Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1668: Amazing secret

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Chapter 166 Amazing Secrets

The dome continent can only withstand the law of the seventh strongest ascendant, as everyone knows.

So at this moment, many people cast their skeptical eyes on Wang Lei.

I feel that Wang Lei is playing blindly, there is no such thing as the eighth strongest man in the sky.

"Huh, I thought I was bragging?"

Seeing the skeptical eyes of everyone, Wang Lei Leng hummed: "The bearing limit of the earth dome continent, although it is the seventh top of the sky."

"But there are some super existences, there are totally ways to raise this limit slightly."

"It is rumored that the first war monk made himself into a golden Buddha statue, so that his eighth-strength breath would not be leaked."

"Because of this, the earth dome can't exclude him!"

"What? Condensed himself into a Buddha statue?"

After hearing the words, everyone was shocked: "If this is the case, isn't the first seat of the war monk unmovable?"

"A motion will be sensed by the earth dome continent, to exclude him?"

"Well, that's true."

Wang Lei nodded: "However, before the first monk was excluded from the dome continent, the terrifying power of terror would erupt."

"At that moment, the first war monk will be the strongest in the dome continent, and can kill all powerful enemies!"

"So the extra-territorial blood gods dared to invade the feathered dynasty, but they did not dare to provoke the Ximo Buddhist nation."

"It's because I'm afraid to anger the first monk, and desperately kill them."

"His ~~~"

Someone took a cool breath: "The first monk is a super killer!"

"With him sitting in the West Mo Buddhism country, no one dares to make trouble."

"It's no wonder that for so many years, the West Desert Buddha Country has been safe and sound!"

When they heard this, everyone nodded secretly.

There is no longer any doubt about the existence of the first seat of the war monk.

In my heart, there was a deep awe of the West Moss Buddhism, and I didn't dare to have a little strange thought.

Compared to the crowd, Cheng Feng and Jian Qi had a tumultuous wave in their hearts.

The two did not know that there were invincible powerhouses such as the first war monk in the country of the Western Desert.

"Grass, war monk first?"

Cheng Feng scolded: "The **** of war, actually concealed such important news."

"If Laozi broke into Qianfo Temple without alert, wouldn't he be suppressed by the war monk for the first time?"

"Mad, it's a big pit!"

At this moment, not only was Cheng Feng scolding in his heart, but Jianqi's cheek was also jerking.

I only feel that this time in the West Mo Buddhism and his party will be the last part of his life.

Maybe at some point, they will inexplicably lose their lives.

"No, I need to change my schedule."

Cheng Feng whispered: "Just rush to Qianfo Temple, you will fall into the pit. You do n’t know how to die."

Before coming to the West Desert Buddha Country, Cheng Feng had known that this trip was extremely dangerous.

I never thought it would be so dangerous.

Before the action was launched, lethal threats erupted.

No wonder God of War can transfer seven or eight ascendants to the seventh strongest, and dare not go to Qianfo Temple to unseal the suppressed skull.

There are war monks first, there is no possibility of success at all.

"Cheng Feng, don't be impatient, we have something to say."

It seemed to hear Cheng Feng's ruthless words, and the Buddha relic residing with the thoughts of the God of War suddenly flashed a heavy light.

The next moment, the voice of God of War sounded.

"God of War, you big pit, actually concealed the news of the first seat of the monk."

Seeing the appearance of God of War, Cheng Feng scolded with a black face, "Do you want to hang me? Grass!"

The Xi Mo Buddhism nation is shrouded in Buddha's interest, and the closer to the inner ring, the stronger the Buddha's interest.

The God of War is afraid of being caught by the Buddha's breath, and has been hiding in the Buddha's relic.

But at this time he couldn't sit still, and ventured out to appease Cheng Feng.

"Cheng Feng, you have misunderstood the god."

God of War smiled awkwardly, explaining: "I am going to tell you about the first seat of the Monk of War, after you arrive at Qianfo Temple."

"And the first war monk is not as god-like as rumored. Although he broke the limit of the earth dome continent, he created a Bapin Luohan body."

"But Bapin Luohan was too heavy and was suppressed by the earth dome. He could only stop inside the Qianfo Temple."

"So, even if the war monk first wants to do something to you, you only need to stay 30,000 miles away from him, and you will be unscathed!"

"Oh? The first monk can't move?"

Upon hearing this, Cheng Feng's annoyed mood was slightly relaxed.

"This thing can't be wrong."

The God of War vowed, "Our **** and the first monk have watched each other for thousands of years and know him better than he himself."

"As long as you are fast enough, after smashing the seal that suppresses my head, and immediately fleeing 30,000 miles away from the first seat of the monk, he will not be able to lower his jaws.

"Three thousand miles? The farthest attack range of the first monk is thirty thousand miles?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow and asked.

"That's not it."

The God of War said, "Thirty thousand miles is the distance that the other party can pose a threat to you."

"You can't be killed by the other party only if you escape 30,000 miles away!"

"..." Cheng Feng was a little speechless.

But the mood is much calmer than before.

Then Shen said, "God of War, the first battle of the monk, let's set aside first."

"Let's talk, apart from the first seat of the war monk, what else have you concealed!"

"Cheng Feng, I didn't want to hide anything from you."

God of War coughed out, "The reason why I didn't tell you about the monk's first seat, just because the time was not up, I was afraid of putting pressure on you!"

"Afraid of putting pressure on me?"

Cheng Feng said coldly: "Are you afraid that the West Moss Buddhism and his party are too dangerous, scare me away?"

"Cough ~~~"

God of War coughed, "How can that happen? Cheng Feng, you promised me a lot of money, promised me things, and certainly will not regret it halfway."

"Tear less of these useless things, and quickly tell me everything that is hiding me."

Cheng Feng gritted his teeth: "Otherwise, Lao Tzu will now withdraw from the Buddhist country of Ximo."

"Don't worry."

I heard that the God of War did not dare to fight haha, and went straight to the topic: "In fact, I didn't hide anything from you, I just said two things less."

"First, the Thousand Buddhas Temple is a Buddhist treasure, and you can understand it as a shackle that seals my head."

"To unlock my skull, I have to unlock this lock."

"Secondly, the Buddhist Dharma Forum held in Ximo Buddhism was not just for ritual worship."

"It is mainly to gather the monks of the entire Buddhist kingdom to instill a spirit boy."

"Once the initiation is successful, that spirit boy will be able to accommodate the power of thousands of monks and quickly become a peerless powerhouse."

"What? This Buddhist Dharma pulpit in Ximo Buddhism turned out to instill a spiritual boy?"

After hearing this, Cheng Feng was shocked.

I never thought that the Buddhist pulpit in Ximo Buddhism had a different purpose.

"I've heard people say that the Dharma pulpit in the Ximo Buddhist country is held every ten years."

Cheng Feng whispered: "The last time the Ximo Buddhist country held the Dharma pulpit was nine years ago, and the time was not right at all.

"The reason is here."

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