Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1748: Demon Might

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Chapter 1748 The Demon Might

However, if you look at it carefully, you will find that Miao's hands are slightly curled.

There are many fine knife marks on the palm.

Obviously, Miao Lao just hit the sword with his hands and was cut by the broken sword.

A magnificent peerless powerhouse was hurt at the first encounter.

Frowning his brows, he put away Xiaoxin's heart and looked at the owner of the holy implement.

"Friend, are you from the Heavenly Falcon?"

Frustrated in southern Xinjiang, he stopped over the desert oasis and asked loudly.

The Sword Realm of the Tianhuang Deity is the holy land of the knife path of the entire dome continent.

It is rumored that the God Sword Pavilion of the Feathered God Dynasty was created by a peerless powerhouse in the Tianhuang God Dynasty sword domain ten thousand years ago.

Miao Lao encountered stab volley, and the first target that came to mind was sword domain.

"Huh, my friends never hacked against this seat."

Regarding Miao's inquiries, Cheng Feng responded coldly: "A friend like you doesn't have this seat and doesn't want it!"

"Friend, the old man was a little bit eager just now, so don't blame it."

Miao's complexion was frozen.

But after fighting just now, he has seen the power of Cheng Feng, so he suppressed the fire airway: "After all, the holy weapon has been upgraded, it has not appeared for a thousand years."

"I also hope that my friend will remove the protective cover and let the old man witness the historic moment with you."

"Sorry, I don't like to watch the holy wares advance with strangers."

Cheng Feng directly refused: "Furthermore, the holy weapon promotion of this seat is the most taboo for outsiders to disturb."

"If you are fine, please watch from a distance!"

The words stopped, Cheng Feng lifted the demon sword, and the cold rushed sharply into the clouds.

Express his attitude clearly!

"Friend, the promotion of the holy weapon is to take the good fortune of the earth dome, but it does not belong to you alone."

Miao Lao's voice sank: "Don't be too selfish, swallow this historic moment alone!"

"Huh, that's nice!"

Cheng Feng replied in a cold voice: "Actually, it is nothing but a holy weapon for this seat."

"Today this seat puts the words here. If anyone destroys the holy weapon of the seat to be promoted, this seat will kill him forever, and he will never die!"

Cheng Feng's murderous words made the scene silent.

Many of the soldiers who stopped and watched looked at each other and stepped back again.

As for the old Miao in southern Xinjiang, his face was suddenly gloomy, and he was a little bit embarrassed.

Because he has initially tested Cheng Feng's strength, at least he is a peerless powerhouse.

If he really carried him, then the younger generation of his family wouldn't want to be safe.

Even he himself may be in danger, apparently outweighing the gains, and hesitating in heaven.

In contrast, Cheng Feng raised his head above his head after issuing his own position.

Let the edge of the sky become even more cold and arrogant, which is daunting.

But his attention did not stop on the slayer, but looked at the armor of war god.

I saw the armor of the **** of war at this time, and the holy print had almost covered all the torso.

Only the heart is left, and the helmet is not finished.

According to time estimates, it is estimated that it will take another three minutes to complete the closing.

However, the current situation is a little longer in three or five minutes.

According to Cheng Feng's estimation, the peerless powerhouse attracted by the armor of war gods is definitely more than the old one in southern Xinjiang.

If five or six statues come later, his shock will not be effective.

Once united, the consequences are unimaginable.

"God of War armor, condense me!"

In order to stifle the hidden dangers in the cradle, Cheng Feng burst into a cry.

At the same time, he also stripped his own soul into the armor of war.

Om ~~~

Suddenly, Cheng Feng's spirit blended with the armor of war.

A feeling of flesh and blood, was suddenly born between Cheng Feng and the battle **** armor.

Cheng Feng's will was instantly passed to the God of War armor, which suddenly produced a strong horizontal suction.

Dragging a line of Saint-Weir on the sky, rushing towards the heart of the armor of war and the helmet.


This movement is a bit big.

A sacred pattern descended from the sky, which actually caused a vision of heaven and earth.

When all of them were integrated into the armor of war, soon the torso of the armor of war was filled with a sacred pattern.

A sense of solidarity, swinging away in all directions.

Let Cheng Feng's face show a bright smile, but that makes the southern Xinjiang Miao old look greatly changed.

"No, the holy grail is about to be promoted."

Miao Lao whispered: "This holy sacred weapon is vast and surpasses the ordinary holy weapon. If you get it in your hands, the old man's repair can rise at least one big step."

"Moreover, even if you can't get it, simply watching the promotion of the holy weapon can have a huge impact on the old man."

"Maybe touch the bypass, let the repair of this seat to a higher level!"

Thinking of it, Miao Lao's shocked mind immediately came back to life.

At the same time, in the fifteenth ring of Buddhism, two strong breaths appeared in succession.

The breath per share is not weaker than Miao Lao.

Obviously, there are two peerless powerhouses arriving, which pleases Miao Miao.

Immediately send a voice to communicate with the two peerless powerhouses.

After a few seconds, buzzing ~~~

Three strong breaths, such as a volcanic eruption, rushed into the Nine Heavens.

Turned into a heavy pouring wave, squeezing over the desert oasis.

The three peerless powerhouses clearly reached a certain consensus, and they were to deal with Cheng Feng together.

Before that, Miao's voice arrived one step ahead.

"Friend, the three husbands have come to **** you, please remove the cover."

"With the protection of the three of us, no one can destroy the promotion of your holy weapon!"

Miao Lao's mouth sounds good, in fact, he has no intention at all.

Three breaths are coming, and they actually intend to drag the remaining Saint-Weir pattern on the sky to slow down the promotion process of the battle **** armor.

"No one needs help from this seat!"

In the desert oasis, Cheng Feng's face became cold.

Only one step away from the armor of war god, you can complete the transformation and be promoted to a holy weapon.

The three old Miao people wanted to do destruction, and their hearts were transpired: "Whoever comes to" help "this seat, this seat wants him to die!"

"Friend, your killing heart is too heavy, let the old man wait for someone to help you reduce stress!"

Two peerless strong men came to help, Miao old and bold.

Ignore Cheng Feng's threat, with three strong breaths, intercepted the divine power remaining in the armor of the war **** in the sky.

Do not let it enter the desert oasis, making the armor of war God can not complete the final step to upgrade the holy weapon.

"You guys ... seek death!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng was really angry.

There is no longer the slightest reservation, and the sharp edge of the Devil Sword has been fully triggered.

Suddenly, the sky was cut open by a sharp blade of awns, and the eyes were shattered, making people shocking!

Outside the oasis, Miao Lao's three peerless strong men were originally confident.

Feeling that the three peerless powers joined forces, Cheng Feng must kneel.

However, as the sharp blade of rush came, the look of confidence on the face suddenly solidified.

Only felt a little hairy, and a strong threat rushed to his head.

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