Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1817: Heartbroken

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Chapter 187 Encountered Heart Robbery

"Damn ants, how dare you scold Ben?"

Emperor Tianqi was bewildered by the sudden outbreak of Cheng Feng.

It took a long time before he reacted, and anger poured out like lava.

Even if the divine power is to be triggered, Cheng Feng's head is cut off stiffly.

However, before he took action, Cheng Feng had already launched an attack.

He attracted 272 stars, and slashed him with a slash.

Tianqi evil emperor felt a deep threat, and his expression was condensed, and Cheng Feng had to be thrown out.

Then he blocked with both hands, blocking Cheng Feng's terrible counterattack.

In contrast to Cheng Feng, when he was thrown out by the Emperor Tianqi, his sharp nails cut wildly on his neck.

On the armor of the warlord, two clearly visible grooves were left.

At the same time, two venomous forces penetrated the armor of War God and poured into Cheng Feng's neck frantically.

Two bloodmarks appeared on Cheng Feng's neck, and severe pain came, making breathing difficult!

However, this did not scare Cheng Feng at all.

Instead, a **** blowout erupted, gnashing his teeth, and lifting his knife to the sky blast that was deep in the sky.

Bang ~~~

With Cheng Feng's slash in the sky, it was as if he had stolen a horse honeycomb.

The massive thunder and lightning bred in the depths of the sky seemed to have found a vent.

Towards Cheng Feng, a huge wave came.

However, Cheng Feng still thinks that the power of Tianjie is not enough.

Promote the dragon force, hit your own soul soul acupuncture point, Wu soul acupuncture point, blood vein acupuncture point severely!

Suddenly, the cloud of heaven in the sky changed dramatically.

The color was even darker, and the pressure of skyrocketing soared, and even a faint smell of annihilation appeared.

Immediately, wow ~~~

A gust of wind appeared, like a huge invisible knife, severely chopped in the direction of Cheng Feng.

At the same time, more poisonous fires were generated. The fire took advantage of the wind to welcome the storm.

In the blink of an eye, the poisonous fire spread along the blowing wind, and soon covered the entire sky.

Let the sky fire waves toss like a sea of ​​flames.

The most terrifying source of the fire waves was under the wind of the howling wind, and howling to Cheng Feng!

"Thunder, howling wind, poisonous fire ... is it triple calamity?"

Faced with the thunder of the thunderstorm, Cheng Feng remained unmoved, but the number of suspected abandoners was scarce: "Try the power first, if not enough, continue to lead!

During his speech, Cheng Feng's eyes stared at the evil Emperor Tianqi not far away.

The next moment, take a step forward and rush towards the direction of the Emperor Tianqi!

"Little beast, do you want to involve this emperor in the calamity?"

Seeing Cheng Feng rushing in, Emperor Tian Qi's face sank, and he said, "You are looking for death!"

"A triumphant disaster, not even the skin of the Emperor!"

The voice did not fall, the Emperor Tianqi raised his hands and stabbed it ~~~

With a fierce grasp of the sky, he rushed to his thunder, poisonous fire, and howling wind, and he was crushed into pieces.

Then he pressed down with his hands, like two giant devil's claws, and grabbed his head towards Cheng Feng!

At the same time, Napu Yuan monk, sword emperor, and four peerless powerhouses also shot.

Want to take advantage of the power of Tianjie before reaching its peak, solve Cheng Feng!

"The triple hegemony, really enough power!"

Seeing Tian Qi Xie Emperor raising his hand, he caught a large thunderous poisonous fire and Cheng Feng sighed.

Immediately said, "Since that is the case, then I will take all the **** out of the world!"

In a word, Cheng Feng casts a shadowy method to make a hundred miles.

Huh! Bypassing the attacks of the Emperor Tian Qi and others, he came directly to the sky below the rolling robbery clouds.

Without saying a word, he threw the Devil Sword fiercely.

Stabbing ~~~

Furiously cut into the depths of Jieyun.

He will roar into the clouds, and instantly cut a 10,000-meter-long mouth.

Bang ~~~

Suddenly, Tianjie was enraged by Cheng Feng.

I saw that Jieyun in the sky quickly contracted, even if there was a **** river, rushing out from the big opening split by Jieyun.

It was the fourth kind of robberies among the nine deadly robberies on board the heaven.

Rumors say that the robbery was very heavy, and every drop weighed thousands of pounds.

At this moment, the robbery from the sky is a river of robbery.

The void was squashed on the spot, and many places collapsed directly, and the void barriers burst, revealing a vast void.

Then, toward the direction where Cheng Feng was, he rushed away.

And it's not just robbery.

An invisible thunder sounded suddenly after the robbery flooded out.

The thunder sound was not so loud and huge, but it fell in the ears of people like Hong Zhong Daluo, shocking people like a chicken.

Cheng Feng originally planned to escape from a distance after cutting away the clouds in one fell swoop.

But with the emergence of thunder, the whole person suddenly became dumb, and his eyes stood confused.

Boom boom boom ~~~

Let him be drowned by massive thunder, lightning, howling wind, and poisonous fire.

Fortunately, he was wearing the armor of God of War, while also running the Dragon's golden body and the magic sword.

Otherwise, it will definitely be blasted into fly ash!

"Look at it, Cheng Feng should be standing in the sky stupidly, and let the sky roar bombard."

"Take the scourge like a hot spring as if bathing!"

"Isn't that kid really afraid of the bombardment of Tianjie, and he will build his true body with Tianjie, and set foot on the road of invincibility?"

Seeing the picture of Cheng Feng bathing in the sky, the monk Pu Yuan and others were shocked.

Even the Emperor Apocalypse and the Emperor Sword were jumping wildly.

They waited for the incomparable existence of nature, and they did not dare to be so crazy when they hit the heavens.

Cheng Feng's amazing move caused them a lot of impact.

However, the Emperor Tianqi suddenly spoke.

"No, Cheng Feng didn't stand still in the sky because he didn't want to bathe in the sky."

"Instead, he was bombarded by the Fifth Heavenly Robbery, 'Heart Robbery!'"

"Fifth Heavenly Tribulation?"

The sword emperor nodded suddenly: "Well, it's very possible."

"The fifth robbery is a horrible catastrophe that strikes people's hearts. It is terrifying and treacherous."

"Many people who cross the robbery are very cautious, and they usually cross the quadruple sky robbery first."

"I won't go to the Fifth Heavenly Calamity until I've been up to a certain level."

"Otherwise, the mortality rate is surprisingly high."

"Almost 90% of the warriors who have ascended the heavens have died under the heart."

At this point, the sword emperor's voice was cold: "Although Cheng Feng is a Wizard of Heaven, but he was invisible to the heart, he must also be shocked and lost his soul!"

"At this time, it is difficult to attack and kill him!"

Speaking, the Emperor Jian has categorically shot.

A two-meter sword rushed out of nowhere and stormed towards Cheng Feng in the sky.

At the same time, the Emperor Tianqi also shot, and the whole person suddenly turned into a black lightning, hitting Cheng Feng's back heart.

In addition, the monk Pu Yuan and the four peerless powerhouses are not far behind.

Follow the two emperors and prepare to kill Cheng Feng on the spot!

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