Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1715: Intimidate

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Chapter 1715 Intimidation and Seduction

The words of Yanxian made Zhu Wen tremble.

Begging: "Fairy, you can't do this."

"This will make the little one break the vow of the soul and stagnate for life."

"Well, even if you don't break the vow of the soul, it's hard to go further."

Yanxian waved her hand and said, "Okay, that's it. Don't cry in front of me."

"Fairy ..." Zhu Wen wanted to continue to plead.

But seeing the flame fairy look cold, I didn't dare to say a word.

Endure dullness, use the means of rebirth of broken limbs, and repair his head.

As for the flame fairy, she looked at Cheng Feng.

"Cheng Feng, can we consider it?"

Yan Xianzi said: "If you decide to go to my Zongzong, I can not only tell you the identity of the betrayer."

"At the same time, you can't deal with Can Zhu Wen!"

Yanxian made a lot of concessions and paid great attention to Cheng Feng.

However, after Cheng Feng groaned a little, he shook his head and refused again.

"Cheng Feng, you are forcing me."

Seeing this, Yan Xianzi's face showed impatience: "I ask you one more time, will you go to my Zongzong?"

"Fairy fairy, sorry!"

Cheng Feng held his fist and said lightly.


The flame fairy nodded and said, "Since you have repeatedly refused, the fairy will try your weight of the first day of the feathered gods."

After speaking, the flame fairy was full of color flames, and turned into a river of blue flames, burning out to Cheng Feng.

"After all, do you want to do it?"

Cheng Feng's brow frowned slightly: "So, let's fight!"

While speaking, Cheng Feng's body burst into force.

Wait until it is poured into the slayer, 唰 ~~~

A record of Emperor Cangdao came out.

The sword cut by Cheng Feng was powerful enough to kill a fourth-strength martial artist.

However, beating the blue flame river was like hitting a pool of mud.

Daoguang cut into the river of flames less than 100 meters, and there was some lack of stamina.

The slashing momentum seemed to diminish, and it seemed to fall into the river of flames.

Not only that, the flames that had been cut by the sword light before were actually closed together again.

It was difficult to escape the siege of siege in the Great River of Fire.

"Somewhat interesting."

Found this scene, Cheng Feng was a little moved.

Lifting the Devil Sword, it was cut out several times in a row.

The intention is to use the power of several knives to chop the blue flame river.

However, the river of flames was tough.

Combined by several knives, the fire waves just tossed and did not break.

Instead, a large number of blue fire waves raged, trapping those knife lights, and once again trapped in the big river.

"Hands on, Cheng Feng fights with Yanxian!"

"Looking at the scene, Cheng Feng's situation is not so good, he fell into a dilemma as soon as he played."

"Flame of Fire and Fire Soul Queen Fairy, really deserves its reputation!"

Yanxian really has the strength. The tentative confrontation made Cheng Feng passive.

At this time, the blue flame river wrapped several knife lights and rushed to Cheng Feng fiercely, there was a taste to drown Cheng Feng instantly.

"Burst!" Cheng Feng smelled a hint of threat.

A word of 'burst' spit out in his mouth.

Immediately, Boom Boom Boom ~~~

The sword light trapped by the river of flames exploded.

The raging flames of the river were blown up.

At this time, Cheng Feng cut off another strong sword.

Stabbing ~~~

The violent blue flame river was forcibly cut in half.

The first wave of matches ended in a draw, and no one took advantage.

However, in general, Cheng Feng was in a disadvantage, and several moves were made to resolve the fairy's random attack.

But even so, it made everyone look.

It is deeply known that Cheng Feng does have the strength comparable to the peerless powerhouse.

As for the flame fairy, it is also a little moving.

A flash of bright color flashed in his eyes, praising: "Cheng Feng, you are really good."

"You are the one who can fight with me at the pinnacle of Broken Realm. You are the first."

"However, Broken Realm is Broken Realm after all, and you cannot be my opponent."

"Just let me go to Zongzong, where is there, but there is a beautiful lady waiting for you!"

"A lady?"

Cheng Feng raised a brow: "Is the person mentioned by the fairy Gu Gucheng?"

A few months ago, Gu Qingcheng awakened a ‘eye of fate’, a first-class Jiu Pin Wu soul.

He was dug hard by Qian Zong from Qianlong Academy.

At this time, the fairy Fairy mentioned ‘beautiful people’.

Sure enough, the flame fairy nodded with a smile.

"Yes, it's the city."

Yan Xianzi said: "This little girl is extremely talented, and now I have been accepted by my ancestors to close the disciples, and cultivated vigorously. The future achievements are unlimited.

"If you go to Daizong, Benxian can help you get one or two."

In order to get Cheng Feng out of Yizong, Yanxian really fell out.

Actually even the beauties made use of it.

Unfortunately, Cheng Feng did not catch a cold at Gu Qingcheng.

Because the other party was too calculating, one was careless, and he was still helping him count the money.

"Fairy, your kindness leads me."

Cheng Feng shook his head for the fourth time and refused: "But Zong Zong, I really can't go."

"It looks like you're indifferent."

Yan Xianzi's face calmed, and Shen said, "Since that is the case, I can only do‘ requests ’!”

The words stopped, and the flame fairy never said a nonsense again.

I saw she stretched out her two cellulose hands and gently pushed Cheng Feng's position.


A river of flames was stronger than the flames just before, and rushed towards Cheng Feng.

"So scary, the fire is too fierce."

"It seems that Fairy Fairy is really moving this time, I don't know how Cheng Feng will resist."

Seeing the blue fire waves, countless people feel hot.

As if the body was about to be ignited, I couldn't help but retreat dozens of miles.

On the other hand, Cheng Feng, who was standing at the center of the fire waves, never changed his steps.

A pair of eyes coagulated, which directly brought out the fourth style of Emperor Cangdao.

The fourth style of Emperor Cangshu is a gathering of seven stars, which can borrow the power of the Big Dipper.

When seven consecutive stars fell, it turned into a bladeless light and was cut out.

Stabbing ~~~

Actually cut the rushing blue fire wave in half.

But the blue flames are terrifying.

After being chopped off by Wupi Daoguang, the impact momentum continued unabated, and he continued to rush to Cheng Feng.

At this time, it was too late for Cheng Feng to try to perform martial arts block.

So he grabbed the Devil Sword and danced at high speed.

Because it was too fast, a black cover was formed, covering Cheng Feng inside.

Those blue flames arrived and struck the black hood, but they couldn't make it.

However, this method of defense is not a long-term solution and needs to be rid of as soon as possible.

Once caught by the flame fairy, he will be very troublesome!

Therefore, after blocking the first wave of blue fire, Cheng Feng immediately took off and flew out of the fire.

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