Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1803: Awaken the first monk

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Chapter 1803 Awakens the First Monk of War

As Cheng Feng cut off the futon and the last golden Buddha statue.


A small half of the attic hall of Qianfo Temple suddenly disappeared.

Let a tyrannical atmosphere spread from under the main hall of Qianfo Temple.

This scene greatly changed the faces of all monks in Qianfo Temple.

Some monks who were initiating the peerless spiritual child were too shocked, and the Buddha's power was out of control.

He was severely wounded on the spot, and large blood was spouting from his mouth.

As for the eighteen old monks such as Pu Guang, they were all angry.

"Junk stuff, look for death!"

Just listening to Pu Guang's scolding and urging Jin Shen Luo Han toward the direction of Cheng Feng, was a bombardment.

However, Cheng Feng wore the armor of war, and his defensive power reached a near abnormal level.

Attacks hit the body, all of them were dispelled by the armor of war, and even the skin could not be scratched.

At the same time, the monk Pu Yuan controlled the three thousand Luohan array.

Let the sixteen Buddhas stand up and raise their hands to bombard Cheng Feng.

The sky was blown up, and a series of faults appeared. The power was very amazing.

And the Lord of the West Desert also flashed in, and before entering Qianfo Temple, a palm of the Buddha blasted towards Cheng Feng!

However, facing these two heavy attacks, Cheng Feng didn't care.

First, Pu Yuan controlled the three thousand Luohan array, and the sixteen Buddhas killed were more than one thousand meters away from Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng's mouth suddenly spit out a burst of words.

Following this, in the weak area of ​​several arrays of the three thousand Lohan array.

Boom boom ~~~

A crimson flame exploded suddenly.

This crimson flame looks sparse and ordinary, but it is actually very scary.

It is the source of the imperial fire separated from the new emperor's fire, and the temperature has reached a scary level!

When that source of emperor fire burst open, the waves of fire swept through the veins.

Suddenly, the veins of the arrays were broken, which caused the connection between the Three Thousand Arhats and Vajrayana to break.

The dozen Buddhas attacking Cheng Feng immediately froze on the spot.

Each with a big palm, they stopped at Cheng Feng's head!

As for the killed Ximo Buddha Lord, it is even simpler.

Upon arriving at Qianfo Temple, the Emperor Fei came forward and intercepted it.

Obviously, he is selling favors to Cheng Feng and attracting relationships.

So that Cheng Feng will help him pick the final fruit when the heaven and earth fruit is ripe soon!

Make two waves of crisis in an instant, without breaking.

"Hahaha, the Vajra Volcanic Formation is finally broken!"

After the destruction of the Fu Magic Wand and the Golden Buddha, a ecstatic sound sounded in Cheng Feng's ear.

It was full of excitement and shivered a little, shouting: "Cheng Feng, hurry up, bombard the center of the main hall of Qianfo Temple and remove the Tianfu Emperor Monument!"

"By then, God will be completely out of trouble!"

In fact, without the reminder of God of War, Cheng Feng is already doing it.

I saw Cheng Feng carrying the violent bombardment of Jin Shen Luo Han, and the sword in his hand was thrown up.

Stabbing ~~~

A spatula of light split into the center of the main hall of Qianfo Temple.

The granite paved ground instantly cut a long slit.

A slate of slate that is 100 meters square is exposed, which is extremely strong.

The knife light cut by Cheng Feng was split on it, but he was unable to cut a little bit of knife marks, which was incredible!

"It's a burial monument!"

"Not good, the gold armored strongman has found the Heavenly Burial Monument."

"If you remove this emperor's monument, the repressed big devil will really break the seal!"

Seeing that cyan slate, everyone's face changed greatly.

In particular, the three masters of Puguang, Puyuan, and Ximo Buddhism were extremely gloomy.

"Evil Emperor, will you stop me at this moment?"

The Lord of the West Moss facing the Feathered Emperor standing in front of himself, with flames rising in his eyes.

"Ximu Buddha Lord, as long as you give up the initiation to the peerless spirit boy, this emperor will immediately release!"

Emperor Yuhua had a flash of light in his body's eyes, and said lightly.


However, the Lord Buddha of the West Desert was very stubborn, and Shen said, "The matter of initiating the spiritual boy has reached the end stage, and I will never give up halfway."

"That being the case, that Emperor has nothing to say."

The Emperor Yuhua replied slightly, blocking his footsteps in front of the Lord of the West Desert, without moving.

"Emerald God, you are forcing me!"

The voice of the Lord Buddha of the West Desert was so low that there was a faint madness.

"Xi Mo Buddha, you are wrong."

The Emperor of Feathers confronted each other: "It's not me who forced you, but you have been forcing us!"

"Whew! Now that you have spoken to this one."

The Lord Buddha of the West Desert took a deep breath and whispered, "Then I will force you!"

The words stopped, and the Lord of the West Mo suddenly turned his head to the position where the temple of war monks was located.

The whole body was mighty and loud.

"Round battle, it's time to wake up!"

Om ~~~

With the shout of the Lord of the West Desert Buddha.

One thousand and eight hundred miles away, the position of the first ring war monk's hall in the West Mo Buddhism suddenly burst into full bloom.

The next moment, a huge gold sculpture rose from the ground inside the monk's hall.

This golden sculpture is magnificent, giving a warlike feeling.

Over a thousand miles away, a strong war will be felt head on.

Let the first ring of the entire West Desert Buddha Kingdom boil instantly!

"Look, the faceless golden figure of Luo Han!"

"The statue of the golden body Luo Han has been standing in the hall of war monks for almost a thousand years."

"It is rumored that a war monk in our country of Buddhism formed the eight-pin Luohan body and could only seal himself."

"Otherwise, they would be forcibly excluded from the dome continent."

"I thought this was just a legend, but I didn't expect it to be true!"

Looking at the statue of the faceless golden body rising to the sky, all Buddhist monks shuddered with excitement and cheered loudly.

Even Puyuan monk and Ximo Buddha had smiles on their faces.

As for the Emperor Fei, Emperor Wan Mo and other dynasties, their frowns are big.

Because of this faceless golden statue that rises from the temple of war monk, nine out of ten is the first strongest man in the West Desert Buddha country.

The rumor made the first seat of the war monk in Bapin Luohan!

The Bapin Luohan body is comparable to Dengtian's eighth heavy fan.

The existence of such realms can not be found in the entire dome continent.

The ancestors of the major gods and emperors are all close to each other, and they must avoid three points.

It is a super existence that truly stands on the top of the earth dome!

"First Monk of War?"

In the Temple of Thousand Buddhas, compared with the shock of the crowd, Cheng Feng was even more creepy.

The whole cold hair was erected one by one, and said rudely, "Grass, the Lord of the West Desert actually summoned the first war monk. This is a big trouble!"

"Cheng Feng, don't take it anymore, and quickly remove the Tianfu Emperor's Monument."

The God of War's thoughts also became a little impatient, urging: "Unlocking the head of the **** can help you hold the war monk for a while."

"Give you enough time to escape!"

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