Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1792: Peerless Rohan

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Chapter 1792 The Peerless Rohan

The power of the Three Thousand Lohan Show was really amazing.

Cheng Feng is also a person who has experienced strong winds and waves, but was shocked at the moment.

Just then, Nalan's long-lived voice came.

"Cheng Feng, you may want to split."

"The power shown by that big buddha is the power of the entire large array!"

"The power of a single Buddha cannot be so horrible at all."

"Oh? That's pretty much it."

After hearing Nalan's words, Cheng Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

If every Buddha can raise his hand to suppress the sixth strongest man in the sky, the power of the three thousand Lohan battles is a bit scary to think about.

Regarding sneaking into the head of Qianfo Temple to unblock the war god, Cheng Feng will reconsider.

After all, his life is undoubtedly more important than causality!

"The warrior who ascended the sky ... a pity!"

After calming down the waves in his heart, Cheng Feng glanced at the warrior who had been captured by the Buddha.

Sighed: "This time I was taken away by the Big Buddha, I'm afraid he will be held in Buddha prison for life, and can never come out."

"Cheng Feng, this is a necessary sacrifice."

Nalan Changsheng said: "And that person is probably willing."

"In order to understand the body of the God of War, many people are willing to give their lives, you do not need to feel guilty for it."

"Because it's not your fault, you can't change it!"

"Well, I know." Cheng Feng nodded.

The blame in my heart slowly dissipated.

As Naran said, everyone has their own pursuit.

What seems unreasonable to others may be the most correct choice in the eyes of the other party.

"The three big steps to unblock the warlord's head are the first steps."

Wu Shun emotionally, Cheng Feng whispered: "Next, it's time to go to the main hall of Qianfo Temple to see the situation."

While speaking, Cheng Feng was ready to leave.

"Cheng Feng, don't worry."

Suddenly, Nalan Changsheng said, "Before going to the main hall, you can save some back hands."

"It will come in handy when you unseal the Warlord's head."

"Stay back? What back?" Cheng Feng asked.

"Several lines of formation of the three thousand Lohan formations."

Nalan Changsheng explained: "In my observation, the Three Thousand Arhats Array formed a connection with a large array in the direction of the main hall of Qianfo Temple."

"That big formation may be the Vajrayana devil's formation that suppresses the head of God of War."

"If you want to unseal the head of the War God, you must break the Vajrayana array."

"This Vajrayana Buddha array is a veritable array of kingpins. A single one is no small matter."

"If added with the support of the three thousand Lohan array, its power will reach a state of terror."

"So, leave the means in advance, and when you crack the Vajrayana Devil's Formation, cut off the connection between the Three Thousand Arhats and the Vajra Devil's Formation."

"The success rate of your break will at least double!"

"Well, I also heard that there is an internal connection between the Three Thousand Arhats and the Vajrayana Devil's Formation."

Cheng Feng nodded: "The two large arrays can communicate with each other and assist each other."

"If this connection can be cut off, it will indeed be of great help to me to unblock the head of the War God."

"Cheng Feng, I just watched in secret."

Nalan Changsheng said: "In this three thousand Luohan large array, a total of nine array lines extend to the main hall of Qianfo Temple."

"You can leave some powerful means in the weakness of these nine formations."

"When you are about to destroy the Vajrayana Demon Formation, blow up the nine lines of formation."

"The auxiliary effect of the Three Thousand Arhats to the Vajrayana Devil's Formation will certainly be paralyzed for a while."

"This time is enough for you to unseal the **** of war!"

"I know."

Cheng Feng nodded: "Uncle Nalan, please also tell me where the nine arrays are, and I will arrange it."

For Cheng Feng's request, Nalan Changsheng certainly would not refuse.

Nine lines of formations that connect the Three Thousand Luohan Formation to the Vajrayana Demon Formation tell Cheng Feng one by one.

In addition, the weak bands of each array are deliberately marked to facilitate Cheng Feng's actions.

Under this situation, Cheng Feng quickly made a layout.

In the weak areas of the nine lines of formation, one or two new emperor fires were left.

The Newborn Emperor Fire has now reached the limit of Super Different Fire, and is ready to step into the semi-king level.

Its power is more than that of many half kings.

At a critical moment, Cheng Feng let the new emperor fire detonate the energy sources of the emperor fire left by the formation line, and it will definitely be able to blow up the nine formation lines!

Even if the Master of the Formation Master came, it could not be repaired at 1:30.

"The backhand is done."

In the weak area of ​​the nine formations, after all the new emperor fires were set off, Cheng Feng whispered, "Next, it's time to go to the main hall of Qianfo Temple."

The words come to an end, 唰 ~~~

Cheng Feng cast a shadow kill and flew towards the direction of the main hall of Qianfo Temple.

Inside the Thousand Buddhas Temple, the penthouses of the temple are clustered.

At the foot of almost every big Buddha, there will be a lot of temples.

The inside is carved with beams and painted with Buddhist or Luohan motifs, giving a solemn feeling.

Due to the initiation of the peerless spiritual child, the monks of the entire Ximo Buddhist country all came to Qianfo Temple.

Therefore, in the temples of Qianfo Temple, almost all of them are inhabited by people, all of them are monks who practice Buddhism.

At this moment, each monk meditates on his knees, separating one's own strength, spirituality, spirit ... one by one from the body.

Condensed into a beam of light, shot out of the temple, and flew deep into the sky.

From a distance, the entire Qianfo Temple is full of bright colors, and thousands of beams of light go straight to the clouds.

The magnificent clouds condensed in the sky are spectacular!

Seeing this, Cheng Feng couldn't help moving.

"The cohesion of the Buddhist gate is really terrible."

Cheng Feng's eyes narrowed: "In order to empower the peerless spirit boy, thousands of monks were willing to give everything."

"It's no wonder that the other eight **** dynasties are under pressure, and the Lord of the West Desert is still fearless."

"Perhaps in the end, it is really possible for the Ximo Buddha country to infuse a young peerless powerhouse!"

In a whisper, Cheng Feng had passed through the heavy halls and reached the main hall of Qianfo Temple.

I saw the main hall of Qianfo Temple, which is located in the palm of an eight-armed Buddha.

This eight-armed Buddha is grand and magnificent, with eight hands from top to bottom in a semicircular shape to protect the main hall of Qianfo Temple.

Gives a feeling of copper pouring iron casting, as solid as gold soup!

"Eight-armed King Kong, rumored to be a peerless Luohan in Buddhism, before the Buddhism."

Seeing the eight-armed Buddha, Cheng Feng secretly whispered: "It is said that this Luohan is extremely powerful, proficient in various peerless martial arts, and even talks about the transformation of the power of creation.

"This eight-armed King Kong should be carved from the peerless Luo Han as a prototype, and possess a little magical power of that peerless Luo Han."

"It's the biggest road rover on the road where I unseal the war god!"

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