Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1683: Lohan Mudra

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Chapter 168 Masterpieces of Arhat

"court death!"

If you let it go again and again, the Xuanxu old monk could have an inch.

Even more to suppress him, Cheng Feng was treated as a soft persimmon.

Then Cheng Feng no longer tolerated, his eyes flashed cold, ready to give Xuan Xu old monk a little color to see.

"Dare to be rude to Brother Cheng, die!"

However, without waiting for Cheng Feng to move, Jian Qi has already moved one step ahead.

I saw Jian Qi scream, and the dragon's power exploded.

Boom ~~~

The next moment, a fist with a cold, sharp edge, blasted to the old monk Xuanzang.

Jian Qi is now the pinnacle of the Broken Realm, but the dragon power is very condensed, and it is stronger than the power of the No. 1 heavy martial artist.

At this moment, he punched out, although he did not use the power of Kendo, he also stopped the palm of the Buddha in the void.

The arrogance and excitement opened violently, making Xuanxu the old man's face pale, and could not help taking three steps back.

"What? The sword nine next to Chen Yue is so powerful?"

The Xuanxu monk is just a monk who has formed a fancy Luohan body, which is equivalent to the first heavy martial art ascendant.

Although this kind of revision is pretty good, it is simply looking for abuse against Shangjian Qi.

So the shock in his heart has not yet dissipated, Bang Bang Bang Bang ~~~

Jianqi's second, third, and fourth punches ... have already arrived.

The old monk only beat back, the whole arm was numb, the internal organs trembled, his face was ugly.

It never occurred to me that a warrior at the top of a broken realm could beat him down.

"Junk stuff!"

Xuanxu, the old monk, was defeated every day, not Jian Jian's opponent at all.

Could not help but yelled: "Try the old handwriting of the old monk Luo Han!"

With the sound of anger and applause, the palm of Xuanxu's monk lifted up, and a rush of buddha spewed out, and a giant golden palm condensed before him.

This giant palm is very powerful, the Buddha's breath is very strong, and it is full of a ferocious taste.

It was as if a King Kong Lohan was angry and wanted to smash his opponent with one hand.

"Luo Han's fingerprints? What's the method of Buddha?"

In the face of this palm, Jian Qi frowned slightly, then said coldly: "Unfortunately, your strength is too weak to exert the power of this palm technique at all!"

After all, Jian Qi's sharp edge surged.

Waiting for this front to twist with Long Li, blasted from the boxer.

Huh! It turned out that the Luohan master's handprint formed by the mysterious old monk was cracked with a punch.

Next moment, 嘭 ~~~

It exploded directly.

The surviving punches blasted the body of Xuanxu's monk, flying it backwards several hundred meters, his face pale.

"So dare to shout at Brother Cheng?"

Without even exerting his strength, he defeated the Xuanxu old monk.

Jianqi Lengheng snorted, stepping forward, ready to beat Xuanxu into a disability.

"Stop, stop me!"

During the retreat, Xuanxu saw Jianqi following her, her face turned green.

I shouted across the distance: "This is a Buddhist country. I am a guardian of the Mercy Temple of one of the hundred famous temples of the Buddhist country."

"If you dare to hurt me for nothing, my Buddhist monk will not be spared!"

"Press me with a Buddhist monk?"

Sword Qi sank, and his pace was three-pointer faster: "Think I was scared of Dao Jiu? I still hurt you today!"

The words did not fall, Jian Qi has reached the Xuanxu old monk, banging ~~~

Punch out at will, kicking the Xuanxu monk flying up.

During the horizontal flight, blood spewed and suffered internal injuries.

Do not dare to neglect, shouting towards Jianqi Lian: "Blade Nine, this monk is preaching for others. The preacher has a distinguished status, which is far from what you can provoke, so you better not make mistakes!"

After shouting this sentence, the old monk Xuanzang looked towards Cheng Feng again.

"Chen Yue, you've committed something yourself, but let your friends pack your bags. Do you still have a cheek?"

"There is a way to let your friends stop, the old monk teaches you to be alive again!"

"Old bald donkey, do you really want to die?"

Hearing the words of the old monk Xuanzang, Jian Qi was furious, and the killing in his eyes rose.

"He is too suffocated in his heart and runs counter to my Buddha."

Withered bamboo saw the actions of the old monk Xu Xuan, and was extremely disappointed with it: "Perhaps it is a good thing to teach Daojiu a good lesson."

Originally, the dead bamboo still wanted to help Xuan Xu, but after seeing Xuan Xu's true face, he was ready to watch to the end.

As for Cheng Feng, there was a cold flash in his eyes, and the anger pressing in his heart burst out suddenly.

I saw him take a step forward, stopped Jian Qi ready to shoot, cold eyes looked at Xuan Xu.

"You want to teach me to be a human again?"

Cheng Feng's voice was as cold as iron: "Do you think you have this ability to follow suit?"

This mysterious old monk is obviously Fang Wuwei, or a hidden whistle of the Emperor Gods in the West Desert Buddha.

Its biggest reliance is Fang Wuwei, who regards Fang Wuwei's words as a golden rule.

But the problem is that even if Fang Wu himself was afraid to speak to Cheng Feng like this, the Xuanxu old monk uttered his words.

In fact, the old monk Xuanzang did not know Cheng Feng's true identity.

Fang Wuwei didn't trust Xuan Xu so much, so he only told Xuan Xu Cheng Feng's pseudonym and asked him to try his best to persuade Cheng Feng to return to the 15th ring.

This caused Xuan Xu to think that Cheng Feng was just an ordinary warrior. In order to settle the inaction, he immediately took the feather arrow and was very mad.

As everyone knows, not only did he provoke a terrorist enemy for himself, but his master Fang Wuwei caused a big trouble.

But for this, the old monk Xuanzang does not know yet.

Seeing Cheng Feng stopped Jianqi's attack, he was instantly happy.

I feel that taking this opportunity and capturing Cheng Feng in one fell swoop, we can reverse the sky and defeat!

"Arrogant boy, lie down for me!"

The Xuanxu monk was very decisive, and he had a decision in his heart to start immediately.

The exhibition of Luo Han's handprints is intended to win Cheng Feng.

However, when his big handprint exploded on Cheng Feng's body, his face changed suddenly.

Because his big handprint that thought he could suppress Cheng Feng in one fell swoop, after hitting Cheng Feng, it was broken into dregs like an egg.

"How is that possible? How is this possible?"

Seeing this, the mysterious old monk was stunned.

It took a long time to roar: "The monk's Luohan fingerprints, although they have only cultivated a little fur, but suppress the peak warriors in the broken realm, are as easy as slaughtering chickens."

"But against this Chen Yue, is it really vulnerable?"

"Illusion, this must be an illusion!"

The Xuanzang monk was shocked and could not accept the reality.

I think the scene just now is an illusion, not a real scene.

In order to smash the illusion picture, Xuanxu old monk evoked all the Buddha's power, and displaying Luo Han's handprints was a bombardment of Cheng Feng.

Boom boom boom ~~~

However, after the mad bombardment, the Xuanxu monk looked at the bombing center, and a pair of eyes almost glared.

Because he actually saw that Cheng Feng, who should have been blasted into powder by him, stood like a mountain!

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