Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1750: Retreat

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Chapter 1750 Retreating From The Whole Body

Hallucinations? This is absolutely impossible!

The seventh-highest peerless powerhouse in the sky can never have this illusion.

And since it is not an illusion, where did the holy artifact in the promotion go?

"Search, it must be in the oasis!"

The southern face of Miao Lao in the southern part of the country was blushing. After a burst of drinking, he took the lead and patted it to the desert oasis.

Because not only was the sacred weapon missing at this time, but even the strong swordsman who fought against them also lost track.

This obviously violates the normal truth!

It is estimated that the swordsman strong was proficient in a superb stealth martial arts, and he just rolled away the sacred artifact and hid it at a very fast speed.

At this time it should not have gone far, it is in the oasis.

Miao's guess is very accurate.

The reason why the oasis lost the trace of Cheng Feng and the battle **** armor is indeed Cheng Feng's masterpiece.

Just now, indifferent middle-aged man Yuan Tianguang smashed the dragon shield that protected the oasis.

The Armor of War suddenly formed its spirit, and broke out fiercely at the last moment.

The remaining sacred lines that will be intercepted by the beautiful young women are actually included in the helmet of War God, allowing the promotion of the God of War armor to be completed instantly.

The reason why Cheng Feng played against the three young men of Miao was simply to delay time and allow the War God armor to be promoted smoothly.

Now that the God of War armor has been successfully promoted, he naturally does not need to talk to the Miao Lao and the other three.

A pack of warlords that were transformed and then cast the shadows of Seven Kills.

Before the indifferent middle-aged person Yuan Tianguang blew up the dragon's shield, it turned into a shadow of sand and disappeared suddenly.

Let the three of Yuan Tianguang be angry and mad, to level the entire desert oasis and force Cheng Feng to come out!

Om ~~~

Miao Lao is proficient in a deep palm.

With his palm shot, a huge palm print condensed above the desert oasis.

It looks like a sky, covering the whole oasis.

Cheng Feng hid in the oasis, and was bound to be attacked.

However, Cheng Feng did not panic.

"This old thing called Miao Lao is a bit cruel!"

Cheng Feng said coldly: "But he wanted to force me out, but it was a little bit worse."

After the words stopped, Cheng Feng turned into the shadow killing of the realm, and suddenly came out of the shadow of the sand.

Directly integrated into the shadow of the giant palm of power from the sky, walking in the court.

Before the giant palm was about to hit the desert oasis, he came to the edge of the oasis.

Then, 唰 ~~~

The whole body changed again, and blended into the shadow of a cactus outside the oasis.

The whole process was silent, the oldest three Miao peerless, did not notice.

So, bang ~~~

When the giant palm of the divine power was impressed on the desert oasis, the entire oasis was directly collapsed, exposing a clearly visible five-finger pit.

However, when this palm fell out, the southern Xinjiang Miao Lao turned completely blue.

Because he has the entire palm of the oasis, he hasn't forced anything.

This means that the ‘master of the holy implement’ had withdrawn before they started, they were just playing with themselves.

"How is that possible? How is this possible?"

Looking at the deeply slumped desert oasis, Miao Lao was angrily angrily: "How could the owner of the holy artifact slip away silently under the eyelids of our three peerless powerhouses in such a short period of time? ? "

"It doesn't make sense, it can't happen!"

Compared with the dysfunctional Miao old, the emotions of the other two peerless powerhouses are not much better.

As they looked at the collapsed oasis, they were shocked and puzzled.

As for the distance, those warriors who looked out through the pupil technique were even more violent.

"It's too fierce, the master of that sacred tool is so fierce!"

"Under the siege of the three peerless powerhouses, not only did they keep the holy wares, but they also retreated."

"Absolutely a seventh-middle-level, even high-level powerhouse."

"Fortunately, we haven't irritated each other before, otherwise, there must be no dead body!"

For Cheng Feng's disappearance, everyone was astonished.

But in fact, Cheng Feng was able to leave so easily thanks to the ‘help’ of the southern Xinjiang Miao Lao.

That southern Xinjiang Miao Lao first bombarded with a huge palm of divine power, giving Cheng Feng a chance to successfully reach the edge of the oasis.

Then the giant palm fell, and the entire oasis collapsed.

The rolling force spread out to the four sides and rolled up a lot of gravel and grass.

Cheng Feng took the opportunity to cast a shadow kill and turned it into the shadow of sand and grass. Silently, he has flew to the oasis a hundred miles away with these sand and grass.

At this moment, standing at one hundred and twenty miles north of the oasis, looking out at the three old Miaos standing on the sky.

"You three, very good!"

Cheng Feng's eyes were cold: "If you encounter them in the future, you must try to be chased by others."

The words stopped, Cheng Feng's eyes retreated.

With a single stroke, hundreds of dragonfly louse that happened to be hiding in the sand pile flew out.

He flew into the Nether Pot at a glance, and after being stolen by Cheng Feng, he turned away and disappeared.

In the sky, the three old Miao felt cold all over.

Gaze involuntarily swept to the direction where Cheng Feng was located, just to see the picture of hundreds of dragon dragon lice disappearing.

Immediately, I knew that the owner of the holy implement had indeed escaped from the desert oasis.

They were shocked by the waves in their hearts.

"That guy, he has really slipped out of the oasis. How did he do it?"

Miao Lao whispered in horror, clenched his hands, and made a clucking bony joint.

"Unclear, but enough to show that this person is not easy to deal with."

Indifferent middle-aged man Yuan Tianguang twitched his cheeks and said: "We better not to provoke it again, once it is completely angered, the consequences are unthinkable!"

Miao Lao was unwilling, but nodded involuntarily.

As for that beautiful young woman, it was very simple.

Shake the long sleeves and turn away!

Just when Miao Lao's three peerless powerhouses were struck by Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng has been away from the desert oasis, following a weak area of ​​the Buddha ring, and entered the 16th ring of the Buddha.

"At this time, I was attracted by the limelight of the West Desert Buddha Kingdom, so I still stay in the 16th ring of the Buddha Kingdom for a while."

In the sixteenth ring of Buddhism, in a dry river, Cheng Feng whispered: "After waiting for the attention of all the peerless strong people, and re-invested in the Buddhist dharma pulpit of the West Desert, I set off to the ring of Buddhism and unblock the war **** Skull. "

"Before that, let's try the power of the War God armor after promotion!"

At this point, Cheng Feng followed the dry river and came to a crypt.

After the spirit awakened, after detecting that there was no abnormal situation, a dragon power shield was condensed with dragon power to completely seal the entire crypt.

Later, he took out a soul ring and took out the armor of war in the soul ring.

I saw the armor of war **** at this time, and the whole body was covered with sacred patterns.

The types of the holy motif are mixed, including dragon, tiger, phoenix, tadpole, etc ...

Makes the entire armor look extraordinary and gives an indestructible taste!

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