Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1710: Son of God and Virgin

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Chapter 1710 The Son of God and the Virgin

The middle-aged man who asked for help was one of the five people who just arrived.

The man had broad shoulders and broad shoulders, exuding an overbearing breath.

Especially behind his head, six halos flashed.

Its repair has reached at least the sixth ascendant, and is a master!

"Cheng Feng was only on the first day of the Feathered God? It's a bit of a meaning."

After hearing the old man asking for help, Huang Feng, a middle-aged man in yellow clothes, raised his eyebrows: "No wonder the holy lady in the palace will miss you forever!"

Huang Feng uttered an astonishment, making the eyes of those present.

"What? The goddess of the heavenly desolation, who is still thinking about Cheng Feng, never forgets it?"

"Grass, Cheng Feng is too bullish, right?"

"Not only are martial arts talents outstanding, but even women are so outstanding?"

There is only one holy palace in the entire earth dome continent, and that is the first **** dynasty of the earth dome continent, the martial arts shrine Tenjin palace in the heavenly deities.

Tenjingu is super powerful and powerful.

They gathered talented disciples from all over the continent and cultivated them. They were the cradle of young talents.

According to rumors, the most talented man and woman in Tenjin Temple will be cultivated by Tenjin Temple.

Sealed as the Son of God and the Virgin.

Almost every generation of the gods and goddesses in the Temple of Heaven is the strongest contemporary of the entire dome continent.

Nowadays, Huang Feng said that the contemporary sacred girl in Tianshen Palace never misses Cheng Feng. How can this not be shocking?

Even Cheng Feng himself couldn't help it anymore.

The act of attacking the old ghost man asked, "Who is the maiden of Tenjin, do I know?"

"Of course I know."

Huang Feng said: "My maiden of the Holy Palace is the person who feathers the dynasty and is the owner of the ten most overcast bodies in the world."

"The owner of the overcast body?"

The light flashed in Cheng Feng's eyes, and he said suddenly: "Is the maiden you are talking about light?"

"Yes, my maiden of the palace is just Miss Light."

There was a touch of light in Huang Feng's eyes: "Since she was led to the Holy Palace, she was immediately accepted by the Holy God Wuyang Tianshen as a disciple.

"In a short period of time, repairs began to blow out, and now it has reached the top of the Zulong class, which can be called a rare talent for thousands of years."

"It's a natural match with my lord, the Holy Son."

"So you Cheng Feng, it is best to break the covetous thoughts on the saint as soon as possible."

"Because only the Holy Son of God can match me."

"As for other people, you are not even qualified to lift shoes, and you Cheng Feng is no exception!"

When Huang Feng spoke, his eyes were full of disdain for Cheng Feng.

As if Cheng Feng had an idea for Yue Qingying, it was a blasphemy against beauty.

Not only that, he was also using a special method while speaking, and he actually rescued the ghost old man from Cheng Feng's slash.

Demonstrated a high level of cultivation, in order to deter Cheng Feng.

"The middle-aged man in the yellow clothes rescued the ghost old man, it seems to be a transposition."

"This martial art is only mastered in Tenjin."

"It seems that this person is a master from Tenjin!"

Seeing Huang Feng's actions to rescue the ghost old man, many eyes narrowed.

Because the Tenjin shrine martial arts are not easy to mess with, all of them are very strong and can easily defeat the same level martial arts.

Since Huang Feng had the guts to rescue the ghost old man under the attack of Cheng Feng.

It shows that he has full confidence in himself and can deal with Cheng Feng.

"Hehe ~~~"

In the desert, Cheng Feng heard Huang Feng's words, his face suddenly became cold.

He sneered and looked up at Huang Feng: "You want me to break my light thinking as soon as possible, and let her make a pair with the gods in your temple?"

"Yes, only the Son of God is worthy of the Virgin."

Huang Feng said with both hands, "As for you, it's a long way off!"

"I'm curious, what is your identity in Tenjin?"

Flames rose in Cheng Feng's eyes: "Is it the elder? The palace master? Or the god?"

"I ..." Huang Feng was asked.

Although he is a sixth master in the sky, he is not yet eligible to be listed as an elder in Tenjin.

As for the master of the palace, the **** of heaven, it is even a joke!

"Neither seems to be."

Cheng Feng gave Huang Feng a cold glance: "Since you are not even the elders of the Temple of Heaven, what qualifications do you have to talk about the private affairs of the Goddess of the Temple of Heaven?"

"Who gave you this courage? Could it be tiring?"

"If you're tired, I'll help you today and take you on the road!"

After speaking, Cheng Feng transpired all over him.

In his hand, the demon sword was thrown up, and the third style of Emperor Cangshu came out suddenly.

"Cheng Feng, how dare you scold Lao Tzu ..."

Hearing Cheng Feng's words, Huang Feng's face turned red instantly.

Anger filled his chest quickly, he had to take lessons from Cheng Feng.

However, before he finished speaking, Cheng Feng had already taken the lead.

Letting a big star in the sky suddenly shine, and lowering a stout starlight, chilling.

Although Huang Feng is a sixth-strength ascendant to the sky, and comes from Tenjin Temple, his strength is a lot stronger than the warriors of the same level.

At this moment, my scalp was tingling, and the words of curse in my mouth swallowed into my stomach.

Hurry up with both hands to meet the cut sword.

However, Cheng Feng's knife is very strong, not only evoked ten dragon powers, but also borrowed the power of a big star.

Slashing across the knife, Huang Feng's face changed greatly.

The Huang Feng fired at full strength, condensing two divine hands to pinch him from left to right, and barely clamped the knife that cut him.

The mighty force hit his arm, flying him backwards.

The soles of the feet were rubbing against the void, and the soles of the boots were smoking, exuding a scorching smell.

He exploded a few kilometers before he just stopped.

However, Huang Feng just stopped.

Om ~~ Om ~~

Seven big stars lit up in the sky.

Wait until the seven big stars shine to the extreme, shooting down seven stars.

A blade of light that was several times stronger than before, chopped the void, and chopped at him again.

This caused Huang Feng's scalp to numb, desperately evoking divine power, and more than a dozen layers of divine power shields condensed in front of him.

And he closed his hands violently, hum ~~~

Two divine palms that were twice as powerful as they had appeared, pinched on the cut sword.

Intent to repeat the tricks, resolve this wave of attack and kill Cheng Feng.

However, the sword light cut by Cheng Feng this time, but the fourth style seven stars of Emperor Cang sword gathered.

Fully borrowed the power of the seven stars, Huang Feng's divine power pinched the palm and couldn't stop Daoguang's burst.

The two divine palms took less than a tenth of a second, and the swordless light broke free.

Exploded towards Huang Feng's head.

However, Huang Feng made preparations in advance, and a dozen layers of divine shields were condensed in front of him.

So Daoguang cut it down, 嘭 嘭 嘭 ~~~

First encountered a dozen layers of divine shields, giving Huang Feng a chance to breathe.

When the sword light shattered the divine shield, when Huang Feng was about to hit, Huang Feng took out a pair of gold gloves.

Put the gloves on your hand quickly, block with both hands, 铿 ~~~

Actually the remaining knife light, stupidly blocked it!

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