Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1661: Ascetic team

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Chapter 1661 The Ascetic Team

"This killing text is really hard to condense."

Cheng Feng frowned: "The latter stroke is almost twice as difficult as the previous stroke."

"The word" town "has fifteen strokes. I want to condense the whole text completely. It takes a lot of time and energy!"

The biggest difficulty in condensing and killing the text 'town' lies in the strength of the soul and the consumption of energy and spirit.

Even if the average person knows the trick of condensing and killing words, it is difficult to condense because the power of the soul is not enough.

But this is not a problem for Cheng Feng at all.

The only thing Cheng Feng needs to worry about is the consumption of energy and spirit.

As long as there is enough energy and energy, it only takes some time to train the soul-seal god!

"Regarding the cultivation of the soul seal, let's put it on for the time being."

Cheng Feng rubbed his temple and groaned, "It's early morning, and I need to go out to join the group of ascetics and rush to Qianfo Temple."

"During this period, I can cultivate my energy and spirit, and prepare for the next condensing of the word" town "."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng stood up.

Take a step forward, 向前 ~~~

The next moment, he appeared in the main hall of Xuanzhi Temple.

"Brother Cheng, your spirit is a bit weak."

In the hall, Jian Qi and the old monk Xuanzhi have been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Cheng Feng come out, his face was exhausted, could not help it.

"Last night, I practiced a martial art, and it was a bit expensive for energy."

Cheng Feng explained it casually, and then asked, "Yes, did the team of the ascetics mentioned by Master Xuanzhi make sense?"

"Not yet, on the way."

Master Xuanzhi replied: "It may take another half an hour or so to arrive."

"Ah That's good."

Cheng Feng nodded and asked: "Excuse me, what do you need to pay attention to when joining the ascetic team?"

For the ascetic, Cheng Feng is very strange.

All I know is that these people are determined to travel around the continent with the purpose of experiencing the sufferings of the people in the world.

"Cheng Feng is envoy. The ascetics are a special group of people."

Master Xuanzhi said: "They are not afraid of hardships, pain, disasters, or even go to hard places in the world."

"And in order to truly experience the suffering in the world, all the ascetics will lay down, withdraw from cultivation, and join the world as ordinary people.

"It takes real perseverance and courage to persist to the end."

"More than 90% of the people gave up halfway through, and most of the rest died on the path of penance."

"Of the 10,000 people, only half can end up in the end."

"But everyone who can persist to the end will have great achievements, extraordinary and refined!"

"Is the path of asceticism so difficult?"

After hearing this speech, Cheng Feng was a little touched and whispered: "But it is this kind of hardship and blood dripping that will stimulate the soul of the person, elevate the whole person, and improve the state of mind."

"Maybe joining the ascetic team will be a good experience for me."

During the conversation, noise came from the street outside the main hall.

Cheng Feng listened slightly, knowing immediately that the ascetic team had arrived in Xuanzhi City.

"Two deities, the team of ascetics has arrived."

Master Xuanzhi also heard the voice, facing Cheng Feng and two others: "I will end the" Ritual Buddha "later and meet the charity ascetic monk of the ascetic team."

"By then, in Xuanzhi City, some warriors will join the ascetics team."

"The two gods are mixed in, and the charitable bitter monk will take care of himself."

"Understand." Cheng Feng nodded,

Then he moved his body slightly, and the whole person's appearance changed greatly, and he turned into a weak-faced male son.

It looks fragile and quite different from Cheng Feng.

Jian Qi was not idle, just listening to the sound of the blast of the bone joint, the whole person became taller and stronger, full of muscles, and became a muscular man.

Handsome with the chic before Jian Qi, almost judged as two.

At the same time, Master Xuanzhi also took action.

I saw him mutter a Buddhist voice, and the closed door creaked open.

With the sound of the door opening, outside the empty Xuanzhi Temple, he immediately rushed into a monk.

These monks had a clear division of labor, ringing bells, chopping wood, cooking, and chanting ... the whole temple soon became lively.

Soon after these changes took place in Xuanzhi Temple, an old monk wearing coarse linen clothes came to the front of Xuanzhi Temple.

Behind him, followed by a large number of differently dressed warriors.

The training of these warriors is not bad, and the worst are at Zulong level.

However, all of them were thin and yellow, and some even dragged the sick, leaving only half of their lives.

But the onlookers seemed accustomed to it, without any strangeness.

Because this group of people are the practitioners with the purpose of realizing the suffering of the world.

They practiced under seals, entered the world as ordinary people and practiced, and experienced all kinds of suffering in the world.

Hunger and injury are the most common types of suffering in the world.

They suffer from hunger, but they are actually practicing!

"Is this penance? It seems interesting."

In Xuanzhi Temple, Cheng Feng watched the ascetics, raising his eyebrow slightly.

"Brother Cheng, asceticism has some effect on the improvement of people's mood."

At this time, Jian Qi suddenly said: "However, this method of practice is relatively slow and may not be suitable for us."

Ascetic practice requires a taste of all the sufferings of the world, and this is a long process.

Cheng Feng's time is urgent, it is obviously unrealistic to use the method of asceticism to wash their minds and improve their mentality.

"Ok, I know."

Cheng Feng nodded: "I joined the ascetic team this time, it's just an attempt. It works best, it doesn't matter if it doesn't work."

"The main purpose is to disguise this layer of camouflage to cover our smooth arrival at Qianfo Temple."

"Otherwise, the ubiquitous Buddha's breath in Ezekiel."

"Even if the clever means of hiding is hidden, it will be perceived by the 'Buddha', become the target of public criticism, and expelled from the country of Buddhism."

The West Desert Buddha Country is a very special country.

The alert is gradually strengthened from the outside to the inside, and the Buddha's interest is increasing gradually, like an iron bucket.

If Cheng Feng was alone, he might be able to use shadow killing to barely hide the Buddha's breath, and sneak into the Ximo Buddha's domestic circle.

But with the addition of a sword seven, there was no possibility at all.

Moreover, there is no identity on the surface. Even if Cheng Feng sneaks into the ring of Buddhism, he can only act secretly, which greatly reduces the efficiency of his work.

I went to the Thousand Buddhas Temple as a ‘Serious Assailant’, although it was slower.

But in the place, it will take a lot of trouble to act.

This is the main reason Cheng Feng joins the ascetic team!

Just as Cheng Feng was talking to Jian Qi.

The gate of Xuanzhi Temple was wide open, and Master Xuanzhi stepped out.


With the appearance of Master Xuanzhi, countless people who watched outside the temple shouted on their knees to worship.

Shows the supremacy of Master Xuanzhi in the hearts of everyone!

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