Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1833: Cut off the strong

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Chapter 183: Cut Off the Worldly Powerful

After bearing the first wave of heaven disasters, the five peerless powerhouses changed their faces.

They have never experienced such a powerful scourge, and it is not like the scourge of the Broken Realm to advance to the scourge.

It is even better than the calamity they experienced when they climbed from the sixth to the seventh.

Fearing nothing to neglect, the five quickly reached a consensus and wanted to kill Cheng Feng.

Because once the calamity begins, it cannot stop halfway.

The only way to stop Tianjie is to kill the robbers.

"Wan Yin Poison Claw!"

Knowing that they were in danger, the five peerless powerhouses did not reserve anything and fired at Cheng Feng.

The first was the old man in black from the Apocalypse. Both hands suddenly became as dark as ink, and his nails soared to four or five inches.

It is covered with purple-black gloss, which obviously contains highly toxic substances.

Once the skin is pierced, the seventh-best peerless powerhouse in the sky will be poisoned alive and turned into a pool of poisonous water!

Secondly, the swordsman from the sword dynasty also used the box trick.

I saw that the big sword in his hand was thrown up, and actually evolved nearly a hundred sword images.

The attack power of each sword shadow is comparable to the full blow of a peerless powerhouse.

One hundred sword shadows added together, that is, nearly a hundred peerless strong men attacked together, the power reached a scary level!

There are also three peerless powerhouses, who also do not hide.

He used his strongest attack method and launched a fatal attack on Cheng Feng.

However, in the face of this heavy attack and the violent bombardment from heaven and earth, Cheng Feng looked pale and light.

Even without wearing the armor of war, they must use their own strength to resist all the hegemons and the enemy's attacks.

Become the strongest ascension warrior ever!

"Di Cang sword, kill me!"

Bathed in heavy robberies, Cheng Feng held up the demon sword in his hands, and the dark clouds turned 280 stars into the depths of the sky.

The power of the big star in the sky blends into Cheng Feng's own demigod power and sinks into the sword.

Stabbing ~~~

A knife beam that was nearly twice as powerful burst out.

When he hit the Wan Yin Poison Claw caught by the old man in black, it was almost dead and rotten, and the wicked black claw was cut off on the spot.


"My hands are broken, **** little beast!"

The old man in black burst out with his right hand in his arms, with a hysterical misery in his mouth.

Obviously, Cheng Feng was severely wounded and cut off half of his palm.

He practiced decades of poisonous evil, and ruined it!

Regarding the misery of the old man in black, Cheng Feng ignored the situation, and the slashing magic knife in his hand slashed.

Huh! Fight with the sword stabbed by the sword dynasty.

At that moment, a hundred sword images on the big sword in the hands of the swordsman erupted.

A near-horror power was generated, and Cheng Feng combined the two hundred and eighty star power with all the power of the demigod, and destroyed everything.

After that, a small part of the power remained, and along the cutting sword, rushed to Cheng Feng's body violently.

Want to smash Cheng Feng's body and kill him on the spot!

But at this moment, Cheng Feng's body suddenly oozed a powerful force.

This divine power has not been completely transformed. It can only be regarded as a demigod, but the power is enough to crush many divine powers.

When it confronted the surviving sword strength, it was like a raging wave, and waves went up and down.

It was not until all the sword strength was resolved that the power of the demigod was retracted into Cheng Feng's body.

It is the power of demigods formed by Cheng Feng's twenty-four dragon powers.

As the number of pounds reached a level of horror, the ten air seas in Cheng Feng's body were penetrated together with Longli acupoints.

A huge ocean of divine power was dug out before it was accommodated.

At this moment, the power is beginning to appear, and Cheng Feng is quite satisfied!

Moreover, this is only the power of demigods.

With the continuous deepening of Cheng Fengdu calamity, let all the divine power transform into one star, two stars, three stars ... even six stars!

In one hit, it is estimated that a peerless powerhouse can be directly detonated!

"It's time to give these guys a little look."

After solving the attack between the old man in black and the swordsman, Cheng Feng's eyes flashed.

Immediately lifted the devil knife in his hand, and poured into the power of a large amount of demigods, hum ~~~

Let the Devil Sword shine as the sun, emitting a terrifying edge.

Later, it attracted more than two hundred stars to merge into the sword.

Makes the Devil Sword like a magic dragon, completely alive.

"Cut the devil, cut it for me!"

Sensing the restless energy in the Devil Sword, Cheng Feng threw the Devil Sword and let it strike from the bottom up.

Huh! The sledgehammer that blasted the iconostasis towards the peerless powerhouse flew out with a stab.

Afterwards, the Devil Sword continued to attack, and the two other peerless strongmen killed were also repelled.

At this time, Tiandao also felt the siege of Cheng Feng by five peerless powerhouses, and the dark clouds immediately turned.

The fifth and sixth thunders came down from the sky one by one, taking the five peerless powerhouses as the focus and launching a bombardment.

At the same time, howling wind, poisonous fire, and robbery came together, making the faces of the five peerless powerhouses dignified.

I dare not besiege Cheng Feng any more, but while blocking the attack of Tianjie, waiting for opportunity to attack Cheng Feng, the threat is greatly reduced!

With Cheng Feng's strength, the quartet of four-day disaster is nothing at all.

It is unscathed to let Tianjie add.

So he simply lifted his sword to attack the sky, and let the heavens descend to a stronger sky.

Even the accidental prevention of heartbreak came, and Cheng Feng's head sank, as if a sap was hit!

With no lessons learned from the previous bombardment, Buchenfeng took precautions earlier.

Let the half-dead soul slump into a big seal, lingering in his mind.

The center **** was bombarded by the heart, but it was just a moment of stunned, and then he was completely awake.

However, the five peerless powerhouses were not as lucky as Cheng Feng.

Although they are all transformed into souls and promoted to the Seven Star Gods, their defense against heart robbery may not be stronger than Cheng Feng.

And they were unprepared, and were suddenly bombarded by heart robbery.

He was bombarded by a tumultuous calamity, and was immediately blasted with flesh and blood.

"good chance!"

Cheng Feng was awake when the five peerless powerhouses stayed awake.

After seeing this scene, his eyes were bright.

Stare at a peerless powerhouse closest to him, hum ~~~

The demon sword stabbed in his hand and slashed away at the opponent's head.

Cheng Feng's sword did not perform the Emperor's Cangshu, so its power was relatively weak.

But this sword cut off, but cut that peerless powerhouse into two pieces on the spot.

Because when the sword light fell, the peerless powerhouse was still in a blinded state, and death was already doomed!

Not only that, Cheng Feng killed the peerless powerhouse in one fell swoop.

Stabbing ~~~

The Devil Sword strikes again, killing the next peerless powerhouse.

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