Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1847: War Sword Emperor

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Chapter 1847 The Battle Sword Emperor

"Oh, is it?"

After listening to the sword emperor, Cheng Feng sneered: "I don't believe it!"

"I was going to temporarily close my hands and cross the sky."

"But to verify your words, I decided to kill another one!"

Cheng Feng's remarks were somewhat picky.

The peerless powerhouses present were all human spirits, all of whom could hear.

But I still couldn't help it, and had a resentment against the sword emperor.

"Miscellaneous things, so sober!"

Feeling the strange eyes of everyone around him, Jiandi's cheeks twitched, and he hated Cheng Feng even more.

He scolded: "The emperor's avatar is already on his way. After you arrive, see how arrogant you are!"

"Your avatar?"

Upon hearing this, Cheng Feng raised a brow and said, "I have never slashed a powerful avatar yet. The arrival of your avatar is just a blood sacrifice to my slayer!"

Strong, Cheng Feng is extremely strong today.

Actually, the sword Emperor's clone was to be slaughtered with a demon sword.

This made the people scared and even made the sword emperor angry.

"Arrogant little beast."

The sword emperor yelled, "This emperor will let you taste, how painful it will be to pay rudeness to this emperor!"

"Oh, stop talking."

Cheng Feng waved his hand and said coldly, "I will let you feel it now, what will it cost me to incur Cheng Feng!"

The words fell away, stabbing ~~~

The cutting magic knife in Cheng Feng's hand suddenly cut out.

A bladeless sword light detached from the Devil Sword, broke through the clouds, and went straight to one of the sixteen peerless powerhouses, leaving a rampant middle-aged swordsman.

The swordsman who Cheng Feng attacked at this time was an old acquaintance.

When Cheng Feng first began to cross the robbery, several peerless strong men came to destroy and were all killed by Cheng Feng.

Only this swordsman from the sword dynasty, by virtue of Xiu Wei and a bit of luck, escaped Cheng Feng's killing.

Unfortunately, he escaped the first day and couldn't escape the fifteen.

Due to the stinky mouth of the sword emperor, Cheng Feng directly shot at him.

Ready to kill him, hit the sword emperor's face fiercely.

"Cheng Feng, you are looking for death!"

He was threatening Cheng Feng the other day.

The next moment, Cheng Feng hit his face with actual action.

This made the sword emperor's face ugly, and he screamed angrily, and a two-meter sword in his hand rose into the sky.

laugh! Shoot a swordless light, blast the heavens and heavens, and kill Cheng Feng a hundred miles away.

Want to stop Cheng Feng, start with that swordsman.

At the same time, other peerless powerhouses also shot and attacked Cheng Feng together.

Intent to drive Cheng Feng back, to keep the swordsman.

In addition, the Swordsman was not a weak man, and Xiuwei reached the seventh intermediate level of ascending the sky.

When Cheng Feng raised the knife to kill, he quickly grabbed a wide sword on his back, struck Huashan with his strength, and chopped off Cheng Feng.

But at this moment.

Cheng Feng's sword light that struck the Swordsman suddenly changed direction, beheading a peerless strongman beside the Swordsman.

At the same time, Cheng Feng's movement towards the swordsman also changed.

It gives people a voice that strikes the west. The real goal is the taste of the people beside the swordsman!

"Not good, Cheng Feng wants to use the trick again."

"It is false that he attacked the angry sword Baxiong. It is true that he attacked Yang Chongtian."

"Everyone changes quickly, don't be fooled by Cheng Feng, let the previous tragedy happen again!"

Seeing this, the sword emperor shouted.

And take the lead in changing tactics to stop Cheng Feng from killing the peerless powerhouse Yang Chongtian!

Other peerless powerhouses followed suit and followed suit.

The primary goal of defense was changed from Angry Sword Baxiong to Yang Chongtian.

However, at the moment when everyone changed their moves, Cheng Feng, who rushed towards Yang Chongtian, suddenly changed his attack direction.

Directed by the sword, hit the swordsman!

"What? Cheng Feng has changed again?"

"No, we were all fooled by Cheng Feng. His target has always been the angry sword Baxiong."

"The reason for the temporary change just now is to divert our defense focus."

"Therefore, give him the opportunity to attack and kill the angry sword Baxiong!"

Cheng Feng's sudden change of direction unexpectedly exceeded everyone's expectations.

By the time everyone responded, it was too late, and it was too late to change their tactics to help the angry sword Baxiong.

I can only watch Cheng Feng carry the magic sword with his hand to cut the sky and cut it off to the angry sword Baxiong.

"Cheng Feng, you don't want to kill me!"

In the face of Cheng Feng's attack, the angry sword Ba Xiong's war will rise.

I saw him stepping forward violently and holding up the broad sword in his hand.

Buzzing ~~~

In the fierce Jianguang shot, it was Xiang Feng towards the past.

Ready to use the angry sword in his hand, hard and powerful Cheng Feng's demon sword.

Swordsman Ba ​​Xiong's courage is commendable, but unfortunately, the strength is far worse than Cheng Feng.

When the big sword in his hand collided with the cutting sword that Cheng Feng cut off.

The sparks were splashing, 铿 ~~~

The semi-sacred sword was halved from the collision site.

Afterwards, the Devil Sword rushed forward, before Ba Xiong failed to respond.

Wow ~~~

The blade rubbed across Ba Xiong's neck.

Immediately, a large head flew in the air, and his face was full of incredible color.

Obviously I did not expect that he could not catch even Cheng Feng's knife.

His face was full of regrets and anger, and some were stunned!


Dozens of miles away, the sword emperor was furious when he saw the head flying from the sky.

No one has ever been able to kill under his nose.

And the person killed was the most talented swordsman in his sword dynasty.

This made him angry, and an unprecedented sense of shame rose from his heart.

The hands clucked and glared at Cheng Feng: "Damn little beast, this emperor must have no place to die for you!"

In the sound of anger, the sword emperor swords together, stabbing ~~~

Stormed towards Cheng Feng.

At the same time, the other fifteen peerless powerhouses also responded.

One by one, all firepower was opened and Cheng Feng was encircled.

However, Cheng Feng cut off the swordsman's head.

Shi Zhan's soul imprinted on the opponent's body, and after shattering his divine thoughts, he performed his walking.

call out! Quickly backed away.

In an instant, withdraw for hundreds of miles and dodge most of the peerless attacks.

Only the sword emperor and the sword are united, and the speed is as fast as lightning, Cheng Feng cannot escape.

So he simply stopped hiding and raised the Devil Sword to fight directly with the sword emperor.

In the rolling disaster, Cheng Feng and sword Emperor quickly engaged in a hundred moves.

Stabbing ~~~

Immediately, under the push of a mighty figure, a figure shot backwards from the tumbling calamity.

The tumbling robbery clouds have torn a long slit, making people hair.

"Who? Who is that figure?"

"I guess it must be Cheng Feng. With the sword emperor of the sword emperor everywhere, he will definitely not be defeated by Cheng Feng!"

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