Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1758: Second Demon Soldier

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Chapter 1758 The Second Demon Soldier

The atmosphere hidden around the lake is strong and more than one.

Cheng Feng sensed it carefully and found a faint smell of Buddha power.

My heart guessed that the hidden master was probably the law-enforcement monk of the Ximo Buddha country.

These law enforcement monks have long found the weak area of ​​the Buddha ring, but they have not sealed it.

Instead, he hid in the dark and intercepted the stowaways who intended to sneak into the Buddha's internal ring!

"It's a bit troublesome."

Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "When walking along the weak area of ​​the Buddha ring, even the clever stealth martial art will cause the Buddha ring to fluctuate."

"Otherwise, I will enter the fourth ring of the Buddhist kingdom from other weak areas of the ring!"

However, Cheng Feng's voice just fell, 咻 ~~~

A wave suddenly appeared.

Immediately, he flew to the weak area of ​​the Buddha ring in the lake.

Obviously a stowaway.

"This stowaway was so brave that he didn't even observe, and rushed towards the weak area of ​​the Buddha ring."

Cheng Feng was a little speechless: "It's just food delivery, too careless."

It is important to observe in advance when you are in the weak area of ​​the Buddha Ring.

Many of the weak areas of the Buddha ring were discovered by the Law Enforcement Hall of the Buddhist Temple of the West Desert, but they pretended not to know, and deliberately placed people in the hole.

Cheng Feng had met several times before and was almost pitted.

Like this stowaway in front of you, unless you have bad luck, you will definitely fall into the pit and be killed.

Sure enough, this stowaway has just stepped into the lake, humming ~~~

A buddha came down from the sky, struggling to split Huashan's strength, and hit the stowaways.

The power is very strong, enough to kill a fifth master.

And at the same time, 嗤 ~~~

A ring knife rushed out of the lake and stopped the stowaways.

Under the upper and lower pinch, even if the stowaway is a sixth master who ascends to the sky, he will be hit hard!

Seeing this, Cheng Feng even predicted that the stowaway was killed on the spot.

However, the results were somewhat unexpected.

I saw the stowaway, showing some lines under the pressure of the double attack.

The line was slim and slender, with long legs.

At the time when the sharp slashing of the sword was stopped, Ding ~~~

Slim the right leg, and toe slightly on the ring knife.

Actually, it was enough to kill a fifth master who ascended to the sky, kicking away stiffly.

Then he reached out and grabbed a black veil on his body.

The black gauze turned into a dark cloud in her hand, and quickly rolled on the buddha stick that hit him in the head.

In less than half a second, the crit power on that stick was quickly resolved.

"Well? This person has some strength!"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng frowned: "No wonder such carelessness."

In the case of the attack, two law-enforcement monks who formed at least the five-pin Luohan body were easily resolved, with skillful attacks.

This is enough to show that this stowaway is very good.

The worst is the sixth highest!

However, more than two law enforcement monks lurk in this weak area of ​​the Buddha Ring, but four.

After the current two law enforcement monks failed to attack, 唰 唰 ~~~

The last two law enforcement monks immediately started, and when the stowaway was about to breathe, he greeted him with a knife and a sword.

"Huh!" As soon as one wave of assaults came, another wave of assaults followed.

This made the stowaway very upset, with a slightly feminine hum.

And when the humming ceased, 唰 ~~~

A ray of black light suddenly shot under the black veil from the stowaway.

When the dead stick meets the ring knife, the stick and the ring knife are instantly shredded.

"Good sharp weapon!"

Dozens of miles away, Cheng Feng had originally planned to leave.

But when the smearing light in the hands of the stowaways suddenly appeared, his body suddenly became numb.

After turning around, he could see the black light cut off a knife and a stick.

"The weapon in the hands of the stowaways is at worst a semi-sacrificial weapon."

Cheng Feng whispered: "Otherwise, it would be extremely difficult to cut off the knife and stick in the hands of the two law enforcement monks in an instant!"

The knife sticks in the hands of the two law enforcement monks are not weak, but they are two top-level tools.

And the black light in the hands of the stowaway, but destroyed these two weapons like rotten wood, enough to illustrate the extraordinary level of black light!

"Magic soldier?"

Just as Cheng Feng was shocked.

In the lake, four monks in scarlet monks rushed out.

One of them was a middle-aged monk with a broken sword in his hand.

Fingers exploded in the air: "Who are you evil! How dare you break into the holy land of my country, want to be suppressed for thousands of years?"

"Bald, how dare you scold me?"

In the void, a faint slender shadow stagnates.

The next moment, the black veil fluttered.

唰 唰 唰 ~~~

Immediately, a black light ran down the two law enforcement monks like a black rain.

"Sinister, you are looking for death!"

Seeing this scene, the two law enforcement monks screamed angrily.

The Buddha's power swelled all over, and the stick that was interrupted by the hand was quickly replenished with the ring knife.

Then he turned on the fire and intercepted the black light.

At the same time, two other law enforcement monks also shot, one shot at a time, in cooperation with the skilled attack on stowaways.

These four law enforcement monks are all masters who have formed five-pin Luohan.

Cooperating with each other to attack, the sixth strongest person in the sky must yield.

However, when their attack met those black lights that came in, it was like a rotten tree encountered a steel knife.

Nearly open, the two ring knives and buddha sticks were broken into powder one inch at a time.

As the breeze dissipates!

This made the four law-enforcement monks look mad, and retreated like snakes.

However, those black lights are in hot pursuit.

In the blink of an eye, they approached four law enforcement monks.

"Demon, how dare you!"

The four law enforcement monks burst into drink, and all the Buddha's power in the body was evoked, condensing into a thick wall of Buddha's power.

However, when those black lights arrived.

The wall of Fuli did not even carry it for a second, it was directly annihilated and collapsed!

The next moment, black light fell on a law enforcement monk.

Stabbing ~~~

A flash of blood appeared.

The law-enforcement monk who formed the body of Wupin Luohan suddenly disappeared with both arms.

Then shoulders, torso ... and then the whole person disappeared!

Was actually smashed on the spot by that black light!

"What? That black light is so sharp?"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng tightened his arms: "The weapon in the hands of the stowaway is probably more than a semi-sacred weapon."

"Maybe ... it's a holy weapon!"

In Cheng Feng's understanding, there has never been that semi-sacred artifact, the power can be so terrifying.

It is better than his slayer!

So he speculated that it was a holy weapon!

"Cheng Feng, that stowaway is not easy."

At this moment, Nalan's voice sounded: "The weapon in his hand is not a holy weapon, but a magic soldier!"

"What? Devil?"

Cheng Feng was a little moved: "Uncle Nalan, you read that right? The weapon in the hands of the stowaway is really a magic soldier?"

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