Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1717: Fire Phoenix swallows the sky

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Chapter 1717 The Fire Phoenix Swallows the Sky

"One hundred and forty stars!"

"Cheng Feng actually borrowed the strength of 140 stars, which is exactly the strength of a peerless powerhouse!"

"No wonder it is called the first genius of the feathered gods, and even the throne of the first genius of the earth dome."

"This son, indeed has this qualification!"

When seeing the picture of Cheng Feng attracting the power of 140 stars.

The people present were all moved.

As for the flame fairy, her face was dignified to the extreme.

Apart from that, both hands grasped vigorously.

Om ~~~

Massive flames condensed into a wall of fire.

At the same time, the blue fire phoenix beneath her feet turned into a strand of blue fire energy.

Into the fire wall, the thickness of the fire wall has reached an unprecedented 300 meters.

And the color of the fire wall became dark blue, like a piece of blue immortal gold forged, giving an indestructible taste.

It turns out that this wall of fire is indeed strong.

boom! When Cheng Feng merged the sword power of 140 stars, chopped on the wall of fire.

Actually, he did not cut the fire wall, just cut a big crack.

However, the strong cross-cutting force penetrated into the flame fairy through the wall of fire, and still shook the flame fairy hundreds of steps.

Barefoot was a little pale due to too much force.

However, this knife is not yet Cheng Feng's limit.

At this moment, ten big stars lit up in the night sky.

Let the total number of big stars reach 150 scary.

Make the night sky bright like daylight, making countless people scared.

Even more, Yanxianzi accumulated a long period of fire and burst out.

"Cheng Feng, are you endless?"

Yanxian took a deep breath, and a blue flame rose in her eyes: "Since that is the case, then you can pick me up and try!"

The words stopped, and the blue clothes on the flame fairy suddenly deformed.


Seeing the wind rise, it turned into two huge blue wings.

As for the flame fairy, her body is slightly bent, her hands folded forward.

Along with that, hum ~~~

A huge blue fire phoenix suddenly burst out of the flame fairy.

Waiting to merge with the flame fairy himself, the flame fairy turned into a blue giant phoenix.

The billowing fire waves spread from the phoenix's whole body, making the desert extremely hot.

The sand near Jufeng was directly melted and turned into flowing magma, flowing to the four sides.

"Look, that seems to be Lan Yanhuo Wuhun."

"The flame fairy has urged Lan Yanhuo Wuhun, and she should be really angry."

"Next, it will be a horrific fight!"

Lan Yanhuo Wuhun is a kind of flame Wuhun whose body is a ray of flame.

But as the Wuhun enters the transformation period, the flame has acquired a qualitative change, which can be changed into any form.

The flame fairy's blue-colored fire martial arts soul turns into a blue fire phoenix, which has been dormant in the martial arts aura.

At this moment, the explosion ignited, making the flame fairy extremely dangerous.

Like a goddess in charge of fire, can burn everything!

"Di Cang sword, cut!"

The fire waves rushed into the air, and Cheng Feng wrapped his body in a red flame robe.

The raised Devil Sword suddenly fell off, and a swordless light blasted the flame fairy away.

"Lan Yan's fire, burn!"

In the face of the cut-off swordless light, Yanxian whispered.

The closed hands spread out and pushed forward sharply.


The huge blue fire phoenix suddenly opened its mouth and spit out a dark blue flame.

The temperature of this flame essence was so high that it actually burned down the void, exposing the blackened space barriers.

When it was burned on the pathless sword light that Cheng Feng cut, it actually weakened the sword light.

As if the fire was baking a snowdrift, when the bladeless light cut through the sky and landed in front of the flame fairy, the power was no longer there.

The flame fairy stretched out her hand, and Dao Guang rubbed her body into a dune.

The dune was chopped up and splashed with thousands of meters of sand.

When the sand waves settled, a large pit with a radius of dozens of miles came into view, making people creepy.

"Is this the Lan Yanhuo Wuhun? It's well-known."

In the void, Cheng Feng looked into a flame fairy with a blue giant phoenix, his expression was slightly condensed: "However, you want to‘ please ’me to Daizong, but it ’s a little worse!”

When the words came to an end, Cheng Feng cut the magic sword and held it up.

In the night sky, one hundred and sixty large stars shone, shooting down all the stars.

"One hundred and sixty stars! It's a bit scary."

"I feel that with such a stab, the sixth-best top performer in the sky must be hit hard."

"Can she stop the flame fairy?"

Under the stars, the dreadful anger of the sword opened, causing countless martial arts to jump.

Separated from a long distance, his cheeks were cut by a knife, and he quickly backed away dozens of miles.

As for the flame fairy, a pair of eyes have narrowed into a slit.

When she came to the West Desert Buddha country, she already knew about Cheng Feng's strength.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Feng was stronger than she expected.

There was tremendous pressure on her, a peerless powerhouse.

However, the flame fairy did not believe in evil.

When Cheng Feng borrowed the strength of 160 big stars and slashed to her.

She stretched out her hands and flew towards the bladeless sword.

With her movement, the blue giant phoenix with her mouth opened wide behind her.


The chopped swordless light was swallowed into the belly.

"Fire Phoenix swallows the sky, this seems to be the fame of Yan Xianzi!"

"According to this trick, the fairy Fairy swallowed a peerless seventh strongest man into the Phoenix."

"After seven, seventy-nine and ninety-nine days of refining, it has been refined into a phoenix!"

Seeing the picture of Fengfeng swallowing the swordless light, people with knowledge of the goods immediately recognized this method.

Knowing that this trick is the fame of the flame fairy, feel that Wu Pingguang was swallowed by the fire phoenix, and will be thoroughly refined.

This seems to be the case.

I saw that giant fire phoenix swallowed the swordless light, and the whole body burned a dark blue fire.

The fire was soaring and the heat wave was appalling.

Steel is within a kilometer, and it is instantly vaporized.

Wupi Daoguang can't last for long under such high temperature incineration.

"Huofeng swallows the sky? An interesting martial art."

Seeing this, Cheng Feng also moved: "Since you can swallow it, then I will do it again!"

The words did not fall, Cheng Feng cut off the magic sword, and cut it to the flame fairy again.

This time, Cheng Feng borrowed the power of 170 stars.

The power of the sword reached a level of horror. When the knife was swallowed by the giant phoenix, the giant phoenix immediately had an adverse reaction.

It was like eating a fishbone, stuck in my throat, and shook my head.

The abdomen is also uncomfortable, and is constantly bulging and calming.

This lasted for three or five seconds, 嘭 ~~~

The back of Jufeng exploded suddenly.

Immediately, there were two strong and weak knife lights, radiating from the back of the giant phoenix.

It is the two swordless lights that were swallowed by Jufeng!

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