Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1745: St. Vincent's mighty

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Chapter 147: The Prestige of St. Majesty

I saw the armor of War God at this time, the whole body Jinguang has weakened by more than half.

Seems thicker, stronger and indestructible!

At the same time, an unmatched Shengwei is rapidly condensing and gestating, giving a taste that can crush eternity!

"Shengwei, God of War armor has begun to consolidate Shengwei!"

Cheng Feng was a little moved: "This Shengwei is very strong, it is a lot stronger than all the semi-holy artifacts I have encountered before, and it is not in a grade!"

"Should the armor of war be stepped up into the sky and upgraded to a holy weapon?"

Cheng Feng's face was full of joy.

If the Warlord armor can be directly upgraded to a sacred weapon, it will become an ace in his hands.

Defense has grown at least several times, and ordinary peerless powerhouses cannot break it at all.

By that time, Cheng Feng was attacking and defending, and he had both the offense and defense.

Will truly rank among the entire dome continent, the strongest group of people.

Even if the Emperor Yuhua didn't dare despise when he saw him, treat him with courtesy!

However, God of War poured cold water at this moment.

"Cheng Feng, when God forged this armor, he used a lot of rare materials, so his power is much stronger than ordinary weapons."

The voice of God of War's remnant sounded: "At this moment, the sacred power bred by the armor of God of War, although it is much stronger than ordinary semi-sacred vessels, is a normal reaction.

"In the end, whether you can step into the sky and be promoted to a holy weapon depends on the subsequent development!"

"Uh ... okay!"

Cheng Feng's face continued unabated: "Based on the current situation, even if the armor of war **** cannot be promoted to a holy weapon, the power is enough to compare with an ordinary holy weapon."

"And that power is enough for me to use recently!"

Speaking, hum ~~~

The sacred power bred on the armor of the war **** suddenly produced a skyrocketing.

It's like sesame blossoming and rising!

Let Cheng Feng couldn't help but be overjoyed: "Haha, the sacred power bred by the **** of war is actually increasing!"

"This time, it's time to go beyond the semi-holy level?"

Seeing this, the God of War has no thoughts to speak.

Because in the current situation, the armor of war God does have great hope to be sanctified in one fell swoop and promoted to a holy weapon.


As time passed, Cheng Feng put down the work at hand, and he kept it for almost an hour.

Finally, the Buddha cone, which was forged with Yushin Iron as the main material, was reduced by nearly a dozen circles.

The smelted domain **** iron inside was completely absorbed by the armor of war god.

With a click, it fell off the helmet of the Warlord!

And at this time, hum ~~~

The sacred power of the War God armor is so extreme that even Cheng Feng cannot walk into it within a hundred meters.

From a distance, it looks like a golden giant, holding the sky with his hands, holding up the whole sky stiffly.

Gives a feeling of impeccable and indestructible!

Especially in the end, when this strong breath is completely mixed and united.

Hum! It seems that within the fifteenth ring of Buddha's kingdom, a million grand giant Yue suddenly emerged.

The entire fifteenth ring of Buddhism, and even the people of several rings adjacent to the fifteenth ring of Buddhism, all felt a sense of depression.

No matter what they are doing, they all agree, looking up at Cheng Feng's position!

"Oh my god, what is that?"

"That's Jennifer, a Jennifer that's so strong!"

"Where is a saint born?"

When seeing this terrifying picture, countless people were shocked, thinking that the heavenly strongest is taking the good fortune, entering the good fortune, and becoming a saint!

But soon, some people refuted.

"No, that's not the majesty of a saint."

"It is rumored that when the saint was born, heaven and earth were together, the sun and the moon congratulated each other, and the stars congratulated.

"I estimate that there should be a holy artifact at this time!"

"When a semi-holy artifact is promoted to a holy artifact, it can also produce a mighty divine power, much like the situation at this time!"

The old-fashioned person saw the clues, and broke the mystery in a word.

Let countless people suddenly realize, exclaimed.

"Is the sacred artifact taking shape and uniting Shengwei?"

"But this sacred might is too strong, right? It feels stronger than those three holy artifacts born by the major gods!"

"Let's go and have a look."

"This historic moment is definitely not to be missed!"

The words come to an end, brushing ~~~

Countless people soared into the air and rushed to the fifteenth ring of Ximo Buddha.

Even the peerless powerhouses were alarmed. More than twenty peerless powerhouses located in the eleventh ring of the Buddha Kingdom dispatched eight on the spot.

Turned into Changhong, disappeared in no time!

Just as everyone was shocked.

The fifteenth ring of the West Desert Buddha Country, among the desert oasis.

Cheng Feng was also shocked, looking at the sturdy War God armor, full of surprise.

"Nice, really good!"

Cheng Fengxi said: "In these circumstances, after the completion of the sacred power of Warlord Armor, it is bound to become a holy weapon."

"By then, even if I am against the first monk, I don't have to be too afraid!"

"The hope of unsealing the head of God of War has increased at least several times."

Cheng Feng's voice just fell, hum ~~~

The sacred power that rushed into the clouds and shook the entire West Desert Buddha country suddenly began to condense.

Quickly retracted from the depths of the sky, turned into a pattern of dragons, tigers, crickets, etc. ......

Let the armor of War God roll deeper and deeper, become indestructible, and the defense force will rise.

"Shengwei started recycling!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng's eyes widened and he stared at Sheng Wei's contraction.

Looking at the dragons, tigers, and tattoos, slowly spreading from the legs and hands of the War God armor to the whole body.

At the same time, the fifteenth ring of the entire country of the West Desert Buddha began to be turbulent.

"It's the end, and the Holy Grail promotion is coming to an end!"

"Fast, we need to be faster to see this historic picture."

Numerous warriors fought wildly in the direction of the desert oasis, for fear of missing the scene of the promotion of the armor of war.

As for those who are closer to the desert oasis, they have all arrived outside the oasis and looked up into the oasis.

However, in order to prevent identity exposure, Cheng Feng caused unnecessary trouble.

First, a rough defensive formation was built, and secondly, a shield was formed with dragon power, covering the whole oasis.

Rolling up a heavy dust again, people outside couldn't see what was inside.

Let those martial arts running around watching, anxious to stamp their feet like an ant on a hot pot.

"Mad, someone actually covered the entire desert oasis, we can't see anything inside!"

"This must be the handwriting of the master of the sacred implement. I don't want us to see this historic moment!"

"What should we do, should we just miss it?"

"Otherwise, let the master of the holy instrument be in harmony!"

When I rushed to the place but couldn't see anything, it made countless soldiers scratch their hearts and lungs.

Some brave warriors shouted directly at the desert oasis, hoping that Cheng Feng would generously remove the cover and let everyone witness the historical moment of the formation of the holy artifact!

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