Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 1862: Emperor butterfly

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Chapter 186th Emperor Butterfly

"Nianlong Aoqing, wanton!"

Facing the fierce attacks of the dragon, the Lord Buddha of the West Desert looked up and scolded: "You committed a lot of crimes and were imprisoned here by the Supreme Being of Dragons. You want to change the former.

"You're good, not only do you not regret it, but you also try to save Cheng Feng and touch the fruits of heaven and earth?"

"Bendi only needs to send a message to Dragon Realm, and it will keep you from turning over forever!"

"Xi Mo Lord Buddha, you are so out of breath!"

However, Nianlong Aoqing didn't care, and buzzed, "My dragon world is in the heavens and worlds, and it is a top-notch existence. Can you be a small bald donkey like this half-step Buddha?

"If it weren't for the old dragon, I would be imprisoned by the Lord of the Dragon, even if I face your true body, I can tear it into pieces!"

Ni Long Aoqing's words were not exaggerated.

Before he was imprisoned, he was a half-day dragon saint.

It is equivalent to a half-step saint, and the Ximo Buddha Lord who casts a half-step Buddha body, which is equivalent to the fanfare, is not afraid of the other party at all.

Fighting with him at this moment, it was the Vietnam War, the bravery that made the whole sky dim, and the scene was very scary.

Just when the three iconic emperors were intercepted by the three Ao Qings.

The apocalyptic evil emperor who was severely beaten by Cheng Feng finally responded.

The flames of indignation burst out in his chest, raised the holy sacred ninth whip, and killed Cheng Feng, who was about to kill Cheng Feng.

"Cheng Feng, give this Dina !!!!"

The apocalyptic evil emperor was so mad that he screamed hysterically.

However, when he was about to rush to Cheng Feng.

In the depths of a million mountains, respect the direction of Mount Wang.

A colorful butterfly soared.

The butterfly is huge, but its wings are broken from the roots, and it is lying on the spine.

When taking off, it is supported by wings transformed into monster power.

However, among the millions of mountains, countless monsters saw the butterfly in a severely wounded state, but lowered their heads and worshiped them.

Because this butterfly is the rumored emperor butterfly, who is born emperor.

Although seriously injured at the moment, it is not trivial.

It can be said to be the strongest in the whole million mountains.

Even the inverse dragon aoqing was quite frightened of it, and the two demon were the king of millions of mountains.

"Fuck, what day is it today, so many Supreme Beings appear in a row?"

"Even the natural emperor 'Emperor Butterfly' in a million mountains shows its true shape!"

"The purpose is not to help Cheng Feng?"

The speculation was not bad.

I saw a very far horizon, after the emperor butterfly rose to the sky that day.

Wow ~~~

The two wings that were condensed with demon power were instigated by it.

Immediately, in front of the evil Emperor Apocalypse, a super hurricane was created out of thin air.

This hurricane is no small feat, and the wind has reached a scary level.

When the hurricane engulfed the Emperor Qiqi, he actually rolled the Emperor Qiqi into the sky and dragged it to the depths of a million mountains.

Even if the Emperor Tianqi was full of anger and bombarded with holy artifacts, he could not break them.

At the end, when the Emperor Apocalypse struck with a full blow, the hurricane was completely crushed.

He has been at least 100,000 miles away from the battlefield, and has long lost his trace of Cheng Feng.

The Tianqi evil emperor was so angry that his lungs almost exploded!

At the same time, the outskirts of Mt. Dashan.

After the Emperor Tianqi was swept away by the hurricane, Cheng Feng's path became unimpeded.

"Predecessors Wanmo, Ethereal, Aoqing, and Emperor Butterfly, thank you for your help."

Cheng Feng's eyes glanced at the Emperor Demon Emperor and others, holding his fist in a polite manner: "If there is a need in the future, it must be paid back ten times!"

After the words came to an end, Cheng Feng retracted his gaze and rushed out of the millions of mountains.

Seeing this, the iconic Emperor looked unwilling.

The fifteen peerless monks such as Puyuan Monk were shocked.

Have the heart to stop, but know that his strength is limited.

Before Cheng Feng did not cross the robbery, he was not an opponent, and now he can't beat it.

If you go up to block it, it's simply a sheep's entry.

Only the Emperor Huangtian looked immobile and stood in the sky for a moment.

Finally step forward, 唰 ~~~

Blocked in front of Cheng Feng.

"Heavenly Emperor, you still have to stop me!"

Seeing Emperor Huangtian's appearance, Cheng Feng's face was dignified for the first time.

Because Emperor Huangtian is really strong, giving him an unfathomable feeling.

Although the opponent ’s cultivation is only the seventh limit of ascending to the sky, it is much stronger than the first war monk of ascending the sky.

It can be said that Cheng Feng has encountered the strongest warrior ever!

"Cheng Feng, you are a martial art genius who has never met forever. I don't want to shoot at you."

Huang Tiandi didn't have much intention in his eyes. He looked at Cheng Feng and said, "But in order to save a close friend, I had to take a shot."

"But don't worry, Bendi will not kill you."

"This time just traps you until the end of the heaven and earth fruit picking, and then releases you."

"Immortal Emperor, are you going to imprison me?"

Cheng Feng's face sank.

"Not imprisoned, just temporarily trapped."

Emperor Huangtian said: "If you want, you can choose any place you want."

"This time, it will never exceed two months!"

"Hehe ~~~"

Cheng Feng laughed and said stiffly, "You are so thoughtful."

"Unfortunately, I don't like to be bound and restrained by Cheng Feng."

"So, your kind gratitude is insensitive!"

"Cheng Feng, don't be stubborn."

Emperor Huangtian resolutely said: "This is the case, Bendi will take you down first, and then take you to choose a place."

When the words came to an end, Emperor Huangtian shot directly, and a powerful force burst out from his body.

The pressure squeaked in the void, which also made Cheng Feng a negative Dayue.

However, not only was Cheng Feng not afraid, but a war of anger was raised in his heart.

"Divine Emperor, you are just a clone now."

Cheng Feng responded strongly: "I want to win over me, I'm afraid I'm thinking too much!"

"Hehe ~~~"

Emperor Huangtian did not argue, and said lightly, "Can the emperor win you? We will see soon."

As the words fell, Emperor Huang raised his hand and punched Cheng Feng.

This punch was bland and ordinary, but it made a big hole appear in the sky.

The other side of the hole is the heart of Cheng Feng!

"Good job!"

In the face of this punch, Cheng Feng's legs were slightly bent, evoking all the divine power in the body.

Rotating the waist and swinging between the cymbals is also a punch.

Bang ~~~

Between the breath, the two punches collided.

The mighty force exploded, letting the void collapse, shatter, and annihilate.

Rolling out of the void, drowning Cheng Feng instantly.

call out! But as soon as the nothingness swallowed Cheng Feng, he flew out of the nothingness at a faster speed.

Flying hundreds of miles in the air, the sole of the foot stepped out of the void into two narrow trenches.

On the other hand, Emperor Huangtian is physically stable like Mount Tai.

Standing in the air, staying still!

Shows inscrutable practice!

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