Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1695: Buddhism

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Chapter 169: Opposition of Buddha and Demon

"Slayer, come out!"

Discovering this scene, Cheng Feng took the Devil Sword directly from the Soul Ring.

After waiting for him to roll over, the blade was smashed by a hammer, making a sound of iron stone attack.

With the sound of this impact, a ray of black gas was knocked out of the sword.

Under the heavy impact of Fowei, the water droplets that were burned by the fire were evaporated instantly and disappeared.

"Black gas ... was evaporated?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng raised a brow: "This black gas should be the magic source of the demon."

"I was struck by Fowei, I couldn't bear it immediately, and quickly broke up!"

In fact, it's not just the sword.

The spirit of the Devil Sword was also under the impact of Fowei and snorted.

"Cheng Feng, put me away soon."

The Devil Slayer shouted, "Fowei is too strong here, and it will burn me to fly ash!"

"Slayer, I am clearing your demon with Ephraim."

Cheng Feng said lightly: "This process may be a bit difficult, but after going through, you will become a separate individual."

"Don't have to worry about being deprived of consciousness after being returned by magic."

"Cheng Feng, I'm afraid this method won't work."

The Devil Slayer cuts his teeth and grins: "I am a splinter of the Devil Sword broken, and its magic is integrated into my flesh."

"When you clear the magic with Fowei, you are equivalent to cutting off my flesh."

"I'm afraid the magic hasn't been cleaned up, I'm dead!"

"Well, magic is like a venomous poison in your flesh."

Cheng Feng nodded: "It is really difficult to clean it up with a knife."

"But it's not hopeless, it's just that the whole process will be more painful."

"Otherwise, let's try it first."

"Clean the magic with a minimum of Foway, and then increase the strength after it has been effective."

"This step by step will not only reduce the degree of pain, but also completely remove the magic."

"Okay, try it!"

The Devil Slayer lingered for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth: "Instead of being swallowed by the magic return, it's better to suffer some crime and take control of your own future!"

After talking with the Demon Slayer, Cheng Feng temporarily put away the Devil Sword.

Because at this moment is the key for Jian Qi to borrow the Buddhist scriptures to make the final accumulation, and can not be disturbed.

Cheng Feng intends to reach the peak of Jian Qi and advance to the realm of heaven, then use the Buddhist scriptures to clear the magic of the sword.

Om ~~ Om ~~ Om ~~~

Hundreds of miles away, the Buddhist scriptures for crossing evil were turned to one third by Jianqi.

At this time, the Buddha Wei from the Buddhist scriptures became stronger, as if the huge waves were surging.

Although Cheng Feng hid the power of enchantment deep in the blood, his body was still cut.

Just put up a heavy shield to feel better.

On the other hand, Jian Qi is like a spring breeze.

Under the scour of Fowei, the spirit of the whole person is highly condensed.

Like a sword sharpened to the extreme, it suddenly sheds its sheath, the sharp light makes people dare not look straight.

And when this front edge grows to the extreme, booming ~~~

The sound of a thunder blast suddenly sounded from outside the void.

Obviously, Jian Qi's potential was full, which triggered Tianjie, and he had to hammer himself into the heaven.

as expected.

At the moment the sound of thunder sounded, Jian Qiwei's eyes opened.

"Brother Cheng, my potential is full and I have to cross the robbery."

Jian Qidao said: "If the movement of the robbery has attracted Buddhist monks, you will directly leave me and leave, so as not to expose your identity and delay understanding of the great plan of saving God!"

After speaking, Jianqi Huo Ran stood up and stepped out of the void.

"Are Jianqi going to rob?"

Hearing that Cheng Feng rushed out of the void and struck him.

Immediately above the sky, nine lightnings cut through the sky, the sound of thunder blasted in the ears, and the light of the thunder illuminated the night.

And Jian Qi is a step towards the sky, each step will be a large number of thunder on his body.

Let him move around with thunder, and turned into a person of electric light.

The hair on his head stood up, making them creepy.

Especially when Jian Qi went deep into the sky, the birthplace of Thunder.

Bang ~~

The thunder there was even more frightening, and each one was enough to kill a powerful ascendant.

When he blasted on Jian Qi, he actually made Jian Qi's strong body smaller and smaller.

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

After waiting for dozens of thunders, Jianqi transformed into his original appearance.

Strong thunder was incorporated into the flesh, and he continued to hammer his body.

Not only that, but also Lei Li poured into his soul and soul, lightning strikes the soul, causing his soul to undergo a qualitative change, and began to transition to the mind.

"This seems to be the last three minutes before the robbery."

Cheng Feng looked at the sky and whispered: "These three minutes are very important.

"Peerless geniuses can usually seize the opportunity to complete the transformation of the physical body, dragon power, and spirit in just three minutes."

"I will be able to persevere more when the real calamity comes later.

"I don't know if Jian Qi can seize the opportunity and absorb enough nine days of thunder force to lay the foundation for the subsequent crossing!"

Three minutes is very short.

Three minutes have passed in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, the dark clouds in the sky began to roll, and the horror thunder began to flash.

This is the real horror thunder. There are faint yellow, green, cyan and blue thunders.

After a long time, let Cheng Feng's skin tingle for a while!

"The real calamity is about to begin. How many calamities can Jianqi survive?"

Cheng Feng looked at the sky moving by electric light, and his eyes flashed with curiosity.

Because the more geniuses are, the more robbers you have passed when you first cross the sky.

It is rumored that in a super big world, there is a peerless wizard in one breath to cross the Seventh Heaven Calamity.

As soon as he entered Dengtian Realm, he was the seventh peerless existence of Dengtian, and it was terrible for a while.

Although Jianqi can't be compared with such peerless geniuses, it should be no problem to pass through the three or four heavy calamities at one time.

Bang ~~~

In Cheng Feng's expectation, a thunder blasted down from the sky and went straight to Jian Qi.

When I saw Jian Qihun not caring, I stabbed a sword light and blasted the thunder.

The action of Jian Qi seemed to anger Thunder.

Boom boom boom boom ~~~

A chain of thunders exploded towards Jian Qi.

It gives people a taste of killing Jian Qi into slag!

However, Jianqi was not flustered, he played steadily, replaced his sword with his hand, and continued to pierce a sword.

Blast a large number of Thunders that bombarded themselves, not letting them hurt themselves.

Even if a few fish leaking from the net bombarded him, they were easily carried down.

Only a day of heavy disaster, obviously no pressure!

So Jian Qi let go of his hands and feet, triggering a sword spear to the depths of Thunder.


Suddenly, as if the horse honeycomb was stolen, the wind rushed out of the thunder.

It looks like a giant invisible sword, slashing away towards Jian Qi.

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