Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1837: Heaven's Power

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Chapter 1837 The Prestige of Heaven

Rumbling ~~~

Tian Qi Xie Emperor's confrontation with Cheng Feng was short, but was still sensed by Tiandao.

I saw that the Sixth Heavenly Tribulation that fell from the sky actually separated about one-third of Mo and blasted him down.

As for the other two-thirds, it was towards Feng Cheng.

"Abominable little beast!"

Tianqiang blasted at himself, and the face of the Emperor Qiqi changed greatly.

Furious, his lungs almost exploded.

Because he repeatedly endured Cheng Feng's provocation, he was even chased away like a bereavement dog.

In order to avoid the fight with Cheng Feng, he was locked down by heaven and sent down.

However, after enduring numerous angers, he still failed to escape the doom locked by heaven.

He hated Cheng Feng to the extreme and wanted to swallow him alive.

However, with hatred lingering in his heart, the Emperor Apocalypse could not immediately vent.

Because the Sixth Heavenly Tribulation came, although it was only one-third of the power of the original Heavenly Tribulation, it was very terrifying.

If you don't take it seriously, you may get hurt.

So Tian Qi evil emperor stared at Cheng Feng with a hateful glance, and finally gritted his teeth and looked at the heavy robbers that fell from the sky.

The half-day martial arts Wanyin Poison Claw was exhibited at the exhibition, and it was greeted arrogantly.

As for Cheng Feng, after pulling the Apocalypse into the water, he pulled back hundreds of miles.

Hold up the devil sword in your hand, 唰 ~~~

The billowing robbery towards the head was chopped off.

Cheng Feng's sword is very powerful.

After being slashed out, he actually chopped down the first three of the six scourges, thunder, fire, and wind ...

Only Tao Tao weighed billions of pounds in robbing the water, and he simply carried Daoguang's slash.

However, as Cheng Feng made up for it, wow ~~~

The rushing river was chopped off by him on the spot.

Drops of robbery water fell on the ground and smashed a number of deep pits.

Let a large area of ​​the outer area of ​​Million Dashan, a lot of potholes appear.

Immediately afterwards, it was the fifth "Heaven Robbery".

Heart robbery is a spirit attack that strikes directly at the soul of a person.

A person with a poor state of mind or a weak soul may be directly distracted and become a vegetative.

Cheng Feng's spirit is very powerful, and his mood is not weak.

At this moment, a big seal of reconciliation was formed, and Heng Chen was in his mind.

So the heart robbery came, Cheng Feng just felt his head sink slightly, and then there was no response.

In contrast, Qixie Emperor that day, although he was an emperor with his body attached, he had two divine thoughts in his body, and when he was bombarded by heart robbery, the two divine thoughts produced different coping strategies.

Suddenly, the action of the Emperor Tianqi's body was stiff, and the dodge speed was slowed down by one beat.

He was bombarded on the ground by various calamities, and was blasted on the spot, his hair was erected, and the wolf was trembling to the extreme.

With the dignified emperor's style, there is a gap of ten thousand miles!

"Wow, that Cheng Feng is really fierce."

"Simply dragged the Emperor Tianqi to the water and shared the bombardment of Tianjie for him."

"And depending on the situation, the ability of the Emperor Tianqi to resist the calamity is actually worse than Cheng Feng."

"Having been bombarded by the Fifth Heavenly Robbery, the Apocalypse Evil Emperor acted stiffly."

"If at this moment encounters the sixth severe sky robbery, the sword kills the domain bombardment, then shouldn't it fall to the spot?"

Seeing the wolf howl of the Emperor Tianqi, all the peerless powers were frightened.

I deeply understand how abnormal the power of Cheng Feng at the moment is.

Even the emperor's possessor may be killed!

Almost invariably, they set their sights on the scene of Tianjie.

In particular, the peerless powerhouse of the Apocalypse God, clasped his hands tightly, his expression was extremely tense.

"Abominable, abominable!"

Emperor Tianqi ’s body-building practice was there after all, and soon woke up from the bombardment of heart robbery.

When he discovered that he was being bombarded by heavy robberies, he looked extremely embarrassed.

Suddenly in a rage, he yelled, "Cheng Feng, this emperor must kill you with all kinds of swords and Ling Chi will be executed!"

At this moment, the anger that the Emperor Tianqi had accumulated in his heart was completely vented.

During the scolding, one hand suddenly changed.

Swelling and thickening at a scary rate, turning into a demon-like dark claw.

There are dense scales on it, nails and sharp knives generally extend out, exuding a force of annihilation.

Annihilation, that is a very terrible power.

Can make all things lonely and life lonely!

For example, the Devil Sword has an annihilation force, and the part cut by the Devil Sword is difficult to heal.

There is always an invisible force, preventing the flesh and blood from deriving, and the injury recovers.

At this moment, the power of annihilation on the nails of Apocalypse Evil Emperor is actually much stronger than the power of annihilation that comes with the sword.

Stabbing ~~~

One claw grabbed, and the dark waves of the world turned.

The blockbuster Thunder, which was slamming in the jaws, was imprisoned in the void.

The violent Lei Jin quickly withered, and finally became calm like water, and then was caught and exploded on the spot.

The first wave of thunderstorms was easily resolved by the Apocalypse.

Not only that, after the evil Emperor Tianqi had one claw, the second claw, the third claw, the fourth claw ...

The five kinds of disasters have been caught on the spot.

Even the invisible heart robbery is no exception.

Shows the Emperor Apocalypse and his profound cultivation.

However, after the Qixie Emperor defeated the Sixth Heaven to slay the sword on the same day, it was not as easy as before.

The sword kills the field, but a killing field formed by the sword and the sword.

Thousands of swords are hovering inside, thousands of knives are inserted on the ground, and the pieces are exquisite, exuding the unique edge of the sword.

Although those swords are not physical, when they are brought down, they also make the Emperor Tianqi feel discolored.

The black claw was urged to the extreme, and I tried my best to resolve it!

Compared with the Emperor of the Apocalypse, Cheng Feng had a much harder time dealing with the sword killing the domain.

Because the blast to Cheng Feng's sword to kill the domain was two-thirds of the first wave of Tianjie, which was twice as strong as the Tianjie that attacked the evil Emperor Tianqi.

Therefore, Cheng Feng even opened fire.

Waiting to block the Sixth Heaven ’s Slayer from Killing the Sword, but also opened several openings on his body.

One of the sword marks on the chest was stabbed from the right chest to the left heart.

Almost dug out Cheng Feng's heart.

"My God, that sword is so powerful."

"Cheng Feng did not get hurt in the first fight with the war monk. Instead, under the bombardment of the sword killing field, his chest was almost pierced!"

"Yeah, the Apocalypse Emperor only competed with one-third of the mighty sword to kill the domain, and all used his martial arts magic claws."

"If this is on us, it will definitely die!"

Everyone present was shocked to see the scene of Cheng Feng's defense against Tianjie.

They all secretly rejoiced that they ran fast just now and were not dragged into the water by Cheng Feng.

Otherwise, I am afraid that at this moment will fall under the terrible scourge!

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