Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1698: Killer float

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Chapter 169 The Murderous Float

Since entering the West Desert Buddha country, Jian Qi's mood has improved a lot.

First, in the path of asceticism, the soul was touched, which made the mood soar.

Later, he observed the Buddhist scriptures, and washed his mind, so that his state of mind can be further improved.

Under these circumstances, Jian Qichong was given the opportunity to happily rob the shackles.

However, although Jian Qi escaped this wave of five heavy disasters, he was not badly injured.

The whole person shuttled through the thunderous sea of ​​fire, was blown out of the outer focus, and chopped by the wind, and was cut off several pounds of flesh.

However, this is not over.

When Jian Qi just thought he had escaped the bombardment of the first wave of Tianjie, and was ready to breathe a sigh of relief.

Heart robbery has quietly appeared again, allowing him to relax quickly and his vigilance diminishes.

It even produced a safe idea, unguarded.

At this time, a wave of thunder, howling wind, poisonous fire, and robbery were stronger than before.

Once it falls on Jian Qi, it will be disabled if it doesn't die!

Huh! !!

Suddenly, the sword body of Xuantian Sword trembled, and another sword sounded.

Along with the sound of the sword, the tremor of the Seven Souls of the Sword suddenly woke up from a relaxed state.

Not afraid to hesitate, the divine power was poured into the Xuantian Sword, letting the golden sword shine.

As for himself, he backed away sharply to avoid the second wave of quadruple-strikes.

"My alertness just now is so weak!"

During the retreat, Jian Qi was horrified: "This must be the effect caused by heart robbery. I must always be alert and remind myself ..."

However, Jian Qi slowed down inexplicably in his self-awareness.

Suddenly caught up by the thunderous poisonous fire, bang bang ~~~

It was directly blown straight, and a big pit was blown into the chest, and the internal organs could be seen.

"Look at that, the peerless genius Jian Qi of the feathered gods, will be bombed to death by Tianjie!"

"The sword seven was a little arrogant, and the intention was to cross the Five-Strength Skydive in one breath, it was simply the act of seeking death."

"It's not unusual to die under the disaster now!"

Looking at Jian Qi, which was in danger in the midst of the disaster, there was a lot of discussion.

Deeply aware of the terrible nature of the Five Deadly Calamities.

Especially when several heavy disasters merge together, the power is even more scary.

No wonder the warriors who can survive the five-day annihilation in one thousand years do not have a certain reason.

"Healing ... it's a bit scary."

At the edge of the bunker, Cheng Feng's eyebrows were locked tightly: "Study of Jian Qi's state of mind seems to be a bit unstoppable."

"But Tianjie outsiders can't help, they can only rely on themselves!"

"I hope Jianqi can finally carry it down!"

Tianjie is God's test and baptism to a warrior, which is very targeted.

If outsiders intervened to help each other, the prestige of the calamity would skyrocket.

Not only is it helpless, but it will also make the crossover robbers bombarded by a stronger Tianjie, which is more and more help.

Therefore, the situation of Jian Qi is critical, Cheng Feng can only stand by and not interfere.

Fortunately, Jian Qi's toughness is sufficient, and his ability to carry attacks is extremely strong.

Several times were bombarded by the bombardment of the Five Heavenly Tribulation, and there was no painful cry.

Instead, under the stimulation of pain, the resistance to heart robbery was enhanced.

At the same time, due to his dragon power, physical body, and spirit ... all have undergone qualitative changes under the baptism of Tianjie, turning into divine power, divine body, and divine mind.

The physical resilience skyrocketed, and even the means to regenerate the limb slightly was obtained.

As a result, the injuries on his body quickly healed and scarred, and his ability to resist the bombardment of Heaven Calamity was greatly enhanced.

In this case, despite the extreme embarrassment of Jian Qi being bombarded by the Five Heavens Robbery and the dangers surrounding him, he has never been bombed.

There is a taste of being more and more brave, and getting stronger!

"This kid named Jian Qi is not weak in willpower."

"Following this trend, I'm afraid there is no small hope to survive the Five Deadly Scourges!"

"By that time, its combat power was absolutely better than its peers, even stronger than the sixth strongest man in the sky."

"No, we must think of a way, and we must not let the feathered gods add a young man like this."

"Otherwise, after the fruits of heaven and earth mature, they will become a strong competitor!"

Seeing that Jian Qiqi was in danger, he never died.

Someone in the onlookers had a strange mind, and the killer floated.

Because once Jianqi crosses the calamity successfully, when the sky is fighting for the fruits of heaven and earth, it will become a rival.

This is what the major gods and emperors do not want to see.

The fall of Jian Qi into the sky is the most ideal result in the hearts of everyone.

And it is very simple to want Jian Qi to die under the disaster.

Just take advantage of the sword seven to fight against the calamity, and quietly come up with a ruthless trick, it is difficult to die!

Someone has already shot while his thoughts are floating.

I saw that when Jian Qi tried his best to counteract another wave of five-day annihilation, 咻 ~~~

A sleeve arrow shot quietly, and Jianqi, the sky above the sky, burst out like lightning, to hold him under the arrow.

"The arrow in the sleeve, this arrow is not weak enough to shoot through Jianchi's head."

"Very well, with this arrow attacking Jian Qi, the old man does not need to shoot."

"Wait until Jian Qi is killed by a sleeve arrow!"

Seeing the picture of the sleeved arrow attacking Jianchi, everyone stood idly by.

Even the monks in the West Desert, known for their compassion, hesitated and did not take action.

Because if Jianqi successfully crosses the robbery, it will also be a threat to the Ximu Buddha country to pick fruits.


So the monks silently chanted the Buddha's horn, and in the end did not do anything to save them.

As a result, Jian Qi's death seems destined.

However, everyone was waiting for Jian Qi to be killed by the sleeve arrows.

嘭 ~~~

The sleeve arrow suddenly exploded inexplicably within seven hundred meters of the sword, breaking into iron powder all over the sky.

Not to mention the killing of the sword seven, not even close-up!

"No, someone is protecting Jian Qi in secret."

"Mad, who is this person? It's so bad I wait for good things!"

"It's almost impossible to kill Jian Qi, but it was destroyed by blunders, it's a goddamn!"

The sleeve arrow that killed Jian Qi was blown out, and countless people's minds floated.

A pair of eyes were swept by inch by inch during the seven weeks of the sword, and the person who protected the sword seven in secret was shot out.

However, they turned over every inch of land on the side of Jian Qi, but found nothing.

No one can hide in the sky and the ground except sand.

So everyone cast their skeptical gaze on the onlookers, feeling that the man who quietly hit the sleeve arrow was hidden in the crowd.

For a moment, the atmosphere became tense.

"Okay, don't be suspicious."

At this moment, an old man of short stature stepped forward, and yelled fiercely and arrogantly: "The old man is now attacking Jian Qi, looking at the guy hidden in the dark, dare to continue to rescue Jian Qi!"

Obviously, the man who attacked Jian Qi with a sleeve arrow just now is this short old man.

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