Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1780: Holy Buddha

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Chapter 178th Holy Stone

In the apse of Hotai Temple, Lan Feixuan heard Cheng Feng's words, and Xiumei couldn't help it.

After all, she is the most beloved daughter of Emperor Demon God. She grew up in the royal family and did not know how hard the people outside experienced.

Especially under the mutilation of demons and gangsters, it is even more difficult for the people to live, and even the basic survival is difficult to guarantee.

However, although my heart was puzzled, Lan Feixuan did not show it.

Because she still needs to use Cheng Feng's power, if she offends Cheng Feng, it will be very troublesome.

Everything was done with Cheng Feng's will, and it was totally acceptable.

So he said, "Okay, when we will unseal the Elephant Tower, we will only target the third floor of the tower."

"In this case, only the door of the third floor of the Elephant Tower Prison Tower will be opened and my five aunts will be relieved."

"Well, you can."

Cheng Feng nodded, adding: "In addition, after your fifth aunt is out of sleep, you must tell the other party to try to suppress the anger in your heart."

"With her power, once you work on the iconostasis prison tower, you will surely release the suppressed people in the tower and let the souls be charred!"

"Rest assured, I will do well." Lan Feixuan promised.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng just said: "That line, you start planning."

"When you need me to help, you can tell me."

"The iconostasis tower is a repressive treasure, and each floor weighs billions of pounds."

Lan Feixuan said: "If you want to open its tower door, you must have unmatched strength and set off that terrible suppression."

"So the lower the tower is, the stronger the repression."

"The last few layers of repression have reached an outrageous level."

"Together with three or four peerless powerhouses, they cannot be lifted!"

"So, I prepared four demon soldiers, put out four demon corpses, and used the power of the four demon soldiers to temporarily stop the terror suppression on the iconostasis tower."

"Then let my aunt five seize the opportunity to open the door on the third floor of the tower and get out of trouble."

"These explanations can be omitted."

Cheng Feng waved his hand: "You tell me directly what to do next."

"What you need to do is simple."

Lan Feixuan said: "After I placed three magic soldiers in three positions in the southwest and west of the iconostasis prison tower, you severely struck the north of the iconostasis prison tower with the magic soldier in your hand.

"Detonate the strength of the four magic soldiers, forming a situation where the magic soldiers break the prison, and support the suppression."

"Oh, I see."

Cheng Feng nodded and said, "Time is not waiting for anyone, you can act now."

"After my fifth aunt is rescued, I will rush to the first ring of Buddhism."

The purpose of Cheng Feng's visit was to understand the skull of the captive god.

Everything he did at this point was merely a stepping stone to his next job.

"Wait a minute, let me resolve the monks who guard the prison tower of the iconostasis."

There are many monks guarding around the prison tower of the iconostasis.

Especially in the four pavilions in the southeast and northwest, there is an old monk.

The old monk had a thin face, sitting motionless in the pavilion, like a sculpture.

But if you listen carefully, you will find that there is a turbulent Buddhist power flowing in the monk's body.

Obviously, it is not bad. At least Liupin Luohan was cast.

With these four old monks guarding, I am afraid few people can get close to the Elephant Tower.

However, this is only for ordinary people.

The existence of Lan Feixuan and other female Tianjiao levels is obviously not included.

I saw her holding a jade ruler in her hand, wearing a black veil, and came to the patrolling monk quietly.

Then he stretched out a slim jade finger, and lightly behind the monks.

The monks were stiffened, and although they were still following the big team, their eyes were a little confused.

It was as if a veil had been cast on their eyes, which greatly hindered their vision.

Especially their spiritual knowledge is greatly restricted.

The iconostasis tower was near, but they couldn't feel it.

The most weird thing is that they didn't notice all of them and thought they were still patrolling normally.

Follow a large army and cruise along the prison tower of the iconostasis.

"The patrolling monk settled, then the four old guys."

After fixing all the monks, Lan Feixuan looked at the four old monks who closed their eyes and meditated.

"The four old guys are united in their hearts, forming a large net around the iconostasis tower."

Lan Feixuan groaned: "If I don't solve it, I will be noticed as soon as I act."

"So use the Holy Buddha Stone directly to disturb the spiritual knowledge of the four old monks with the Buddha's nature in the stone."

Thinking of this, Lan Feixuan stunned and took a white stone from the soul ring.

This stone is smooth and round, exuding a soft light.

When this light spread slowly, it shrouded the iconostasis tower, and immediately made the entire tower tower misty.

Like a mirage, it is erratic and erratic.

"That white stone is not simple. It can disturb people's spirit."

A few kilometers away, Cheng Feng frowned.

Because with the emergence of that white stone, it actually made him feel about the town tower of the iconostasis, and it became a lot longer.

It seemed that the tower was near, but far away.

"Cheng Feng, that white stone should be a holy stone."

While Cheng Feng was puzzled, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded.

"Holy Buddha?" Cheng Feng wondered.

"Holy Buddha stone is a kind of stone contaminated with holy Buddha."

Nalan explained: "This kind of stone is very rare, and it has a very strong supporting effect for Buddhist monks."

"Putting the holy Buddha on your side allows monks to quickly enter a state of consciousness."

"Especially those monks who are stuck on the bottleneck and stagnating, can use the Holy Stone to break through the repairs to a higher level!"

"Lan Feixuan took out the holy Buddha stone, it should be to let the four monks sink into the consciousness and relax the guard of the iconostasis tower."

"Thus, it creates opportunities for action."

"Good smart calculation."

Hearing that, Cheng Feng glared at Lan Feixuan: "It was possible to come up with such a way to restrain the monks who guarded the tower of the Holy Elephant."

When Cheng Feng was surprised, among the four pavilions in the apse of Huantai Temple.

The four old monks who formed the six-pin Luohan body showed joy on their faces.

Soon after, the four retreated together and fell into some mysterious silence.

The guarding of the iconostasis prison tower weakened to a record low.

Just then, Lan Feixuan started to act.

I saw her quietly came to the third floor east of the iconostasis prison tower, took out the seven-colored blade, and inserted it into the tower's wall in a special way.

In this regard, the patrolling monks, as well as the four old monks, were all unaware of it.

Instead, the iconostasis tower emitted a light, intended to shake off the seven-colored blade.

But at the same time, an impact sounded suddenly in the third floor of the Elephant Tower.

Cover and dissolve this light!

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