Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1706: Beheaded

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Chapter 1706 Strong Beheading

The black sword is nearly two meters long, and the blade is covered with black patterns, like the scale of a ferocious beast.

Grasping in Cheng Feng's hand, a fierce gas burst out, making people shudder!

"That's ... the Devil Slayer?"

"It is rumored that this knife is very strong, Cheng Feng can break into the huge name, this knife has contributed."

"At this time Cheng Feng took out this knife, and it seemed to be moving!"

Around him, everyone saw Cheng Feng taking out a two-meter black knife, and all eyes looked over.

Cheng Feng's next performance is full of expectations.

"Cut the devil, cut it for me!"

Cheng Feng was decisive, and after taking out the two-meter black knife, there was no half-sense.

The rolling force in the body was poured into the knife, and the knife was split forward.

Along the front, a string of giant beads rose across.

The beads are smooth and round, exuding the light of the Buddha, giving people an indestructible taste.

But, bang ~~~

When Cheng Feng slashed with a knife, the arrogant sword light was released and chopped on a huge buddha.

It turned out that the buddha was cut back and sunk, and a knife mark visible to the naked eye appeared on it, so that the light of the Buddha stopped flowing.

"This Cheng Feng ... good attack power!"

On the west side of the desert, the skinny old monk who was walking stepped up and raised his eyebrows: "The rosary of the old man is polished by the tusks of the ancient elephant."

"Each rosary contains the power of an ancient elephant like a leaf of a leaf. It is immense and indestructible."

"But it was Cheng Feng who cut a knife mark with this knife ..."

At this moment, not only the skinny old monk is surprised.

The war monk killed three masters in anger, and was also moved.

The three of them shot together. Although they did not use a big kill, but the power was very amazing.

But to Cheng Feng, it was destroyed and degraded, and it was not in a grade.

In shock, the three waved their weapons back.

Then the fire broke out, let Cheng Feng see his power.

However, Cheng Feng did not respond to this.

He failed to smash the ancient elephant rosary with a single blow, and his brows froze slightly.

Immediately picking up the knife, the second, the third, the fourth ... slashed out one after another.

The mighty blades of light surged like magma, tearing the night sky, and rushing towards the ancient elephant rosary.

Let the footsteps of the skinny old monk speed up at the same time, while the Buddha's power sloshed, and a Buddhist scripture was read.

Om ~~ Om ~~

As the skinny old monk chanted the sutra, the string of ancient elephant beads immediately became full.

Each rosary was alive, turned into a giant elephant, and crossed in front of Cheng Feng.

Block Cheng Feng's way out completely!

"Give me --- broken!"

The dazzling Buddha light, but the killing intention in Cheng Feng's eyes is stronger.

The blades of light that were cut out suddenly condensed at this moment and turned into a blade of light that was many times stronger.

Bang ~~

Severely chopped on the previous rosary.

Let that rosary burst instantly.

As the rosary shattered, a string of eighteen rosary beads strung together and spread out.

Like a group of frightened elephants, they blasted away in all directions.

"Master Dust, save me!"

Behind the bracelet, Zhu Wengang stopped the wound.

I thought I would be able to save myself from the danger under the shelter of the skinny old monk.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng was so fierce that he took a black knife and chopped up the skinless defense bracelet of the skinny old monk.

Only scared him into despair, hissing for help.

"Chairman Cheng Feng, please don't make wicked murder!"

The rosary bracelet was chopped, and the mind of the dustless old monk was slightly impacted.

However, after practicing the Dharma cleanly for many years, he quickly returned to normal and shouted.

Along the way, sounds of Buddha came out of his mouth and poured into Cheng Feng's ears.

Cheng Feng shook his mind, and beating Zhu Wen couldn't help it.

When he shook his head, he shook off the ear buddha, and then prepared to kill Zhu Wen again.

Boom boom boom ~~~

The dozen or so rosaries that had just been scattered and scattered just now had detonated towards him like a falling meteorite.

At the same time, the three men who killed the war monks in anger, even more means.

A Buddha stick cut through the sky and swept Cheng Feng's shoulder.

A blood knife smashed the night sky, violently hit Cheng Feng's head.

A piece of black cloth is like a big river, and Cheng Feng is to be shattered!

"These four guys really want to protect Zhu Wen."

Cheng Feng frowned: "Is there anything wrong with Zhu Wen?"

"Forget it, no matter what the origin of this person is, you must die today!"

"I can't stop anyone Cheng Feng is going to kill!"

As soon as the words came to an end, Cheng Feng cut the magic sword with his hand, and in the blink of an eye, he slashed seventeen swords in a blink of an eye, chopping off the seventeen rosary beads that came.

After that, the black knife slaps and tears ~~~

Cut the black cloth rolled up like a black river.

Huh! After the black knife chopped the black cloth, the blade hit the chopped blood knife and cut it into a gap.

Then the black sword closed, crossing Cheng Feng's waist.

It happened that the buddha who came to kill the war monk arrived, eh! !!

The Buddha stick hit the black knife and numb Cheng Fengzhen's arm.

The whole person moved forward with the push of force.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or other reasons. Cheng Feng's traversal route happened to pass Zhu Wen.

When Cheng Feng passed Zhu Wen's side, 嗤 ~~~

With a knife in his hand and falling, a human head flew up into the air.

His face was full of surprise and remorse. He was surprised that he would beheaded by Cheng Feng. Why did he regret that he jumped out to provoke Cheng Feng?

As a result, it was not cheap at all, but took his own life!

"No, I can't die!"

Zhu Wen's martial arts reached the maturity period, and it was the fourth most important thing in the world.

His head was cut off and he would not die immediately.

He urged his mirror Wuhun, intending to use the method of rebirth of broken limbs to regenerate his head.

"I have a special mission. Just wait for Fairy Yan Zongyan to arrive, and I will be successful."

Zhu Wen yelled: "By then, you can use Wu Zong's special channels to enter the Wuhun Great World."

"Push my mirror Wu soul to the realm of heaven and man unity."

Zhu Wen's idea is good, but unrealistic.

Cheng Feng's hatred for him would give him a chance to survive?

Hum! I saw Cheng Feng grabbing the Devil Sword horizontally.

It's like shooting a watermelon, directly blasting Zhu Wen's head.

Killed his last chance to survive in the cradle.

"It's so fierce to hold the grass!"

"Cheng Feng actually beheaded Zhu Wen under the interception of the four masters."

"Yes, then Zhu Wen, as a well-known master of the Puppet God, is not a weak person."

"But in Cheng Feng's hands, he is as vulnerable as the weak chicken to be slaughtered, which is really incredible!"

Seeing the scene where Cheng Feng blasted Zhu Wen, the sound of breath taking off at the scene.

Countless people have become frightened of Cheng Feng, knowing Cheng Feng's arrogance deeply, and dare not show any disrespect.

Many warriors who had thought about Cheng Feng before all put away their thoughts.

Otherwise, Zhu Wen is their lesson learned.

But at the same time, some people have become more interested in Cheng Feng.

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