Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1811: Lohan finger

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Chapter 1811 Arhat Fingers

"Cheng Feng, really did not die!"

The monk Pu Yuan glanced at the collapsed mountain range.

In all cases, the chest is clear: "The boxing skills of the fighters of the round war can easily kill a peerless powerhouse."

"However, Cheng Feng took a hard punch and was unscathed."

"This rumored young man is really interesting."

"Unfortunately, I must send him back to the West!"

As the words ended, the monk Pu Yuan had identified the direction of Cheng Feng's departure, and stepped forward to catch up ...

At the same time, the fifth ring of the Ximo Buddha country.

Huh! A fierce impact sounded.

Immediately, a man wearing gold armor was bounced off by the fifth ring of Buddha.

It turns out that each ring of the Buddhist temple in the West Desert has a special restriction to prevent any object transmitted by the void from passing through.

Cheng Feng displayed the shadow of the dharma for thousands of miles and hit the fifth ring of Buddha directly.

From the teleportation, he was forced out.

"It's really troublesome to teleport in the West Desert Buddha."

Cheng Feng stabilized his body and looked at the fifth Buddha ring swaying by the wave of light, frowning: "Each teleport can only transmit less than half, which greatly slowed down my escape rate."

"You must leave the territory of the West Desert Buddha State as soon as possible and completely get rid of the pursuit."

Cheng Feng has sensed that several powerful breaths are coming after him.

So take a deep breath, grab the Devil Sword, and use the fifth style of Emperor Cang Dao outrageously.

Stabbing ~~~

A knife cut fiercely on the fifth Buddha ring.

The indestructible fifth Buddha ring instantly cut a sigh.

Then he walked out of his way and flew out of his mouth.

Then, without any delay, he performed a million miles for the second time.

Huh! The whole person disappeared.

"Another step!"

Just after Cheng Feng disappeared, the figure of the monk Pu Yuan appeared.

He glanced at the ruptured fifth Buddha ring and whispered in his mouth.

Immediately walked towards the fifth ring of Buddha, when the body touched the fifth ring of Buddha, it was like touching a heavy water curtain.

There was a crackle and it passed through the fifth ring of Buddha.

Then without a word, continued to pursue Cheng Feng.

But at this time, Cheng Feng had already cast the shadow dharma, and hit the sixth ring of Buddha.

After stabilizing his figure, the fifth style of Emperor Cangshu was immediately cut out.

Cut the sixth Buddha ring into a crack, 唰 ~~~

As soon as Cheng Feng's body shook, he reached the seventh ring of the Buddha.

At this time, the monk Pu Yuan was quickly catching up.

Faintly, you can see an exuberant Buddha's interest, approaching at a speed of more than a thousand miles away.

Not only that, but further afield, a full seven strong breath followed closely behind.

Let Cheng Feng, who had just stepped on the seventh Buddha ring, frowned.

"It's fast enough."

Cheng Feng clasped his hands tightly, and the part of the fracture was still tingling.

In speaking, Cheng Feng has once again made a mile.

Huh! Disappeared directly.

When it reappeared, it was time to reach the next Buddha Ring.

Then the Devil Sword picked up and stabbed it ~~~

The man and the sword are united, and at the moment when the demon sword cuts off the ring of the Buddha.

The man and the knife shot into the next Buddha ring area together.

Immediately afterwards, continue to perform the shadow dharma mile, and speed down to the next Buddha ring.

Cheng Feng's speed is super fast. In a few minutes, he has crossed several Buddhist rings and arrived at the 13th ring of the Ximo Buddhist kingdom.

It was only at this moment that the monk Pu Yuan had reached within five hundred miles behind him.

During the pursuit, he was attacked.

咻咻 咻 ~~~

Puyuan monk is proficient in fingering.

The finger strength shot was very penetrating and shot on Cheng Feng's body.

The Martian Mars splashed, and the part hit was penetrated with a sharp energy.

Cheng Feng's body hurt, a small part of the flesh and blood tissue was destroyed, and quickly dried up.

On Cheng Feng's body, a longan-sized scar formed.

"Dead Zen, this should be the forbidden Dharma Dhyana of Puyuan monk who has cultivated to the highest level!"

After being attacked with a finger, Cheng Feng frowned: "This Dharma is a bit wicked and can even corrupt human flesh and blood."

"Fortunately, the armor of war gods resolved the power of 99%, otherwise my body and blood would dry out if I suffered three or five times."

"Become a skinny corpse!"

Dead Zen, very dangerous.

When a practitioner cultivates, the flesh and blood essence of the whole body will gradually dry up, and the mind and spirit will become dead and fall into a state of dying.

This dying state lasts for half a year, and lasts for three to five years, or even more than ten years.

When the dying state is over, the body will regain its vitality and become soaring!

But many practitioners couldn't stand it and died in the dying.

But to practice the dying meditation to the end, it is necessary to carry out the process of dying and rebirth nine times in a row.

During this period, a horrific withering force has accumulated.

Even the Buddha's power of the practitioner has been transformed into a dead force.

Once you hit a living creature, there will be two forces to attack, causing double damage.

For example, at the moment, the monk Pu Yuan hit Cheng Feng with fingering.

First refers to the vigorous bombardment of Cheng Feng, and then the death force corrupts Cheng Feng.

If Cheng Feng wears the armor of war, and at the same time his physical fitness is strong enough, he will immediately get problems.

"Cheng Feng, you can't escape, just leave it to the monk!"

Hundreds of Dow consecutively hit Cheng Feng, making Cheng Feng's speed slightly slower.

A smile appeared on the corner of Monk Pu Yuan, knowing that his attack was effective.

The armor of war cannot be completely blocked, so the attack is more rapid and fierce.

In addition, he will shoot with his fingers in front of Cheng Feng, penetrate the void channel, and destroy Cheng Feng to show his miles.

Let Cheng Feng's flight speed be a little slower.

In an instant, the monk Pu Yuan was forced to within three hundred miles.

What's more troublesome is that Cheng Feng just arrived at the Fourteenth Buddha Ring at this moment.

Had to stop from the shadow dharma method, perform the Emperor Cangdao technique to smash the fourteenth ring of Buddha, and enter the area of ​​the fourteenth ring of the West Desert Buddha.

With such a delay, when Cheng Feng flew into the 14th ring of the Buddhist kingdom, the monk Pu Yuan had already chased the hundred miles.

The two bergamots spread forward, and then they suddenly recovered.


The fourteenth Buddha ring suddenly split from the middle and turned into two huge waves-like walls, rolled towards Cheng Feng who fled.

After Cheng Feng was caught up, he recovered quickly.

It is necessary to drag Cheng Feng directly to the monk Pu Yuan.

"Break me!"

However, Cheng Feng held the magic sword in his hand.

Swing vigorously around the body, stabbing ~~~

The wave wall turned into a Buddha was cut off by him.

Immediately without any delay, the shadows cast out in thousands of miles.

Teleport to the fifteenth ring of Buddha!

"A space martial art?"

Seeing this, the monk Pu Yuan said indifferently: "The monk's Luohan finger has the effect of breaking space martial arts!"

During the speech, monk Pu Yuan raised his right hand, and his **** and forefinger moved closer together.

He waved sharply towards the direction where Cheng Feng disappeared, 嗤 ~~~

A finger full of broken taste burst out instantly!

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