Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1700: Yu Yang

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Chapter 1700 The Evil Monk Yu Yang

噗嗤 ~~~

Almost the next second after Li Guo's death, a sound of blade cutting into flesh spread.

Immediately, the head of the explosive sword king Qi Sheng also flew out of thin air.

Immediately, ah! !!

The magic hammer horse was also killed, his head flew up, and blood spilled on the spot!

"His ~~~"

During the breathing, three consecutive masters of ascent to heaven were killed, which made the audience sound a breath of cold air.

It's too scary and tyrannical!

Between the raised hands, he killed three masters who ascended to heaven, but did not leave any trace.

How profound is this? At least it is better than three or four realms than the three magic hammer and stables.

Could the mysterious master who protected Jian Qi secretly achieved the fourth and even fifth ascent?

For a moment, everyone's impetuous thoughts were once again suppressed by Cheng Feng.

More than 90% of the warriors stepped back, for fear of being followed by mysterious masters, and suffering from no ill will.

However, several people remained motionless.

These people are doing well, with halos flickering behind their heads.

Especially the first three people cannot be underestimated.

The three of them were all tall and naked, with naked upper body and fat.

With a big bald head on his shoulders, he was actually a monk.

The second person was about forty years old, but he was as rich as a jade, giving people the feeling of a young man, handsome and handsome.

The third person was wrapped in a heavy black cloth, and his face was tightly covered.

But judging by her rugged body, she should be a woman.

"These three are not easy."

After killing Ma Wei and others, Cheng Feng stood on a dune.

He looked at the three fat monks, his eyes narrowed slightly: "These three have reached the fourth highest level of ascension, and their combat power is higher than that of Xiu."

"It would be more troublesome to do it together."

With three ascending fourth masters, Cheng Feng can easily get rid of it.

But the key is that Cheng Feng cannot expose himself.

Otherwise, killing these three is like slaughtering chickens.

"Jianqi seems to have carried more than sixty calamities."

Cheng Feng glanced at Jian Qi, and groaned, "Generally, Tian Qi is eighty-one. Jian Qi only needs to block a dozen more Tian Qi, and then he can enter the heaven.

"Those three will not act rashly. If they intend to have trouble, they will be killed even if their identity is revealed!"

What comes to mind, however.

Cheng Feng's thoughts just fell, and the fat monk with a big figure took a step forward.

Teng! The sole of the foot stepped on the sand, which actually caused the sand to ripple like a heavy wave.

Focusing on the fat monk, he hurried to the Quartet.

Demonstrated a high level of cultivation, and silenced the entire desert.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's face sank.

Long Li urged, hum ~~~

A large amount of sand rose around the bunker, condensing five large characters in the sky.

Dare to cross the line --- die!

As the five large characters condensed, fine sand rolled over the desert, and a hundred-meter-wide sand line quickly piled up.

It is clearly the 'death line' set by Cheng Feng.

Once someone does not listen to persuasion and dares to cross the line, Cheng Feng will let him die.

"Huh, what a breath!"

A few kilometers away, the fat monk lifted his eyes and swept across the five large characters in the sky.

Then he took another look at the 'Death Line' and snorted coldly: "However, this Buddha is going to try. How can you let this Buddha die in the state of Buddhism!"

While talking, the fat monk's feet were raised, and Huo Ran walked towards the death line.

"That seems to be an evil monk in the Buddha, a murderer who runs across the West Desert Buddha country."

"It is rumored that this man had practiced in Qianying Temple for many years, but was vicious and difficult to get rid of, and was eventually expelled from Qianying Temple."

"Since then, he has been domineering and has done a lot of evil, killing the fifth-highest master in the sky."

"This man will definitely force out the mysterious master of protecting Jian Qi and even defeat him!"

The fat monk was notorious and was recognized by everyone.

A pair of eyes stared at the fat monk, depending on his confrontation with the mysterious master.

Teng ~~ Teng ~~ Teng ~~

The fat monk has a large tonnage, and walks like a wild elephant.

Every time the soles of the feet fall, a heavy sand wave will shake, and the sound will be appalling.

Soon, the fat monk came to the death line set by Cheng Feng.

There was a flash of coldness in his eyes, and his fat feet lifted up, and then he moved towards the other side of the death line.

"Do you ... really want to die?"

At this moment, a muffled sound suddenly exploded in the sky: "That being the case, then I will fulfill you!"

The sound is down, hum ~~~

A forceful fist suddenly appeared, and Ju Yue banged on the chest of the fat monk.

This punch was so strong that it actually penetrated the void through a black hole.

Before the surging force approached, the fat monk trembled with fat, such as being cut by a knife.

Suddenly I knew that I had encountered a stubble, and screamed, "Protect the Admiralty!"

As the fat monk burst into drink, his body fat plummeted quickly, turning into a volley.

The next moment, a golden Buddha bell was condensed on him.

Huh! !!

As soon as the Admiralty was condensed, the punch came.

He banged fiercely on Admiralty, and actually deformed the Admiralty and sunken inward.

The force of terror exploded in the hollow, raging everywhere.

The fat monk's face changed suddenly, and his huge body looked like a ball, flipped out and flew out.

"Holding the grass, the evil monk Yu Yang was blown away with a punch!"

"Oh my god, Yu Yang is a master who has become a four-pin Luohan. Why is he so vulnerable?"

"How strong is that strong man who protects Jian Qi secretly?"

Seeing this scene, countless people are as dead as chickens.

I did not expect that the mighty monk Yu Yang could not even resist a trick of the mysterious master.

The chin was stunned, and the mood could not be calm for a long time.

Compared with the crowd, the evil monk Yu Yang felt the deepest.

The moment he was hit by a boxing, if hit by a giant elephant, his chest almost exploded.

Even if he exerted his strongest defense against martial arts Admiralty's body, he could not achieve much effect.

When the whole person flew out tens of miles and smashed through several dunes to stop, he could not help but opened his mouth to spray blood.

There were black clumps in the blood, clearly broken internal organs!

In one move, the evil monk Yu Yang was hit internally!

"Too strong. The mysterious master is too strong. I am far from being an opponent."

The evil monk Yu Yang was terrified. He vomited blood and hurriedly performed martial arts for healing.

However, the backlash kept on him and prevented him from healing.

"Abominable guy!"

Yu Yang yelled, and immediately prepared to fire at full strength to dissolve the back-up punches on the chest.

Thereby heal the injury and return to its peak.

But wait for him to take action, hum ~~~

The second forceful fist suddenly appeared, breaking through the void and blasting at him.

Once hit, Yu Yang will be disabled if he doesn't die!

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