilance."

However, the God of War candid is full of confidence: "But no matter how to prepare for it, without the help of Buddhist monks, the seal of Qianfo Temple will be at least doubled."

"And you are also proficient in stealth methods. If the West Buddhist State is more stringently guarded, you can also reach Qianfo Temple silently."

"In the end, I was suppressed for more than 100,000 years, and the seal has been cracked a long time ago."

"By then, you and I should be able to unblock and succeed!"

"God of War, this is just your own thought."

Cheng Feng shook his head and said, "It's too dangerous for me. If I accidentally lose my life."

"This is far beyond my psychological expectations and needs to be carefully considered."

"Cheng Feng, because this is too difficult, I ask you for help."

The God of War remnant said: "And there are more than one of you who are adventurous. I will gather all the old ministries of the year to cooperate and try our best to ensure your safety.

"In addition, when you go to Ximo Buddhism, you are not just taking risks, you will also have a lot of gains."

"Oh? Will I still gain something when I go to Ximo Buddhism?"

Cheng Feng frowned.

"Of course there is gain."

The God of War remnant said: "First, your magic sword can use the strength of Buddhist monks to remove the magic and completely take it for your own use."

"Secondly, you can also use the Dharma to wash your mind, improve your mental state, and prepare for the potential of the sky."

"Finally, once my head is unsealed, a gift will be given."

"At least it will allow you to avoid it once or twice under the powerful calculations of the good fortune."

"Really? If that's the case, then I wouldn't be able to go to the West Desert Buddha Country."

Hearing here, the look on Cheng Feng's face was a little loose.

After all, he owed God of War many causes and consequences, and he had to pay back.

And while there are other gains to be made during the repayment of cause and effect, it is worth the risk.

In deep contemplation, Cheng Feng said, "But God of War, I have something to say about the front. If I was in a state of mortal death when I unsealed your skull, I would choose to save my life first."

"I also hope you know this, don't blame me for not doing my best."

"This is natural."

God of War nodded his head in disbelief: "But you can't run away whenever you are in danger. You have to stand up to it and then evacuate."

"Rest assured, I will never leave until I have to."

Cheng Feng assured: "Otherwise, let me stop in the sky for life!"

"Haha, Cheng Feng, you're a good person, and you're good enough!"

The God of War remnant said: "So my **** also sent a gift in advance."

"Gift?" Cheng Feng looked at the God of War.

"My present is a way to strengthen the armor of war."

The God of War remnant thought: "The armor on your hand was forged when I was young. The grade is not high, but I have never been willing to discard it."

"Although I later thought of a way to improve the armor level, I didn't upgrade because I was too lazy."

"Now that this armor has a fate with you, simply tell you the way to increase the armor level."

"After finishing the ascension, at least this armor can be elevated to the sacred level."

"A way to strengthen the armor of God of War?"

Cheng Feng raised his eyebrows: "God of War, isn't this God of War armor, do you not plan to withdraw after getting out of trouble?"

"Retract? Of course not."

God of War remnant thought: "I left this armor before, just to miss the past."

"Now I've become like this, what else can be remembered in the past?"

"Well, this is also true."

Hearing here, Cheng Feng nodded suddenly.

Next, God of War told Cheng Feng very simply how to raise the level of God of War armor.

"If you want to upgrade the Warlord armor to the sacred level, you must smelt at least a pound of the domain **** iron?"

After knowing the method to upgrade the armor of War God, Cheng Feng frowned slightly: "Excuse God of War, what is this domain **** iron?"

Cheng Feng has never been out of the dome continent. He has short experience and has never heard of many things.

For example, this domain **** iron, he has never heard of it.

"The domain **** iron, is the metal produced in the void sea."

The God of War remnant said: "This thing has super strong divinity, which can greatly increase the level and solidity of the weapon, and can also conceive Shengwei, which is a necessary thing for forging the holy weapon!"

"So precious, there are very few on the continent."

"Oh? Then do you know where there is such a **** iron?"

"The Emperor Yuhua should have a lot of inventory in hand, which costs some price, which is enough to send dozens of catties of iron from outside the territory into the dome continent."

God of War: "Secondly, there are many Buddhist nations in the West Desert. On the tops of many large temples, the gods of the region will open their eyes."

"For example, on the top of the Thousand Buddhas Temple, there is a hundred iron gods of a hundred feet."

"Thousand Buddhas Temple ..."

Cheng Feng said something silently in his mouth, and he had a decision in his heart: "Okay, after I have dealt with the trivial things at hand, I set off for the Ximo Buddhist country."

"Are you finally going to act?"

After hearing that, the God of War remnant was a little excited: "I will convene the old ministry of the year and let them begin to gather."

"Well, don't get excited before, I don't say anything right now."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng froze for a moment.

"It's okay, let me prepare them in advance."

God of War was thrilled: "You can be prepared when you have action."

"It's up to you."

Cheng Feng said indifferently: "But your old ministry is best not to make too much noise, so as not to frighten the snake."

"I know, I will let them go to the West Desert Buddha in batches."

God of War nodded: "In addition, I ordered two of the seventh strongest men to come to heaven and wait for your mission."


Cheng Feng stunned: "Let the two peerless seventh ascendants who come to the sky wait for my assignment?"

"God of War, your secret energy is not small!"

Cheng Feng was a little shocked, and the seventh-highest peerless powerhouse in the sky was actually sent by a **** of war to **** himself.

I didn't even dare think about such things before.

It also shows how terrible the power of the God of War was.

After more than 100,000 years, he was still able to freely dispatch several peerless strong men to serve him.

The power of fortune is not easy!

"My old ministry was disbanded too much."

God of War said with emotion: "After all, I have been suppressed for too long, for more than 100,000 years!"

"Today can only call up to seven or eight ascendants."

"You can dispatch seven or eight ascendants to the sky?"

Cheng Feng frowned: "You have such great energy, but you still place your hope of getting out of trouble on me."

"From this point of view, the Ximo Buddhist country and his party are more difficult than I thought!"

God of War can call seven or eight ascendants of the seventh strongest to work for him, but he has not been able to escape from difficulties.

This shows that the seven or eight peerless powers joined forces and could not rescue him from the suppression of Qianfo Temple, which made Cheng Feng's pressure increase sharply.

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